Towards a European Innovation Partnership on „Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability Martin Scheele Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural.

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Presentation on theme: "Towards a European Innovation Partnership on „Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability Martin Scheele Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural."— Presentation transcript:

1 Towards a European Innovation Partnership on „Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability Martin Scheele Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development

2 Food Biodiversity Habitats Economic Viability Climate Change Resource- management Rural Economy Bioeenergy Biomass Supply Chain Integration Challenges and Opportunities

3 3 Closing The Innovation GAP Research Farming Practice Innovation Feedback

4 Katalyst Function of the EIP Network Ensuring an effective flow of information and providing advice to partners about the opportunities provided by EU policies Exchange on best practice and research Systematic feedback about practice needs to the scientific community Exchange with European Technology Platforms (ETPs), European Research Area Networks (ERA-NETs), Joint Programming Initiatives, and other relevant fora Interface function of the Standing Committee for Agricultural Research SCAR

5 Means Rural Development Programmes: Cooperation, including pilot and demonstration projects Business development Knowledge transfer and advisory services Quality schemes for agricultural products and foodstuffs Investment in physical assets European Union Research Policy (Horizon 2020) Applied research enhancing the knowledge base Clusters of applied innovation actions and multi-stakeholder projects Support innovation brokers and innovation centres

6 What is “Innovation”? Innovation means approaches that are new and successfully transformed into practical solutions (identifiable only ex-post) Innovation concerns products, processes, services, manage- ment, or organisational issues (supply or demand driven) The substance of innovation can differ by structure of a sector or the state of development (relative nature of innovation) Engaging in innovative approaches implies not knowing the outcome in advance (need for inbuilt failure tolerance)

7 Objectives Transferring innovative approaches and products faster from science to practice Ensuring systematic feedback on needs from practice to science Increasing productivity while ensuring sustainable resource management and environmental preservation Adapting to climate change and contributing to mitigation by reducing emissions of greenhouse gas Promoting a competitive agricultural sector, able to contribute to global food security “Achieving more from less”

8 Thank you for your attention! Further Information on:

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