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Different Learning Styles And Strategies Across Different Cultures By Kristina Rshtuni.

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Presentation on theme: "Different Learning Styles And Strategies Across Different Cultures By Kristina Rshtuni."— Presentation transcript:

1 Different Learning Styles And Strategies Across Different Cultures By Kristina Rshtuni

2 L2/FL LEARNING Instructional methods learner characteristics learner-centered approach

3 What type of learners are they? (learning styles and multiple intelligences) How do learners process new information? How do they understand, learn, or remember the information? (learning strategies)

4 Learning styles Visual /Aural/Kinesthetic learners Global/ Analytic learners Field-independent/Field dependent learners

5 Multiple Intelligence Spatial intelligence Musical intelligence Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence Interpersonal intelligence Intrapersonal intelligence Naturalist intelligence (Gardner, 1999)

6 Learning Strategies The special thoughts or behaviors that individuals use to help them comprehend, learn or retain new information (Oxford (1990: 8).

7 Direct learning strategies directly involve the target language. Indirect learning strategies support and manage language learning without directly involving the target language (Oxford, 1990a).

8 Direct Learning Strategies Memory Cognitive

9 Indirect Learning Strategies Metacognitive Affective Social

10 Numerous studies have established strong relationship between strategy use and proficiency level

11 Can Culture Influence Learning Styles & Strategies?

12 Western learning beliefs are mind-oriented Asian learning beliefs emphasize personal virtue and moral values

13 KUWAITI LEARNERS TAIWANESE LEARNERS Learning StylesMultiple Intelligences Learning StylesMultiple Intelligences 1.Visual 2.Global 3.Closure- oriented 4.Extravertive 5.Intuitive. 1.Visual 2.Interpersonal 3.Musical 4.Linguistic 5.Logical- mathematical 6.Interpersonal 7.Kinesthetic 8.Naturalist. 1.Global 2.Intuitive 3.Closure- oriented 4.Visual 5.Extroverted. 1.Interpersonal 2.Visual 3.Kinesthetic 4.Logical- mathematical 5.Linguistic 6.Naturalist 7.Intrapersonal 8.Musical

14 Australian students are significantly higher on the surface motivation(balance between failure and working hard). Asian learners’ use of strategies is significantly higher(more organized and focused on the study). Asian students are more collaborative in their learning styles.

15 Asian particularly Chinese students are stereotyped as ‘rote’ and ‘surface’ learners who rely more on memorization than understanding.

16 Iranian EFL students reported using cognitive strategies more frequently than all the other types of strategies. Iranian EFL learners spend more time on memorization, repetition, mimicry of native speakers. They enjoy reading English material a lot, look for structures, resort to translation into their mother tongue. They rarely use what they learn in English, seldom start speaking English when they first meet each other, seldom watch English original films or listen to radio program in English. They never keep English diaries and use word by word translation when reading or writing or comprehending.

17 They seldom start speaking English when they first meet each other, seldom watch English original films or listen to radio program in English. They never keep English diaries and use word by word translation when reading or writing or comprehending. Iranian learners practice English with other learners and are eager to learn English culture. They seem to be too shy to ask for repetition when they don’t comprehend especially in face to face communication tasks.

18 Saudi Learners Cognitive and metacognitive strategies are used significantly more than others. In a study of vocabulary learning social strategy was popular. Many students were eager to learn with others by asking lots of questions and cooperating. The subjects tried to ask to slow down when they didn’t understand.

19 Discussions and Implications Teachers in Taiwan can recognize their students’ strengths as visual learners who have high interpersonal skills and who are at the same time extroverted learners. Kuwaiti learners are interpersonal learners who are extroverted and who also have visual intelligences and hands-on tactile skills. Similar research can be done in other cultural settings and this can be used by EFL teachers elsewhere to design teaching strategies and materials that accommodate their students’ learning styles and multiple intelligences.


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