Affordable Course Content and Open Educational Resources SPEC Survey Webcast Series August 17, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Affordable Course Content and Open Educational Resources SPEC Survey Webcast Series August 17, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Affordable Course Content and Open Educational Resources SPEC Survey Webcast Series August 17, 2016

2 Introductions 2 #ARLSPECKit35 1 Association of Research Libraries Kristi Jensen Joseph A. Salem, Jr. Anita Walz

3 3 Association of Research Libraries #ARLSPECKit35 1 Roadmap and Definitions Affordable course content (ACC): low cost, no cost (includes library- subscribed content or low direct cost to students) Open educational resources (OER): freely available AND either in the public domain or licensed to allow modification and redistribution (Hewlett Foundation definition:

4 4 Association of Research Libraries #ARLSPECKit35 1 Why This Topic and Approach? What Libraries are doing OER, Library licensed, and more Collaboration on initiative development Provide useful data for planning these initiatives

5 5 Association of Research Libraries #ARLSPECKit35 1 Survey Distribution and Responses Sent to 124 ARL member libraries March 2016 65 responses 46 have or are planning an ACC/OER initiative 12 more plan to investigate an ACC/OER initiative in the near future

6 6 Association of Research Libraries #ARLSPECKit35 1 Focus on Affordable Course Content and/or OER 32 institutions include ACC and OER in their efforts 12 institutions are focused on only OER

7 7 Association of Research Libraries #ARLSPECKit35 1 Leadership and Governance of ACC/OER Initiatives: Library Involvement Libraries most often took the lead in originating ACC/OER efforts (64%) Libraries were heavily involved in implementing (73%) Fewer than 40% indicate having a standing committee—but of those that do—89% include libraries representation

8 8 Association of Research Libraries #ARLSPECKit35 1 Funding Sources for ACC/OER Initiatives Library general operating budgets (51%) External grants (28%) Library special project funds (23%) 3/4 have funding continuation plans Funds predominantly cover faculty incentives or grants (74%)

9 9 Association of Research Libraries #ARLSPECKit35 1 Faculty Incentive Grants 25 institutions offer financial incentives (grants/stipends) Amount and number vary widely 12 reported average grants of $1250 or less (~288 grants) Five others report grants ranging from $3000 to $15000 55% offer instructional design support

10 10 Association of Research Libraries #ARLSPECKit35 1 Faculty Incentive Grants – Requirements Provide course size and textbook cost data – 61% Submit project updates – 50% ~1/3 require: application of an open license to new content, assessment of student learning, sharing content within their institution, use of only openly licensed content, and reporting usage of ACC/OER for a specified number of years

11 11 Association of Research Libraries #ARLSPECKit35 1 Institutional Policies and Practices – An Area Ripe for Change Tenure and Promotion policies do not encourage faculty adoption, adaption or creation of ACC/OER 32 (of 33) indicate they have an IP policy specifying rights to original works 21 of 33 indicate authors retain rights to curriculum resources

12 12 Association of Research Libraries #ARLSPECKit35 1 Current Faculty ACC/OER Practices Thirty institutions reported on the types of resources faculty have adopted, adapted, or created as part of the ACC/OER initiative: 80% textbooks 70% readings or articles 67% library licensed content and 63% each videos and websites At the majority of responding institutions (77%) faculty have created open educational resources.

13 13 Association of Research Libraries #ARLSPECKit35 1 Assessment Practices Seventeen institutions have implemented an assessment measure to track impact: Student savings (9) # of students using OER (8) # of students using ACC (6) Nineteen institutions plan to assess the impact of ACC/OER.

14 14 Association of Research Libraries #ARLSPECKit35 1 Library Support Services for ACC/OER 42 institutions provide ACC/OER services: Copyright/open licensing consultation (>90%) Searching and finding affordable content (83%) Local repository hosting OER (81%) Educating about ACC/OER (70%) Working with student advocacy groups (70%) Purchasing add’l materials (60%) Implement software for OER publishing (43%) Staff support for publishing OER (36%)

15 15 Association of Research Libraries #ARLSPECKit35 1 Library Staff Who Support ACC/OER Home department for ACC/OER staff varies: Scholarly Communications (83%) Library Liaisons (73%) Public Services/Reference (54%) Teaching and Learning (49%) # of staff contributing ranged from 1 to 25 with a median of 6

16 16 Association of Research Libraries #ARLSPECKit35 1 Future Library Roles with ACC/OER Leadership to support ACC/OER Build on partnerships/existing relationships Advocacy, promotion, awareness raising efforts to change culture and practice Discovery and easy access to ACC/OER Discussions about teaching and learning, tenure/promotion criteria Publishing/hosting newly created ACC/OER

17 17 Association of Research Libraries #ARLSPECKit35 1 Future Library Roles with ACC/OER, continued Collaborative OER textbook publishing Sustainable Models for funding ACC/OER efforts Create robust/standard assessment methods/models

18 Questions & Discussion Join the conversation by typing questions in the chat box in the lower left corner of your screen

19 Thank you!

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