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+ Personal Finance Day 2 Have out your budget worksheet. Add page 81 to your TOC. Add the term “Mortgage” to your WWK (up to 26 now). Follow directions.

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Presentation on theme: "+ Personal Finance Day 2 Have out your budget worksheet. Add page 81 to your TOC. Add the term “Mortgage” to your WWK (up to 26 now). Follow directions."— Presentation transcript:

1 + Personal Finance Day 2 Have out your budget worksheet. Add page 81 to your TOC. Add the term “Mortgage” to your WWK (up to 26 now). Follow directions ----------> Personal Finance: Home/Mortgage81 Define the term “Mortgage” using Home: (skip 8-9 lines) (Link on the HW site) Rent/Mortgage: (skip 8-9 lines) (Link on the HW site) YOU MAY CHOOSE ONE ROOMMATE FROM THIS CLASS IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO.

2 + Home Start by going to This is the site listed on the HW site pdf. You are going to be searching for a home within your budget and in New Jersey, Pennsylvania or New York. When you are viewing listings, the number on the side of each house shown titled “Est. Payment” will tell you what the mortgage/rent payment for that particular place is per month. Once you have decided on your home, record the following information onto page 81 under your “Home” section: Link to the webpage, Location, # bedrooms, # bathrooms, Total price, monthly payment and what you liked most about the home (why did you pick it?).

3 + Home Section (ISN page layout) Link to house on (or whichever site you used): Location: (Town/City and State) # of Bedrooms: # of Bathrooms: Total Price (not the rent/mortgage payment, but the actual listing price-the big number) Monthly Payment: What you like most about the home/why this was your final choice

4 + Rent/Mortgage Section (ISN layout) Monthly Rent/Mortgage Payment: Annual Rent/Mortgage Payment: % of my budget being spent on the Rent/Mortgage: Monthly rent payment / Monthly salary = x / 100 Solve for x. Money left over in the “Rent/Mortgage” category: (Do your 25% max in the budget column for rent MINUS what you are actually going to spend per month on rent) YOU CAN NOW FILL IN THE SECTION OF YOUR BUDGET TABLE UNDER “ACTUAL AMOUNT SPENT” WITH YOUR MONTHLY RENT/MORTGAGE PAYMENT. USE ONE OF THE SPACES ON THE BOTTOM TO KEEP TRACK OF MONEY YOU HAVE LEFT OVER.

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