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NICHOLAS’ DOWNFALL…. One of the last photos of Nicholas, taken after his abdication in March 1917.

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Presentation on theme: "NICHOLAS’ DOWNFALL…. One of the last photos of Nicholas, taken after his abdication in March 1917."— Presentation transcript:

1 NICHOLAS’ DOWNFALL…. One of the last photos of Nicholas, taken after his abdication in March 1917

2 The plan for today…. See if we would have made better decisions than Nicholas… Prioritise the reasons that Nicholas was forced to abdicate… Review in what ways life improved or got worse between 1914-1917

3 Things were improving in Russia before 1914 (evidence) Things were getting worse in Russia before 1914 (evidence) Order & control The Dumas Changes in the countryside Changes in the cities

4 The plan for today…. See if we would have made better decisions than Nicholas… Prioritise the reasons that Nicholas was forced to abdicate… Review in what ways life improved or got worse between 1914-1917

5 22 Feb: 20,000 steelworkers go on strike in St. P 23-25 Feb: strikes grow, by 25 th 50% of city is on strike 26 Feb: Tsar orders troops to fire on crowds – 40 killed… he also tries to close the Duma 27 Feb: soldiers mutiny; soldiers and workers set up St. P Soviet 1 Mar: Duma sets up Provisional Government 2-3 Mar: Tsar tries to give throne to his brother, Mikhail. Mikhail refuses. Tsar steps down… Events of the Feb 1917 Revolution

6 Dual Government We’re the Government now…. Not without us, you’re not… The Provisional Government was a 12 member Gov. led by Alexander Kerensky. It planned to rule until elections were held. The St. Petersburg Soviet was a council of 2,500 workers and soldiers reps… … it was determined to share power with the Provisional Government… THE PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT THE ST. PETERSBURG SOVIET

7 Complete a pie chart in pairs (but both write your own copy for your books) Give the largest slice to the reason you think was most significant in N’s downfall Divide up the rest of the pie according to why you think N failed In the outer circle write all your reasons & evidence for your judgements 5 reasons to prioritise: MILITARY DEFEATS (military problems); THE TSARINA & RASPUTIN (political problems); INFLATION (economic problems); FOOD & FUEL SHORTAGES (social problems); NICHOLAS’ MISTAKES

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