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SI Summer 2016 Training #2 MAKEUP Remember: Completion of this MAKEUP is due by Monday, June 27 at 5 PM. Turn in MAKEUP forms stapled together to Marley.

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Presentation on theme: "SI Summer 2016 Training #2 MAKEUP Remember: Completion of this MAKEUP is due by Monday, June 27 at 5 PM. Turn in MAKEUP forms stapled together to Marley."— Presentation transcript:

1 SI Summer 2016 Training #2 MAKEUP Remember: Completion of this MAKEUP is due by Monday, June 27 at 5 PM. Turn in MAKEUP forms stapled together to Marley or Garrett at the front desk. On your Weekly Time Log and in Web Time Entry, put down 2 hours of working time. All materials connected with this MAKEUP are posted on our website:

2 Strategies to Increase your SI Attendance

3 Strategies to Increase SI Attendance  Put the times and locations of your sessions on the whiteboard before class. The students need to know when and where to go if they need help!!  Tell the class that you will cover important skills before big events. Writing strategies to be used for the next paper or study techniques before a test  Create possible exam questions and inform the class that you will go over them during your SI Sessions. Students will ALWAYS be interested in possible test answers

4  Personally invite the students to your sessions! This is a good way to hand out fliers or bookmarks advertising your sessions, additionally you can “break the ice” so the student won’t feel shy or intimidated  Sit in different seats in the classroom This way you’re more accessible to the students and can provide more information about your sessions and the SI program  Create posters and signs to hang in the classroom illustrating the advantages of study sessions Remind them WHY studying with a group is an effective strategy

5  Put a difficult question on the board and tell the class it will be covered during an SI session  Open or Close you sessions with a consistent exercise Quizzes or vocab reviews will entice students to return to more sessions for these helpful review activities  Remind students that SI sessions can be used as weekly study time It’s hard for a lot of us to create or commit to study time on our own, SI sessions are a great way to study outside of class!

6  Create a worksheet for your sessions Announce to the class that these worksheets will be filled out during the SI Session  Encourage students to build relationships amongst themselves If students have friends to come to the sessions with, the experience will be more rewarding  Create “Sample Tests” that could model the next exam Work with your professor to create a good sample test to show the students you are providing them with helpful information for exams  Use positive reinforcement Praise and compliment the students for providing answers; don’t make them feel bad for wrong answers!

7  Make the sessions worth the student’s time Be prepared. Don’t expect for the students to guide the session with questions, have activities prepared!  Make the sessions fun!! Play games, make jokes and provide treats! Everyone will want to go if you’re fun!  Remind attendees of your next session time and remind them of the benefits they have received by attending Finally… BE A MODEL STUDENT! If you are attentive and professional the students will be more willing to attend.

8 Now write your answers to Questions 1 and 2 on your Answer Sheet.

9 This slide is used for Questions 3-7 on your Answer Sheet. 3. True or False: Quizzes and Vocab review are good strategies to get students to return 4. True or False: You shouldn’t work with your professor to create practice exams because it is unfair to the students who do not attend your sessions 5. True or False: You shouldn’t personally invite students to your sessions because they may be shy and you don’t want to scare them 6. True or False: Using positive reinforcement is a good way to get students to return because they can become comfortable with discussing concepts in sessions 7. True or False: Being a model student means you are on your phone during class and do not pay attention to the lecture

10 Test Taking and Study Tips For Your SI Students (And you!)

11 Creating a 5-Day Study Plan  Creating a study plan allows you to allot time for studying instead of cramming the night before  Study plans allow you to focus on the important chapters and notes needed for a test over multiple days.  In a 5-day plan, the first 4 days should be reserved for studying specific chapters and lecture notes  On these days you should compile summary information from your studying  On the 5 th day of the plan you should reserve a larger block of time to study the summary information you have compiled from the previous 4 days of study.

