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Scenario: A normal patrol? “Time to go home!! But….. it’s not over until it’s all over!!!”

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Presentation on theme: "Scenario: A normal patrol? “Time to go home!! But….. it’s not over until it’s all over!!!”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Scenario: A normal patrol? “Time to go home!! But….. it’s not over until it’s all over!!!”

2 Pre-patrol Preparation. Area Search. Police Contact. Police Action. Follow Up. Scenario

3 Read the Intelligence Brief before going on patrol, to get a ‘feel’ for what is likely to be happening. Letterboxes have been vandalised. Several of the localities mentioned in the Brief are just near the patrol start point. Pre-patrol Preparation

4 Within 3 minutes, the patrol noted broken letter boxes and two people walking up the road. The patrol drove past them taking careful note of their details. They were two girls, one carrying a cricket bat! The patrol drove around the area looking for any other people on foot. No other persons were seen. Area Search

5 Returning to the ‘Scene of the Crime’ after a sweep, patrol met a “DELTA” van that had just arrived. Patrol reported their findings to the dog handler. The dog found a scent by the letterbox. The dog handler asked the patrol to have another sweep around, in case somebody ‘came out of the bushes’. Police Contact

6 Patrol carried out further sweep of area, found nothing and returned to the ‘scene of the crime’. ‘I-Car’ was just arriving. Patrol briefed Police Officers. They drove off up the road to follow DELTA. Police Contact

7 Returning to the start point, the patrol passed the two girls who now were being questioned by the Police dog handler and the two Police Officers. The dog sat close by watching the two girls! The patrol gave the Police the ‘Thumbs Up’ as they drove past. Police Action

8 Police reported to Comms that they were “coming back with Two!” At 02:00 whilst on patrol, the I-Car officers called the patrol to thank them for their help. They said the two girls (14 & 17 years old) had admitted ‘doing’ 21 letterboxes, 7 Real Estate signs and several lights. They were BORED!!! Follow up

9 THE END Scenario: A normal patrol (Originally developed by Waikenae Community Patrol)

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