How would you define the word sacrifice? What are some examples of how people make sacrifices?

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2 How would you define the word sacrifice? What are some examples of how people make sacrifices?

3 Each of us has items or possessions that carry great value for us. If we were called to give them up, we would consider it a great sacrifice. In today’s lesson we will see how God called Abraham to sacrifice the most important thing in the world to him, and how he responded.

4 Extreme Faith Genesis 22:1-19 family theme: God provided a sacrifice. family theme: God provided a sacrifice.


6 God Stretches Our Faith Genesis 22:1-2

7 God Stretches Our Faith This was a God-ordained test for Abraham’s benefit (not God’s) to grow his faith and set an example for believers in all places and times. God asked much of Abraham, but promised him much as well.

8 God tests our faith to stretch and strengthen it for our benefit. How might God test our faith today? What is the most difficult trial that you, or your family, have had to walk through? How does going through a test like that strengthen our faith?

9 Faith Takes Us Beyond Our Comfort Zone Genesis 22:3-10

10 Isaac’s familiarity with making sacrifices to God indicates that Abraham had taught him these things. God established the home to make disciples and transfer the faith.

11 Faith Takes Us Beyond Our Comfort Zone Through his faith, Abraham set a benchmark—a benchmark that has been followed by every pastor, missionary, martyr, man, woman, mother, and child that have stepped out of their comfort zone because they believed God.

12 Let God’s Word and His will take you out of your comfort zone in both little and big steps of faith. What are some comfort zones we tend to settle into in our lives? In what ways have you seen God stretch you and bring you out of your comfort zone?

13 God Will Provide What We Need to Do His Will Genesis 22:11-19

14 God Will Provide What We Need to Do His Will Providence was clearly at work and God provided a ram that Abraham could use as a sacrifice. Abraham called the place Jehovah-jireh, which is literally translated God will see or provide.

15 We obey God, not knowing what the future holds. When have you stepped out in faith to obey God? How did God provide what you needed in order to do what he asked you to do?

16 We obey God, not knowing what the future holds. What advice would you share with those that are walking an unexpected journey right now and are not sure what to do next?

17 The promise to provide a substitute sacrifice illustrates that we need a savior.

18 What has God used in the past to stretch and strengthen your faith? What can we learn from Abraham about trusting God when it is not easy to do so?

19 What is God asking you to do that requires faith and trust in Him? How will you respond in faith this week?

20 Available for FREE download at Home Connection is a simple, downloadable page that gives parents: A weekly Bible passage to READ together as a family Suggestions to help them PRAY together as a family Suggested activities to DO to put their faith in action

21 Home Connection also provides the “take away” from each age level in D6 Curriculum. This way parents know what each family member is experiencing in his or her class. Download your free copy of Home Connection at


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