12  Creating a 5 day plan is helpful to prevent cramming the night before an exam  It also gives your brain time to absorb information  Your test taking confidence will increase if you feel prepared after studying efficiently

13 5-Day Study Plan Calendar Review Time/DayMonday (Day one) Tuesday (Day two) Wednesday (Day three) Thursday (Day four) Friday (Day five) 9-10 AM Write summary notes ch 1-3 10-11 AM Summarize lecture notes Write summary notes ch 6-10 Write summary notes ch 10-13 11AM-12 PM Summarize lecture notes Review Summary notes from days 1-4 12-1 PM Write summary notes ch 4-6 1-2 PM Summarize lecture notes 2-3 PM

14 This slide is used for Questions 8-10 on your Answer Sheet. 8. What is a 5-Day Study Plan? 9. Give 2 reasons as to why the 5-Day Study Plan can be helpful: (1) (2) 10. How do you organize a 5-Day Study Plan? How is the work divided over 5 days?

15 Another Way to Study: Oral Reading of Lecture Notes  This a group studying technique where you take turns reading from your lecture notes so that others can discover any discrepancies in their notes to be discussed by the group  Comparing your notes with each other will make sure all students have accurate information to study  Discussing the discrepancies is good for memory retention; if you are able to explain a concept to someone else then you will be better prepared for an exam

16 Tell the group you will begin reading from your lecture notes and that the next student on the right or left will pick up where you leave off. Each student in the circle will read. Encourage all students to let the group know when they have an inconsistency with what someone has read. Ask that student to share what they have written in their notes and ask the group to compare. Some students may be reluctant to participate in fear of being wrong. Gently encourage all students to read and share their thoughts. If this activity is left incomplete at the end of the SI session, suggest for students to continue reading their notes on their own and compare with a fellow student and bring any remaining questions to the next session Procedure for Oral Reading Exercise

17 This slide is used for Questions 11-12 on your Answer Sheet. 11. What does the oral reading of lecture notes activity involve? What is the procedure? 12. How can the oral reading activity benefit students? What are some drawbacks you foresee the exercise as having?

18 Habits of Mind Test Preparation Strategies  Habits of Mind at Bakersfield College is a fantastic program that provides tips and tricks for learning efficiently; from taking notes to taking tests, Habits of Mind will have a strategy to help you achieve in your classes.  Use the Habits of Mind website to explore their strategies!Habits of Mind  This is a Test Taking Preparation Strategy form that can help organize your ideas. This Please look it over and decide if it is a form you could hand out to your SI students.

19 Test Taking Anxiety

20 A lot of people experience test anxiety  It can occur before the test through preemptive negativity.  If you’re feeling panicked about the test BEFORE you take it, then your state of mind can affect how effectively you study.  It can occur during the test and cause panic and distraction which prevents clear thought.  If you can’t think clearly during the exam, then your ideas won’t flow cohesively  It can occur after the test and cause unwanted stress  Preoccupation and anxiety with a previous exam can affect your performance on upcoming exams

21 Read through the next slides and identify any of the negative thoughts you have possibly had. How did they affect your performance on a test? What can you do to combat those negative thoughts? This is the sort of information you should share with your SI students.

22 Test Anxiety Before the Exam Negative Thoughts I will never pass. I’m going to panic If only I could get out of it.. There’s too much to learn Why didn’t I study more? Positive Thoughts I don’t have to be perfect Worrying wont help anything Try not to take this too seriously I can manage this situation Easy does it – its only a test

23 Test Anxiety During an Exam Negative Thoughts Everyone else is working faster than I am I am just plain stupid. People will notice my hands trembling My mind is a total blank I might as well give up. Other students are turning in their tests already Positive Thoughts Don’t think about the others – focus on the test I don’t need to prove myself. Just take one step at a time I’m feeling tense; I need to relax Getting upset isn’t going to help Use the time that’s left – focus on the test.

24 Test Anxiety After an Exam Negative Thoughts I knew I would blow it I’m going to flunk out There’s something wrong with me How will I pass this class Positive Thoughts Don’t think about the others – focus on the test I don’t need to prove myself. Just take one step at a time I’m feeling tense; I need to relax Getting upset isn’t going to help Use the time that’s left – focus on the test.

