Topic General Education Curriculum Framework. Knowing the self Knowing the Filipino Society Knowing the self Knowing the Filipino Society Knowing the.

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1 Topic General Education Curriculum Framework

2 Knowing the self Knowing the Filipino Society Knowing the self Knowing the Filipino Society Knowing the world

3 Source: CHED Memo Order, S. 2013

4 To produce graduates imbued with

5 Proposed Revised Core Courses 36 units 3 units on the Life and Works of Rizal (as mandated by law 9 units of Elective Courses 24 units of Core Courses

6 General Education Scope and Description

7 Overarching Outcomes Other skills?? Leadership Skills

8 Core Courses and Mandated Course

9 Description of GE CORE COURSES Source: CHED Memo Order, S. 2013


11 Description of GE MANDATED COURSE Source: CHED Memo Order, S. 2013 TitleDescription Life and Works of RizalRizal’s life, birth and parentage, education and travels. Reflective study of Rizal’s works Validity, applicability and usefulness of Rizal’s ideas to contemporary Philippines society.

12 Conform to the philosophy and goals of Gen Ed Apply an inter-or cross-disciplinary perspective Draw materials, cases or examples from the realities and experiences, and not just from those of other countries GENERAL EDUCATION ELECTIVES (A total of nine (9) units, the Elective Courses, each must qualify as a GE subject where it must:)

13 Mathematics, Science and Technology  Environmental Science. Inter-relationships among components of the natural world  People and the Earth’s Ecosystem. Impact of human activities on the environment  Living in the IT Era. Science, culture and ethics of information technology, and uses for personal, professional, and social advancement Social Science and Philosophy  Religions, Religious Experiences and Spirituality. Role and impact of religions and spirituality on human history and personal life.  Philippine Indigenous Communities. Indigenous groups in the Philippines, their way of life, role in and contribution to Filipino society  Gender and Society. Gender as a social construction, its role in and impact on different facets of societal life.  The Entrepreneurial Mind. Meaning and attributes of entrepreneurship, the social role and impact of entrepreneurship Arts & Humanities  Great Books. Selected masterpieces to be read in their entirety.  Philippine Popular Culture. New forms in art, music, and literature arising from opportunities and demands of mass audiences, market and mass media, and their social, economic and political contexts  Indigenous Creative Crafts. Traditional forms of weaving, woodwork and other crafts, where they are done, how and by whom, and their artistic and social purposes  Reading Visual Art. Visual Art including film as text, techniques of reading and analysis Note: Although GE Electives are categorized by knowledge domain, the content and perspectives of the GE Electives traverse disciplinal borders. Below are examples:

14 Integration of G-12 Program Orientation and Training of College GEC faculty Design of new, interesting, challenging elective courses that satisfy the GE criteria; emphasis on competence- based education Development of up-to-date and appropriate course syllabi, readings, materials and resources Development of a Monitoring and Assessment System of GE programs as implemented by the various departments or colleges and universities, including a provision for the regular review of the GE program Challenges of General Education Conceptualization

15 Program Curriculum Components General Education Courses From 60 + Units to 36 Units Professional or Specialization Courses Practicum or Internship or On the Job Training Grade 12 Outcomes/ Graduates UMAk Graduates Vacuum that needs to be filled in


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