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Unit 3 Review RenaissanceReformation Exploration 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 Misc.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 3 Review RenaissanceReformation Exploration 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 Misc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 3 Review RenaissanceReformation Exploration 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 Misc. Vocab

2 Renaissance _________’s most famous Renaissance art was the Sistine Chapel, while ________ worked with sculpting bronze 100

3 Michelangelo’s most famous Renaissance art was the Sistine Chapel, while Donatello worked with sculpting bronze 100 Renaissance

4 Why did the Italian Renaissance start in Florence? 200 Renaissance

5 Florence managed to avoid the economic depression that plagued the rest of Europe; vital port city for trade 200 Renaissance

6 How did the Medici family contribute to the Renaissance? 300 Renaissance

7 Commissioned artists to paint for them; led to a competition of status, centered around artwork 300 Renaissance

8 ____________ wrote “The Prince,” which was about __________________. 400 Renaissance

9 Machiavelli wrote “The Prince,” which was about how kings should rule/govern. 400 Renaissance

10 Francois Rabelais was France’s most popular Renaissance author. What was the focus/themes of his writing? 500 Renaissance

11 500 Renaissance 1. Comedy, parodies, satire 2. Rejected the Middle Ages’ focus on the afterlife 3. Believed people should live life to the fullest 4. Law, medicine, politics, theology

12 Reformation 100 List three topics within Luther’s “95 Theses”

13 1. Baptism 2. Powers of clergy 3. Rejected indulgences 4. Removing sin 5. Punishment for heresy 6. Use of confession 100 Reformation

14 200 Reformation One of Luther's biggest criticisms was the bible being written in Latin. Why?

15 Allowed the clergy to translate it however they wanted 200 Reformation

16 Who enforced Calvinist rules/laws? 300 Reformation

17 300 Reformation The Consistory

18 List two reasons Calvinism was so appealing. 400 Reformation

19 Allowed citizens to vote for leaders and overthrow corrupt ones 400 Reformation

20 500 Reformation The Catholic Church started reforming when Pope _________ called a meeting of Bishops, known as ___________. List two things this group accomplished.

21 The Catholic Church started when Pope Paul III called a meeting of Bishops, known as The Council of Trent. List two things this group accomplished. 1. Forbade indulgences 2. Reaffirmed Catholic teachings 3. Established a Seminary 4. Increased censorship 5. Strengthened the Inquisition 500 Reformation

22 Exploration The Southern tip of Africa; founded by Dias (name the place) 100

23 Exploration Cape of Good Hope 100

24 Exploration ________ was the first person to __________ the world (make a complete circle) 200

25 Exploration Magellan was the first person to circumnavigate the world (make a complete circle) 200

26 Exploration ___________ was a pattern of trade between three regions in the world. List those three places! 300

27 Exploration Triangular Trade was a pattern of trade between three regions in the world. List those three places! (Africa, Europe & Americas) 300

28 Exploration _______ was a Spanish explorer who traveled from Cuba to _________ and conquered the _______ empire. 400

29 Exploration Cortes was a Spanish explorer who traveled from Cuba to Tenochtitlan and conquered the Aztec empire. 400

30 Exploration List three causes AND three effects of Exploration. 500

31 Exploration Causes: god, gold, glory, curiosity, new trade routes Effects: rivalries, migration, knowledge, technology, trade, slave trade, Colombian Exchange 500

32 Vocab Trade of crops, animals, diseases, and slaves between the New and Old Worlds 100

33 Colombian Exchange 100 Vocab

34 Two Renaissance values were _________ (influence from ancient Greece & Rome) and ________ (questioning attitude) 200 Vocab

35 Two Renaissance values were Classicism (influence from ancient Greece & Rome) and Skeptism (questioning attitude) 200 Vocab

36 A new art style developed during the Catholic Reformation that focused on exaggeration for dramatic effect 300 Vocab

37 Baroque 300 Vocab

38 _________ believed in __________, which said God determined everyone’s past, present & future. 400 Vocab

39 John Calvin believed in predestination, which said God determined everyone’s past, present & future. 400 Vocab

40 _______ and ______ were the biggest European Rivals and in an effort to negotiate, they signed the ____________ which established the Line of Demarcation. 500 Vocab

41 Portugal and Spain were the biggest European Rivals and in an effort to negotiate, they signed the Treaty of Tordesillas which established the Line of Demarcation. 500 Vocab

42 Misc. List two differences between Medieval and Renaissance art. 100

43 Renaissance art was more realistic, detailed, 3-D, and focused on the individual 100 Misc

44 The ________ were a sect of Catholics who believed only adults should be baptized. 200 Misc

45 Anabaptists 200 Misc

46 After the Catholic Reformation, the _______ worked to spread Catholicism and combat all remaining heresy. 300 Misc

47 Jesuits 300 Misc

48 _________ invented the printing press. List three changes brought on by this invention. 400 Misc

49 Gutenberg invented the printing press. List three changes brought on by this invention. 1. Cheaper 2. More efficient/accurate 3. Translated into the vernacular 4. Allowed for spread of ideas 400 Misc

50 Henry VIII changed England’s church to Protestantism because of his mistress________. But it was his child ______ that changed it back to Catholicism. 500 Misc

51 Henry VIII changed England’s church to Protestantism because of his mistress Anne Boleyn. But it was his child Mary I that changed it back to Catholicism. 500 Misc

52 Final Jeopardy!! n No notes or textbooks n Make your bets! n Category: The Age of Exploration

53 Question: n What is mercantilism?

54 Answer: n The power of a country is defined by how much $$$$ they have

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