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1 Technician Licensing Class These Power Point presentations are available to individuals who register with The W5YI Group’s program.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Technician Licensing Class These Power Point presentations are available to individuals who register with The W5YI Group’s program."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Technician Licensing Class These Power Point presentations are available to individuals who register with The W5YI Group’s program. The presentations are provided by Master Publishing and The W5YI Group and include material that is covered by U.S. and International copyrights. They are intended solely for the use of Registered Instructors using the Gordon West, WB6NOA, Technician Class, General Class, and Extra Class study manuals to teach FCC Amateur Radio Licensing Classes. Registration through constitutes a Licensing Agreement between The W5YI Group and the registered instructor under which the instructor agrees not to copy or distribute the Power Point presentations to unauthorized users.

2 2 Technician Licensing Class Control Valid July 1, 2014 Through June 30, 2018

3 3 3 Amateur Radio Technician Class Element 2 Course Presentation  ELEMENT 2 SUB-ELEMENTS (Groupings) About Ham Radio Call Signs  Control Mind the Rules Tech Frequencies Your First Radio Going Solo Repeaters Emergency! Weak Signal Propagation

4 4 4 Amateur Radio Technician Class Element 2 Course Presentation  ELEMENT 2 SUB-ELEMENTS (Groupings) Talk to Outer Space! Your Computer Goes Ham Digital! Multi-Mode Radio Excitement Run Some Interference Protection Electrons – Go With the Flow! It’s the Law, per Mr. Ohm! Picture This! Antennas Feed Me With Some Good Coax! Safety First!

5 5 5 Control T1E01 When a ham radio station goes on the air and begins transmitting, there must always be a control operator responsible for the transmissions. The control operator might be present at the controls, may control the station remotely, or may have equipment tied into the transmitter to provide automatic control. But all transmitting stations must have a control operator responsible for the station when it transmits over the airwaves!

6 6 6 Control T1E02 A station licensee may designate another person to be the control operator, but that person must also be licensed ham, or a foreign person who has been authorized for alien reciprocal operation. All transmitting stations must have a control operator responsible for that station’s transmissions! T8B01 Any amateur can talk over the satellites. When you pass your new Technician Class exam, you’ll be allowed to transmit on the satellite uplink frequency within your Technician Class privileges. You’ll instantly join the mainstream of satellite activity!

7 7 7 Control T1E03 The control operator is the station licensee or another licensed ham designated by the station licensee to be the control operator. It is up to the station licensee to either control his own station, or select an alternate control operator who is appropriately licensed. T1E07 Your Extra Class Elmer comes over to your station and asks to use your 10 meter gear up on 29.600 MHz, FM, in an area that is beyond your Technician Class band privileges. This is okay, but your pal must give his own call sign along with your call sign, and both of you are responsible for the transmissions since the gear is yours. Both of you are responsible!

8 8 8 Control T1E04 Soon you will be a Technician Class operator. Good for you! Did you know you have high frequency SSB voice privileges on the 10 meter band, 28.300 to 28.500 MHz? Your friend who holds an Extra Class license enters the station and wants to run your station on 29.600 MHz FM. If you designate your friend as the control operator of your station, his or her privileges with the Extra Class ticket would allow operation well above your normal Technician Class band limits. When you operate from another ham’s station, you use your license class privileges.

9 9 9 Control T1E12 As a Technician Class operator, you get some exciting privileges on worldwide high frequency bands down on 10 meters for voice, and on 15, 40, and 80 meters for CW. You really love Morse code, so could you tune down to the Extra Class portion of the band and run with the experts? NO, you must stay within your Technician Class band privileges.

10 10 Control T1E05 This is the spot where you have complete capabilities to turn the equipment on, or shut it off in case of a malfunction. Every ham radio station is required to have a control point.

11 11 Control T1E09 Whether you are talking over your little handheld, a mobile dual-band radio, or from a big powerful kilowatt 6-meter base station at home, if you are at the controls of the equipment this is officially called local control. The equipment is the control point and – you guessed it – you’re the control operator. T1E06 APRS stands for Automatic Packet Repeater System, often used in tandem with a GPS system as an Automatic Position Reporting System. Like “standard” FM repeaters, APRS and other digipeaters fall under the category of automatic control; that is, the transmitter is keyed without human intervention.

12 12 Control T1E08 About the only time you will see a big rack of ham radio equipment with no actual operator on duty is the automatically controlled station. This could be a repeater up on a mountain top, or a radio link atop a high rise. The FCC rules require that all of the details indicating who is in charge be posted on the equipment in case of a malfunction during automatic control. T1E10 “Anyone on the repeater want to talk to Antarctica? Here they come!” announced the repeater control operator. He’s tying into IRLP (Internet Radio Linking Project) using the touch-tone pad on his handheld to activate the distant repeater on the Antarctica node using remote control.

