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Filling ingedients : 1 kg potatoes, ½ kg cheese, 1 onion Pierogi ruskie Russian duimplings.

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Presentation on theme: "Filling ingedients : 1 kg potatoes, ½ kg cheese, 1 onion Pierogi ruskie Russian duimplings."— Presentation transcript:

1 Filling ingedients : 1 kg potatoes, ½ kg cheese, 1 onion Pierogi ruskie Russian duimplings

2 Boil the potatoes in salted water until soft. Melt some butter in a large pan over medium heat. Add the chopped onion and cook until it is translucent.

3 Add the onion to the mashed potatoes. Mix the ingredients and set aside to cool. Then add the grained cheese. Season with salt and pepper.

4 Dough ingredients: all-purpose flour, 2 eggs, some hot water.

5 Form the balls and roll each out with a rolling pin into a round approximately 2 or 3 mm in thickness. Combine the flour with eggs and the water. Knead until the ingredients are blended and the dough is smooth on the outside and slightly sticky when poked.

6 Hold the dough in one hand, fold in half to enclose the filling, and pinch the edges securely together. Don't allow filling to touch the edges to avoid an imperfect seal. Be sure there are no openings along the edges, or the filling will boil out. Use a glass to roll out the dough circles. Place a spoonful of filling into the center.

7 When they float to the top, cook for another 2 to 4 min. Remove with a slotted spoon drain in a colander. Drop the pierogi in batches into the boiling water, stirring occasionally.

8 Serve fresh with melted butter with onion or sauté in butter until lightly brown on outside. SMACZNEGO!

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