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(Dreaded) Quiz 2 Next Monday.

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1 (Dreaded) Quiz 2 Next Monday

2 Strings Revisited String Is a Type (Object) in JAVA
Automatically imported in java.lang May Initialize or Assign with Double Quoted Values Can Add String to String with ‘+’ Operator CANNOT Compare using Equality Operators (uses .equals() method instead) Methods Available to Access single characters Get length of String Find a character or substring in String Convert to lower or upper case

3 Objects Objects: Types of Variables Made from Built-In Types
Variables Can be Declared as an Object Type Objects Usually Have Methods/Functions Tied to Them Member functions Public functions Interface functions Methods String Is an Example of an Object Type StringVariable.length() Returns the Number of Characters in the String

4 Methods Also called Procedures, Functions
Have Parenthesis (e.g., method() ) May be Passed Arguments, or Parameters Inside of Parenthesis Parameters are values to initialize new variables in method Parameters used to pass information to method

5 String Methods charAt(int index): return char at named index (starting at 0) equals(String str): return boolean indexOf(char): return int of first occurrence of char (index starts at 0) indexOf(String substr): return int of first occurrence of String substr length(): return int length of String substring(int start, int end): return String between start and end toLowerCase(), toUpperCase(): convert String

6 String myString = "My Dog Sandy",compareString;
System.out.println("The fourth character is: " + myString.charAt(3)); if (myString.equals("my dog sandy")) System.out.println("Strings are equal"); else System.out.println("Strings are not equal"); compareString = myString + myString; System.out.println("Added strings are: " + compareString); Output: The fourth character is: D Strings are not equal Added strings are: My Dog SandyMy Dog Sandy

7 compareString = myString.toLowerCase();
System.out.println("String is: " + compareString); System.out.println("Char S is at location: " + myString.indexOf('S')); System.out.println("substring og is at location: " + myString.indexOf("og")); System.out.println("Length of string is: " + myString.length()); System.out.println("substring between location 3 and 5 is: " + myString.substring(3,5)); Output: String is: my dog sandy Char S is at location: 7 Substring og is at location: 4 Length of string is: 12 Substring between location 3 and 5 is: Do

8 import java.util.Scanner;
public class MyProgram { public static void main( String [ ] args) Scanner scan = new Scanner(; String lastname; boolean instructor = false; System.out.print(“Enter last name:”); lastname =; if(lastname.equals(“hanrath”)) instructor = true; // privileged else instructor = false; // not privileged }

9 More on Input Input Failure Common *MUST* Be Part of Test Plan
Pages in Anderson Check Input for Type Desired If not, Notify User, and Get Rid of Line Use scan.hasNextInt(), scan.hasNextDouble(), scan.hasNextFloat()

10 Input Failure Example garbage = scan.nextLine();
import java.util.*; class InputFailureExample { public static void main(String[] args) int numE; String garbage; Scanner scan = new Scanner(; System.out.print("Enter Integer: "); while (!scan.hasNextInt()) garbage = scan.nextLine(); System.out.println("Please try again."); } numE = scan.nextInt(); System.out.println("You entered: " + numE);

11 Know for Quiz 2 Everything through Exam 1 Loops: while, for, do-while
switch-case Statement String Methods Input Failure Methods

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