25 This slide is used for Questions 13-19 on your Answer Sheet. 13. Does test anxiety happen only when taking the test? If no, when else do students feel anxiety over exams? 14. What are 2 negative thoughts that students might experience before an exam, and how can they impact a student’s performance? 15. What are 2 positive statements that you can cling to before an exam to lower your anxiety? 16. What are 2 negative thoughts that students tend to think DURING EXAMS, and how do they impact a student’s performance? 17. What are 2 positive thoughts to emphasize DURING AN EXAM that can help combat test anxiety? 18. What are 2 pessimistic thoughts than can occur AFTER AN EXAM? How can they be detrimental to a student’s performance? 19. What are 2 positive thoughts to combat post-test anxiety?

26 Multiple Choice Exam Strategies  Remember to read the directions before you begin  You have to know what you’re supposed to do before you can answer a question!  First try to answer the question without looking at the answers  If you’re able to do this, then you will have an idea of what answer choice would be correct  Eliminate distractor answers  Some professors like to include answers that are PARTLY true. Treat each answer as true/false, if there is a part of the answer choice that doesn’t seem correct, then most likely that’s not the correct choice.

27  Never be afraid to use common sense  Sometimes it can get confusing trying to remember the correct answer, use reasoning to make sure your answer makes sense  Answer the questions you know first  Oftentimes information you need for one question could be within another  Additionally, getting stuck on one question can take a lot of time and prevent you from answering other questions later on.  When guessing, don’t change your answer  Research suggests your first answer is usually best. Don’t be afraid to change your answers IF you have good reasoning for it.

28  When guessing, don’t choose the first or last option  Research shows that options in the middle with the most words are usually the correct response  Answer all questions  Unless points are deducted for incorrect answers, leave enough time to answer all questions  If the first option is a correct one, make sure there are no “A and B” or “All of the above” answer choices  Allow time at the end to recheck your answers

29 This slide is used for Questions 20-21 on your Answer Sheet. 20. What are 2 multiple choice strategies that you believe would be helpful on a test? 21. Can you think of any other multiple choice strategies not mentioned? What approach helps you the most?

30 Summer 2016 Mentor Meeting Schedule MondayTuesdayWednesday 11:00-12:00 Veronica Tapia 12:00-1:00 1:00-2:00 2:00-3:00 3:00-4:00 Leah Altman 4:00-5:00 Josh Lawrence 5:00-6:00 6:00-7:00 Jackie Schuler (Writing Center) *All meetings take place in the Wonder Room of the SI Area Meeting #1-June 27 th -30 th Meeting #2-July 5 th -7 th Meeting #3-July 11 th -14 th

31 Subjects to be covered in Mentor Meetings  Meeting #1, June 27 th -30 th : The Power of the SI Session Plan  Meeting #2, July 5 th -7 th : Ways to Group Your Students to Maximize Learning  Meeting #3, July 11 th -14 th : Effective Ways to Warm Up and Cool Down Your SI Sessions

32 Why Your Paperwork is Important!! The SI program needs to be organized so that we can run smoothly  Without your paperwork we can’t track your hours or preparedness We need to know that you are preparing for your sessions, SI leaders need to be actively involved in the process to provide the best service to students We have to know who is attending your sessions so that we can compile information on attendees to better the program If you don’t turn in paperwork, you are at risk of being fired!

33 This slide is used for Questions 22-23 on your Answer Sheet. 22. When are the 3 Mentor Meetings, and what will be covered at each one? 23. What is the point of paperwork, and why must it be turned in in a timely manner?

34 Congrats! You’re done with Training #2 MAKEUP. Remember: Completion of this MAKEUP is due by Monday, June 27 at 5 PM. Turn in MAKEUP forms stapled together to Marley or Garrett at the front desk. On your Weekly Time Log and in Web Time Entry, put down 2 hours of working time. All materials connected with this MAKEUP are posted on our website:

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