Gemserv1 Release Management Enduring Releases. Release Management  SEC defines Release Management as the process adopted for planning, scheduling and.

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1 Gemserv1 Release Management Enduring Releases

2 Release Management  SEC defines Release Management as the process adopted for planning, scheduling and controlling the build, test and deployment of releases of IT updates, procedures and processes Gemserv2

3 Release Management Policy Requirements  The SEC requires that the Panel and DCC each have a Release Management Policy.  The Panel RMP covers the release management of approved Modification Proposals where implementation activities are required  The DCC RMP covers the implementation of changes to DCC Internal systems and Parse and Correlate  In the case or Parse and Correlate this applies where there are no associated SEC changes. If there is an associated SEC change, then it would fall under the implementation activities associated with a Modification it would be actioned under the Panel RMP. Gemserv3

4 Release Management Policy Requirements Both SEC Panel’s and DCC’s Policy are required to:  Define the scope of the matters that are to be subject to the policy in a manner consistent with the Service Management Standards;  Include a mechanism for setting priorities for different types of such matters;  Define periods of change-freeze where no such matters may be implemented; and  Define periods of notice to be given to Parties and RDPs prior to the implementation of such matters. Gemserv4

5 Panel Leadership Role  It is important that the potential content of planned enduring releases are considered in their entirety at a sufficiently early stage to ensure they support priorities for Users and are economic and efficient  There will always be options for a Release and it is important the user perspective is brought to bear on, for example:  A greater number of releases to implement change earlier v. the greater cost of having more releases in any given year  Whether to group liked changes together (likely to reduce DCC costs) v. certain changes having to wait for a later release as a result  Whether users consider the removal of a particular transitional variation to be more or less important than the implementation of a particular Modification Proposal.  The SEC Panel should provide leadership on such questions, either directly or further to advice from its Sub-Committees (in particular TABASC) or consultation of SEC Parties. Gemserv5

6 Release Frequency  The Panel and DCC Release Management Polices set out at a policy level the concept of a three releases a year:  February [year] Release  June [year] Release  November [year] Release  Both Release management Polices were drafted from an enduring perspective Gemserv6

7 Release lead times  The Panel RMP sets out indicative lead times for a modification s to go into a release. These lead times are:  12 months for a systems impacting change  One month for a documentation only change  Indicative was included to factor in a degree of flexibility as certain changes may require less or more time to implement as informed by the development of the change  the overall lead time to implement a change takes into account lead times required by the DCC and the impacted SEC Parties Gemserv7

8 Types of change in the first few enduring release  For the first few enduring releases the contents could consist of:  SoS driven/directed change  Resolution of variations (e.g. the EUI64 variation)  Remaining policy matters (e.g. 868/dual band Communication Hubs)  Approved SEC Modification Proposals  DCC Internal changes (progressed in line with the DCC Release Management Policy) Gemserv8

9 First enduring Release  The first enduring release has for a while been recognised as the June 2017 Release (often referred to as Release 2)  There were some questions around the responsibilities for this Release, how the planned scope is confirmed and who is involved in that decision  In mid-August BEIS issued a letter to clarify the responsibilities around enduring releases Gemserv9

10 Discussions since the letter  Following the letter, BEIS, SECAS and the DCC have met to discuss further:  When is a release closed from further additions?  How does the Panel ‘lead’ the coordination of planned enduring release scope in practice?  How is a planned release scope confirmed? Gemserv10

11 June 2017 Release Content – Modification Proposals  Based on current discussions with the DCC on system impacting modifications there is an assumption that no DCC System impacting SEC Modification Proposals can be implemented by June 2017  This is subject to the confirmation of lead times provided in the DCC Preliminary Assessments and Impact Assessment responses Gemserv11

12 Release cut-off dates for June and November 2017  Based on feedback from the DCC, the following cut-offs have be provided (where a change impacts the DCC):  June 2017 – 30 th September 2016 (shorter than RMP indicative 12 mth)  November 2017 – 1 st November 2016 (consistent with RMP ind. 12 mth)  November 2016 cut-off may not be achievable for a number of Modification Proposals currently in the process. This assumption is based on current revised modification progression timescales in light of the delay in the delivery of DCC Preliminary Assessments (PAs) and Impact Assessments (IAs). This assumption may change following the delivery of the PA and IAs currently with the DCC.  These PAs and IAs are expected to be returned between mid September and late October as set out in the approved timescales set out in the August Panel paper SECP_35_1208_07 - Modification Progression Timetables. Authority approval by the November 2016 cut off for is therefore not expected to be possible.  Modification Proposals that do not impact the DCC Service Provider Systems and require less than 12 months to implement from approval could go in the November 2017 Release. Gemserv12

13 Release Content Options* Gemserv 13  To aid the Panel keep a track of potential and agreed release content the following high level layout could be used (with extra detail provided at a change specific level): *includes indicative examples based on SECAS discussions with DCC and BEIS, which are subject to change ** based on the indicative lead time for system impacting changes Release Candidates** Change SourceChange TypeChange Candidate* Jun-17Nov-17Feb-18 BEIS-led changePolicy Updated SEC Technical Specifications XX Dual Band Comms HubsX Transitional Variation Removal SSI functionality as defined in H8.16 XXX Use of EUI-64 identifiers XXX SEC Modifications TBC XX DCC Internal Changes DCC solution defects from R1.x- TBC X System Enhancements XX Anomaly Detection SMETS Object Limits XXX Recovery Procedure Changes (June 2016) XX

14 Suggested Next Steps  To aid the Panel to steer the content of the June and Nov 2017 Releases:  Urgent follow up meeting between SEC Panel Representatives (TABASC Chair or alternate?) and BEIS and DCC to further clarify what changes should go into June 2017 (if any)  Potential SEC Panel consultation of SEC Parties before the Panel communicates a final position in advance of the 30 September 2016 cut off for a June 17 Release.  Similar process in slower time in advance of the Nov 16 cut off for a Nov 17 Release. Gemserv14

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