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PO Box 787, Five Dock, 2046ABN 46 105 820 7910488 224 228 We acknowledge and pay respect to the traditional owners and custodians of the land on which.

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Presentation on theme: "PO Box 787, Five Dock, 2046ABN 46 105 820 7910488 224 228 We acknowledge and pay respect to the traditional owners and custodians of the land on which."— Presentation transcript:

1 PO Box 787, Five Dock, 2046ABN 46 105 820 7910488 224 228 We acknowledge and pay respect to the traditional owners and custodians of the land on which we work and live. The Institute of Specialist Dispute Resoluiton is a division of Jon Graham Consulting Pty Ltd The Australian National Mediator System (NMAS) Standards, Approval Standards require that: In addition to the training program which meets the requirements set out in section 2.3, (or the alternative training and assessment requirements set out in section 2.5) of the Approval Standards, an applicant must have met the assessment requirement set out in Section 2.4. The assessment requires: a)an applicant, at a minimum, performing the role of mediator in a simulated mediation of at least 1.5 hours; b) An assessor observing a simulation (in real time or digitally video recorded for later observation) without providing any coaching to the applicant during the simulated mediation; c) An assessor who is a NMAS accredited mediator with at least 3 years mediation experience and with no conflict of interest with respect to the applicant and who is independent of the training team; d) assessment criteria reflecting the knowledge, skills and ethical principles articulated in the NMAS Practice Standards e) an applicant being found competent by an assessor using an assessment form documenting the extent to which the applicant has met or has not met the assessment requirements; providing written feedback on the applicant’s performance and indicating the assessment outcome The report on the following pages fulfills the above requirements. Skills Assessment for National Mediator Accreditation

2 PO Box 787, Five Dock, 2046ABN 46 105 820 7910488 224 228 We acknowledge and pay respect to the traditional owners and custodians of the land on which we work and live. The Institute of Specialist Dispute Resoluiton is a division of Jon Graham Consulting Pty Ltd SkillsC/ NYC Comments Preparation and dispute diagnosis in mediation. Intake and screening of both the parties and the dispute to assess suitability for mediation. Conduct and management of the mediation process. Appropriate communication skills, including listening, questioning, reflecting and summarising, required for the conduct of mediation. Negotiation techniques and the mediator’s role in facilitating negotiation and problem-solving. Ability to manage high emotion, power imbalances, impasses and violence Use of separate meetings Reality-testing proposed outcomes in light of participants’ interest, issues, underlying needs and long-term viability Facilitating the recording of the outcome of mediation Competencies – Skills as outlined in the Australian National Mediator Accreditation System Standards, Practice Standards Mediator (being assessed) : Note: No single role play scenario provides opportunities for mediators to be assessed on all the competencies that are listed above. Where no opportunity was provided to demonstrate the competencies, a note is made that the competency was “not assessable in this role play”.

3 PO Box 787, Five Dock, 2046ABN 46 105 820 7910488 224 228 We acknowledge and pay respect to the traditional owners and custodians of the land on which we work and live. The Institute of Specialist Dispute Resoluiton is a division of Jon Graham Consulting Pty Ltd SkillsC/ NYC Comments The nature of conflict, including the dynamics of power and violence. The appropriateness or inappropriateness of mediation. Pre-mediation preparation, screening and intake. Communication patterns in conflict and negotiation situations. Negotiation dynamics in mediation, including manipulative and intimidating tactics Cross-cultural issues The principles, stages and functions of a mediation process. The roles and functions of mediators. The roles and functions of support persons, lawyers and other professionals in mediation. The law relevant to mediators and to the mediation process. Competencies – Knowledge as outlined in the Australian National Mediator Accreditation System Standards, Practice Standards Mediator (being assessed) : Note: No single role play scenario provides opportunities for mediators to be assessed on all the competencies that are listed above. Where no opportunity was provided to demonstrate the competencies, a note is made that the competency was “not assessable in this role play”.

4 PO Box 787, Five Dock, 2046ABN 46 105 820 7910488 224 228 We acknowledge and pay respect to the traditional owners and custodians of the land on which we work and live. The Institute of Specialist Dispute Resoluiton is a division of Jon Graham Consulting Pty Ltd SkillsC/ NYC Comments Competence, integrity and accountability Professional conduct, including honesty in the marketing and advertising of mediation and promotion of the mediator’s practice Self-determination Informed consent Safety, procedural fairness and equity in mediation including withdrawing from or terminating the mediation process Impartiality including the avoidance of conflicts of interest Confidetiality privacy and reporting obligations Competencies – Ethical Principals as outlined in the National Mediator Accreditation System Standards, Practice Standards Mediator (being assessed) : Note: No single role play scenario provides opportunities for mediators to be assessed on all the competencies that are listed above. Where no opportunity was provided to demonstrate the competencies, a note is made that the competency was “not assessable in this role play”.

5 PO Box 787, Five Dock, 2046ABN 46 105 820 7910488 224 228 We acknowledge and pay respect to the traditional owners and custodians of the land on which we work and live. The Institute of Specialist Dispute Resoluiton is a division of Jon Graham Consulting Pty Ltd Strengths Weaknesses Recommendations for further training & skill development Competencies – Skills as outlined in the National Mediator Accreditation System Standards, Practice Standards (Name of student )has been assessed as: Competent for National Mediator Accreditation By Name of Assessor on day, Month 20xx

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