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SeisComP3©GFZ Examples of usage by Dr. Bernd Weber gempa GmbH.

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Presentation on theme: "SeisComP3©GFZ Examples of usage by Dr. Bernd Weber gempa GmbH."— Presentation transcript:

1 SeisComP3©GFZ Examples of usage by Dr. Bernd Weber gempa GmbH

2 Howto check the event history
scevtlog is a module to log the complete event processing history in form of single updates and summary files

3 How to create an EQ-bulletin
scbulletin is a module to export event information to a bulletin file from database scbulletin -E gfz2009groy d from file scbulletin -i gfz2009groy.xml -f xml -3

4 How to export information from DB
scxmldump is dumping information into a XML file Complete event information scxmldump -d -E gfz2009groy -PAMf -o gfz2009groy.xml Inventory information scxmldump -I -d -o inventory.xml Config information scxmldump -C -d -o inventory.xml

5 Howto copy Mseed from/to archive
scart is exporting and importing Mseed from/to archive Exporting all stations for a time window scart -dsvE -t ' :30~ :32' ~/seiscomp3/acquisition/archive > sorted.mseed Exporting a single network for a time window scart -dsvE -t ' :00~ :00' -n GE ~/seiscomp3/acquisition/archive > sorted.mseed Importing MSeed file scart -I sorted.mseed ~/seiscomp3/acquisition/archive

6 How to export event based MSeed
scevtstreams + scart Create a MSeed file containing all stations used for earthquake processing scevtstreams -E gfz2009groy -d -L 0 -m 300 | scart -dsvE -list ~/seiscomp3/acquisition/archive > gfz2009groy.mseed

7 Howto visualize waveforms
scrttv is displaying waveform data real-time scrttv -H localhost -I slink://localhost:18000 offline (file) scrttv sorted.mseed --buffer-size 86400 archive scrttv -I arclink://localhost: end ' :30:00' --buffer- size 3600

8 Import xml files into DB
scdb is writting information into the DB Import an event xml file into the DB scdb -i gfz2009waff.xml -d -b 1000 Restore a SeisComP3 configuration scdb -i inventory.xml -d -b 1000 scdb -i config.xml -d -b 1000

9 Dump events in a time span to file
scevtls is listing all event IDs in a given time span List events scevtls -d --begin " :00:00" --end " :00:00" Exporting all events in a given time span to a file for i in `scevtls -d --begin " :00:00" --end " :00:00"`;do scxmldump -d -E $i -PAMf -o $i.xml;done

10 Howto monitor the performance
scm is monitoring the system performance Monitor running clients scm -H localhost scm.cfg m plugin.send = true m plugin.recipients = m plugin.filterMeanInterval = 1 m plugin.requiredClients = scautopick, scautoloc, scevent, scmag, scamp Monitor performance m plugin.filter= "cpuusage>100“

11 Retrieve information from the DB
scquery is executing predefined mysql queries Listing all stations in a given Region queries.cfg: queries = stationsInRegion query.stationsInRegion.description = "Returns stations in a given region (Lat min, Lat max, Lon min, Lon max=" query.stationsInRegion = "select code, latitude, longitude from Station where latitude > ##minLat## and latitude < ##maxLat## and longitude > ##minLong## and longitude < ##maxLong##;" scquery -d stationsInRegion

12 Howto make a offlineplayback
sh gfz2009abcd.mseed gfz2009abcd.xml Create bulletin scbulletin -i gfz2009abcd.xml -f xml -3 Open Playback results with scolv scolv --offline -I gfz2008apgp-Xizang-M6.8.sorted-mseed --inventory-db inventory.xml

13 Activate AIC mode in MP Open scolv and manual picker
Activate picking mode Press „r“ to activate the AIC mode

14 Convert dataless into inventory xml
dlsv2 is converting a dataless seedfile into a SeisComP3 XML inventory file dlsv2inv datalessfile

15 Import global station configuration
import_dlsv is creating keyfiles dlsv2inv datalessfile

16 Import responses sync_dlsv is creating keyfiles dlsv2inv datalessfile

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