1 Office of External Relations Dispute Process. 2 Customer must first contact the Company to allow the Company a chance to resolve problem. If the customer.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Office of External Relations Dispute Process. 2 Customer must first contact the Company to allow the Company a chance to resolve problem. If the customer."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Office of External Relations Dispute Process

2 2 Customer must first contact the Company to allow the Company a chance to resolve problem. If the customer has not contacted the Company, OER will refer the customer back to the Company.

3 3 How to File a Dispute Disputes may be filed by telephone, fax, mail, email, in person, or filed on the PSC’s on-line complaint form.

4 4 Types of Disputes No service; Termination of service; Request for payment arrangements and/or restoration of service; Repairs issues such as gas leaks or lack of service; Problems having service started; Billing disputes.

5 5 Required Information All disputes are entered into a database that includes the following information: Date filed Customer Information Name of Company and type of Company Description of dispute Complaint code

6 6 COMAR Requirements Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) prohibits the utility from terminating service for non payment of the disputed amount while the matter is pending before the Commission. All collection activity must cease and the customer is required to pay the undisputed amounts, or future charges.

7 7 Dispute Time Frame Customer files dispute; OER Investigator sends information to Company; Company must respond within 7 days;

8 8 Dispute Time Frame, Contd. Customer is sent copy of Company response and is given 14 days to respond; If no response, case is closed; If customer responds, response is sent to Company; Company has 10 days to respond;

9 9 Next Step in Dispute Investigator makes a decision and sends decision to both parties. Language is included that gives either party the right request Further Review, which must be filed within 10 days by sending a written request to Assistant Manager.

10 10 Further Review Customer’s Request for Further Review is sent to Company. Company sends response. Assistant Manager may further investigate or have an informal conference among the parties to mediate dispute. Assistant Manager renders decision.

11 11 Formal Appeal to Commission Either party may file a Formal Appeal to the Commission within 10 days of Assistant Manager’s decision. Appeal is forwarded to Company and the Company has 30 days to respond. Commission deliberates and renders a decision. Both parties are provided a copy of the Commission’s decision.

12 12 After the Commission Either party may request judicial review by filing in the Circuit Court in the county where the customer lives.

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