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Course Title: Video Marketing for Small Businesses By Deborah L. Killion ©2015.

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1 Course Title: Video Marketing for Small Businesses By Deborah L. Killion ©2015

2 Introduction In this course you will learn: A brief history of how media production has changed and where it is going Basic video production and editing techniques How to create a basic marketing video How to integrate multi-channel platforms to maximize your impact and compete with big businesses

3 Put on a show!

4 Understand the Technology In order to know how to create a marketing video that will help your business grow, we first need to understand the technology and how it has changed over the years.

5 Evolution from analog to digital Methods have changed from long production times to instant publication Mobile users have defined how media will be created in the future Media Creation in the Technology Age

6 Echoes from the Past

7 Vinyl records

8 8-track tape

9 Cassette tape

10 We ’ ve come a long way, Baby!

11 HD, Mobile, & Instant

12 How Customers Have Helped Shape Media Trends There are more mobile users than ever before. Customers demand mobile-friendly sites, shopping experience, etc. Google now requires mobile-friendly sites to stay up in the rankings (as of the April 21, 2015 algorithm updates)

13 Where we are Now Video conferencing has become mainstream for businesses to collaborate and share.

14 We have moved from a completely “ analog ” environment to a digital one.

15 Editing video on the computer has become so easy that anyone can do it!

16 Creating a great marketing video has become “ child ’ s play. ”

17 You don ’ t even have to have a big budget to do it now.

18 Where are we going next? More mobile users Multiple platforms Various devices and operating systems More emphasis on video and social media Ease-of-use (positive UX experience) critical to success Technology will continue to evolve

19 What does this mean for small businesses? We must be more assertive in our approach to video marketing Get on the platforms where people are to reach the greatest numbers of people. Produce content that will be viewable on multiple devices and operating systems. Keep all content “ mobile friendly ” for both customers (and Google).

20 Think about YOUR business. What is your central message you want to convey to the world? If you could say anything in 2 minutes about your brand, what would it be? What problem do you solve for people? What does your business contribute to the world?

21 You can just write out your idea, shoot it, and edit it, cutting out the parts you don ’ t want using sophisticated methods. (Rent-a-Goat, Inc.)

22 But seriously folks ….. It IS easy. It IS inexpensive. And YOU can do it! In the next video I will show you how to create your own video using the equipment you probably already have.

23 What are you waiting for? So watch Lecture 2 and you ’ ll find some helpful tips on how to create your own video in HD quality to share with the world! See you then! Oh, see what the cat did?

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