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The Northeast New England— northern states of Northeast: -MA, VE, NH, ME., RI, CN, PN, NY, NJ Northeast has only 5% of land, but 20% of population NEXT.

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Presentation on theme: "The Northeast New England— northern states of Northeast: -MA, VE, NH, ME., RI, CN, PN, NY, NJ Northeast has only 5% of land, but 20% of population NEXT."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Northeast New England— northern states of Northeast: -MA, VE, NH, ME., RI, CN, PN, NY, NJ Northeast has only 5% of land, but 20% of population NEXT Today most people are employed in manufacturing, service industries Some rich farmland in Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey

2 The Midwest The Midwest—north-central U.S., known as the “American Heartland” -1/5 of U.S. land, 1/4 of population 3 NEXT Agricultural and Industrial Heartland Central location, soil, climate make it nation’s “breadbasket” - corn, wheat, soy beans, meat, dairy; meat-packing, food-processing Changing Face of the Midwest Farm numbers declining, more people working in service industries People and industries moving to South and West

3 NEXT The South —1/4 of U.S. land, more than 1/3 of population -11 states were once part of the Civil War Confederacy The South Continued... The Old South Virginia was England’s first American colony South’s ethnic mix includes Africans, Hispanics, Cajuns, Creoles Once agricultural, rural; now rapidly changing, cities growing The New South Agriculture: cotton, tobacco, fruits, peanuts, livestock “Sunbelt” attracts manufacturing, tourists, retirees Fastest metropolitan growth in the US

4 The West The West —from Great Plains to Pacific, plus Alaska and Hawaii -1/2 of U.S. land, 1/5 of population NEXT Continued... Developing the West California is most populous state Rapid 20th-century growth due to air conditioning, irrigation Economy: - farms, ranches, logging, fish, mines, oil, tourism, film, computers

5 NEXT History and Government of the United States

6 Creating a Nation NEXT Continued... Settling the Land Spaniards are first and settled St. Augustine (Florida) in 1565 In the early 1600s French settlers arrive - settle in Canada and along St. Lawrence River - set up fisheries and fur trade People settle Atlantic Coast from Maine to Georgia - 1st permanent English settlement Jamestown, VA (1607) Displace Natives, bring African slaves to work plantations Columbian Exchange between Old, New Worlds: plants, animals, disease

7 NEXT Establishing and Maintaining the Union French & English fight over trade & territory in North America -English win and gain control of everything east of Mississippi in 1763 American Revolution (1775–1783): United States gains independence from Britain 1803 Louisiana Purchase from France doubles size of U.S. Jefferson hires Lewis and Clark to explore the new area Continued...

8 NEXT Establishing and Maintaining the Union In early 1800s Western European immigrants arrive in large numbers Sectionalism-loyalty to region over nation-grows, tension -industrial North versus agricultural South and its slave labor -Civil War fought between North & South from 1861 to 1865 (North won)

9 Westward Movement Pioneers venture west during mid- to late 1800s -Oregon Trail—2,000 miles, 6 months to travel Government moved Native Americans off land by treaty, or force Transcontinental railroad completed 1869 1 NEXT Continued...

10 NEXT Industrialization and Urbanization 14 million European immigrants enter U.S. between 1860 and 1900 Most immigrants go trough Ellis or Angel Island -Most go to cities and work in textile, steel, oil, food processing

11 NEXT Looking Beyond Its Borders U.S. avoided involvement in foreign affairs during its growth period -had own resources, food, factories; separated from conflicts by oceans Changed by depression and world wars; only strong economy after WWII Continued...

12 NEXT Social Change and Technological Growth Rapid social change in second half of 20 th century -migration to suburbs—the communities outside cities Unrest in ’60s and ’70s: civil rights, feminist movement, Vietnam Living in a Global Society Cold War (1945–1991): U.S. leads nations against communism, USSR U.S. is sole superpower after collapse of USSR in 1991

13 Governing the People Representative democracy —people rule through elected representatives Federal republic—powers divided between national, state governments Three separate, equal branches: -executive branch - carries out laws (president) -legislative branch – makes laws (Congress) -judicial branch – interprets laws, reviews lower court decisions (Court System) NEXT

14 Section 2 Economy and Culture of the United States The United States has the world’s largest and most diversified economy. American products and popular culture are recognized around the world.

15 The World’s Greatest Economic Power The U.S. Leads World’s largest economy: agricultural, manufacturing Success is due to resources, skilled labor, stable political system Free enterprise economy:- businesses operate for profit with little governmental control An Agricultural and Industrial Giant - petroleum, steel, electronics, telecommunications, lumber, computers revolutionize industry NEXT Continued...

16 Nation of immigrants - multicultural -English/Irish/Scot, German, African, French, Italian, Polish, Mexican Continued... NEXT Languages and Religion English is dominant language, Spanish 2nd Religious breakdown: - 85% Christian (56% Protestant, 28% Catholic) - Jews, Muslims 2% each Popular Culture Hollywood is filmmaking center of U.S. American music: jazz, blues, and rock ‘n’ roll How Americans Live, Work, and Play Almost 50% of working-age Americans are employed - almost half are women; 70% have service industry jobs More than 10% of Americans live in poverty Kids age 6 to16 are required to attend school - 90% attend public schools, which are free through secondary school U.S. has over 2,300 4-year public and private colleges, universities Leisure activities: hobbies, museums, libraries, TV, films, computers - sports: baseball, basketball, football, golf, soccer, tennis, skiing

17 NEXT Section 3 Subregions of the United States The United States is divided into four major economic and cultural subregions. There are both similarities and differences among the subregions of the United States.

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