Stages to Technology Integration Resistance is Futile.

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Presentation on theme: "Stages to Technology Integration Resistance is Futile."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stages to Technology Integration Resistance is Futile

2 Entry Level New tool with old teaching techniques New methods of cheating New technical problems Loss of focus  Can’t see the forest for all the trees

3 Adoption Level More comfortable Have learned from mistakes Class movement and activity increases Teaching Technology not Content  Fun and Flashy but Meaningless

4 Adaptation Level Begins to work smoothly  Instructionally  Administratively Not teaching technology, but content

5 Invention Level Breaking out of traditional classroom teaching techniques Collaborative work with other teachers Technology becomes medium for inquiry

6 Software Categories All software is not created equal! Instructional Strategies Online

7 Drill & Practice/Instructional Software Pros Usually a game Deals with facts Should utilize brief, effective feedback Cons Isolated skills Boring Does not instruct well

8 Integrated Learning Systems Pros Address core curriculum Creates student work Tracks student progress Students work independently and cooperatively Cons Packaged approach Does not instruct Expensive

9 Problem-Solving Software Pros Higher order thinking skills Interdisciplinary curriculum Learner in control Cons Real world context in question Limited options Hard to evaluate

10 Simulation Software Pros Presents experiences not available to student Life like experiences Learner in control Interdisciplinary curriculum Cons Limited to data in software Hard to evaluate Still not true life but getting closer

11 Tools Software Pros Helps manage text, numerical, and graphical info Not content specific Allows user creativity Can be used across grade levels Cons Learning curve for each tool Not always available Expensive (some)

12 Tutorial Software Pros Sets student level via pretest Allows work at own pace Cons Linear like book Limited in subject matter Is not a teacher

13 Web Based Software Pros Wide variety of resources Allows student to pursue different but related areas Cons Cost Allows too much student freedom on Internet Need Internet connection

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