13 13 Control T1E11 Any time I let another licensee run my radio gear, I always make an entry into my log book to note who the control operator was at the time. If the FCC is monitoring, they will assume that I was the control operator, unless I can provide documentation to the contrary in my station records. Always keep a log book, especially when other hams are using your gear or when passing third party traffic.

14 14 Control T1D08 No transmitting messages on behalf of your employer, and no transmitting that your prize poodle just had a litter with each puppy going for $XXX. We may not be compensated by any local weather service to take weather reports far out at sea. In other words, no pay for transmitting over ham radio. There is an exception for ham radio operators who are school teachers. They can be “on the clock” during classroom hours demonstrating ham radio for their students to learn what amateur radio is all about. School teachers can receive their regular pay when teaching about ham radio

15 15 Control T1F10 This question deals with the ham who inadvertently goes into a brain-fade while operating on a repeater. You are late going to work and on the air talking through the local repeater lamenting the terrific traffic congestion. A co-worker ham says he’s already in the parking lot and will tell the troops you are going to be late. Without thinking, you ask him to tell your secretary to postpone the sales meeting until tomorrow. ERROR!! You are conducting a conversation over the air that applies to your direct business, as the sales manager for that company, in violation of FCC rules. You’re responsible.

16 16 Control

17 17 Control Element 2 Technician Class Question Pool Valid July 1, 2014 Through June 30, 2018

18 18 T1E01 When is an amateur station permitted to transmit without control operator? A.When using automatic control, such as in the case of a repeater B.When the station licensee is away and another licensed amateur is using the station C.When the transmitting station is an auxiliary station D.Never

19 19 T1E02 Who may a station licensee designate to be the control operator of an amateur station? A.Any U.S. citizen or registered alien B.Any family member of the station licensee C.Any person over the age of 18 D.Only a person for whom an amateur operator/primary station license grant appears in the FCC database or who is authorized for alien reciprocal operation

20 20 T8B01 Who may be the control operator of a station communicating through an amateur satellite or space station? A.Only an Amateur Extra Class operator B.A General Class licensee or higher licensee who has a satellite operator certification C.Only an Amateur Extra Class operator who is also an AMSAT member D.Any amateur whose license privileges allow them to transmit on the satellite uplink frequency

21 21 T1E03 Who must designate the station control operator? A.The station licensee B.The FCC C.The frequency coordinator D.The ITU

22 22 T1E07 When the control operator is not the station licensee, who is responsible for the proper operation of the station? A.All licensed amateurs who are present at the operation B.Only the station licensee C.Only the control operator D.The control operator and the station licensee are equally responsible

23 23 T1E04 What determines the transmitting privileges of an amateur station? A.The frequency authorized by the frequency coordinator B.The class of operator license held by the station licensee C.The highest class of operator license held by anyone on the premises D.The class of operator license held by the control operator

24 24 T1E12 When, under normal circumstances, may a Technician Class licensee be the control operator of a station operating in an exclusive Extra Class operator segment of the amateur bands? A.At no time B.When operating a special event station. C.As part of a multi-operator contest team D.When using a club station whose trustee is an Extra Class operator licensee

25 25 T1E05 What is an amateur station control point? A.The location of the station’s transmitting antenna B.The location of the station transmitting apparatus. C.The location at which the control operator function is performed D.The mailing address of the station licensee

26 26 T1E09 What type of control is being used when the control operator is at the control point? A.Radio control B.Unattended control C.Automatic control D.Local control

27 27 T1E06 Under what type of control do APRS network digipeaters operate? A.Automatic B.Remote C.Local D.Manual

28 28 T1E08 Which of the following is an example of automatic control? A.Repeater operation B.Controlling the station over the Internet C.Using a computer or other device to automatically send CW D.Using a computer or other device to automatically identify

29 29 T1E10 Which of the following is an example of remote control as defined in Part 97? A.Repeater operation B.Operating the station over the Internet C.Controlling a model aircraft, boat or car by amateur radio D.All of these choices are correct

30 30 T1E11 Who does the FCC presume to be the control operator of an amateur station, unless documentation to the contrary is in the station records? A.The station custodian B.The third party participant C.The person operating the station equipment D.The station licensee

31 31 T1D08 In which of the following circumstances may the control operator of an amateur station receive compensation for operating the station? A.When engaging in communications on behalf of their employer B.When the communication is incidental to classroom instruction at an educational institution C.When re-broadcasting weather alerts during a RACES net D.When notifying other amateur operators of the availability for sale or trade of apparatus

32 32 T1F10 Who is accountable should a repeater inadvertently retransmit communications that violate the FCC rules? A.The control operator of the originating station B.The control operator of the repeater C.The owner of the repeater D.Both the originating station and the repeater owner

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