Monday 8/15/16 Agenda: (Write in agenda.) Get Syllabus signed. Government Day 1 EQ: What is the main purpose for Georgia’s constitution ? WU: (Write answer.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday 8/15/16 Agenda: (Write in agenda.) Get Syllabus signed. Government Day 1 EQ: What is the main purpose for Georgia’s constitution ? WU: (Write answer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday 8/15/16 Agenda: (Write in agenda.) Get Syllabus signed. Government Day 1 EQ: What is the main purpose for Georgia’s constitution ? WU: (Write answer in your notes.) Make a KWL in your notebook about the Constitution. Open: Brain Pop Work: 1. The students will take Notes in their note books about the Government and the Constitution’s role in establishing it. 2. GO 3. Write our own Constitution Close: The Constitution is…. Georgia's governor first proclaimed the brown thrasher as the State Bird in 1935, and it was finally recognized by the Georgia legislature as the official State Bird 1970.

2 K What I know W What I want to know Questions I have L What I have learned

3 Government 1a-f Subtitle

4 What is anarchy?


6 SS8CG1 The student will describe the role of citizens under Georgia’s constitution. a. Explain the basic structure of the Georgia state constitution. b. Explain the concepts of separation of powers and checks and balances. c. Describe the rights and responsibilities of citizens. d. Explain voting qualifications and elections in Georgia. e. Explain the role of political parties in government. Enduring Understanding Connections: Governance Distribution of Power


8 ▪ A constitution establishes the relationship between a government and its people. ▪ Georgia adopted its first constitution in 1777.

9 ▪Legislators began writing Georgia’s current constitution in 1977, and it was approved by the state’s citizens in 1983. – This is Georgia’s 10 th Constitution. ▪The constitution is broken up into 11 articles and is 89 pages long. ▪The articles outline the rights, rules, regulations, and procedures for both citizens and the state’s government.

10 ▪The people of this state have the inherent right of regulating their internal government. Government is instituted for the protection, security, and benefit of the people. ▪What right given to people allows them to regulate and alter the government?

11 School House Rock

12 ▪Like the United States, Georgia’s government is divided into three different branches. ▪Each branch has a different role. ▪This is known as separation of powers and makes sure that no branch becomes too powerful.

13 Make Laws Enforce Laws Interpret Laws


15 ▪The three branches of government also put limits, or checks on each other. If one branch makes an error, another branch has the power to fix that error. ▪If the legislative branch passes a law, the governor (executive branch) can veto it and the judicial branch can declare the law unconstitutional.


17 RIGHTS Bill of Rights RESPONSIBILITIES VotePay TaxesObey LawsServe on JurySelective Service Life, Liberty, and Property Freedom of Religion Freedom of Speech and Press Right to Bear Arms Right to Assemble & Petition Right to Trial by Jury Protection from Unreasonable Searches and Seizures

18 What are the four qualifications to be able to vote in Georgia? What are the two things that can prevent a person from being able to vote? I WANT TO BE A GEORGIA VOTER…

19 Voting in Georgia Qualifications Voters must be a citizen the United States Voters must be 18 years old by election day Voters must be a legal resident of Georgia and the county where a person wants to vote in Voter must register to vote at least 5 Mondays before an election Disqualifications Voter serving time in jail for a felony offense Voter ruled to be mentally incompetent.

20 VOTING QUALIFICATIONS 18 years oldU.S. citizen Resident of County You Vote ELECTIONS President & Vice President 2 US Senators 13 US Representatives Governor & Lieutenant Governor 56 State Senators & 180 State Representatives County officials (Mayor, School Board, Sheriff)

21 ▪There are several locations where Georgians can register to vote. Some of these include city, county and state offices, and libraries. They can also download a voter registration form online and mail it to the Georgia secretary of state’s office. ▪People are only allowed to vote at the Polling Place in their district (precinct), or via absentee ballot.

22 Primary Election An election where members of the Republican and Democratic party vote for candidates from their party to run for a specific office such as governor, lieutenant governor, and secretary of state. These are open elections and the voter does not have to be a member of the party to vote, but they can only vote in one. These elections are held in July or August during even numbered years.

23 General Election An election where the winners from both parties’ primaries, along with members of third parties and independents, compete for political offices. The elections are also held in even number years and take place on the second Tuesday of November.

24 Other Elections ▪In Georgia, if a candidate does not receive more than 50% of the vote (i.e., 50% +1 vote), then there is a run-off election. This can take place in the primary or the general election. ▪Voters sometimes have the opportunity to vote on a law. This is called a Referendum.


26 Political Parties ▪America’s political system is often called a “two party” system. As the name implies, the political landscape is dominated by two parties. ▪Since the 1860s the two major parties have been the Republican and the Democratic. However, in Georgia it was not until the latter half of the 20th century that Republicans became a political force in the state.

27 Political Parties ▪The role of political parties in the United States and Georgia is for groups of like-minded individuals who share common beliefs and ideas to work together in hopes of electing their members to political offices. ▪Though two parties dominate the political scene there are several minor or “third parties” parties as well. In some elections, these political parties cause run-off elections.

28 Georgia’s Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the Georgia Flag and to the principles for which it stands: Wisdom, Justice, and Moderation.

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