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Lycée Denis Diderot 23, Bd Lavéran - 13388 MARSEILLE cedex 13 Tél. - Fax.

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Presentation on theme: "Lycée Denis Diderot 23, Bd Lavéran - 13388 MARSEILLE cedex 13 Tél. - Fax."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lycée Denis Diderot 23, Bd Lavéran - 13388 MARSEILLE cedex 13 Tél. - Fax.

2 Toward a Europe of Education COMENIUS PROJECT A school partnership concerning at least 3 partnering schools A European financial grant for each school

3 4 Partnering schools Germany: Max-von-Laue-Gymnasium Südallee 1, 56068 Koblenz - Poland : V Liceum im. Augusta Witkowskiego ul. Studencka 12, 31-116 Kraków - Italy: I.I.S.S. Liceo Scientifico 'Albert Einstein' via Togliatti, 70056 Molfetta - France: Lycée Denis Diderot 23 Bd Laveran – 13388 Marseille cedex 13 -

4 4 European meetings over two years POLAND : 01- 04 December 2010 ITALY :30 March – 2 April 2011 GERMANY : 19 – 22 October 2011 FRANCE : 18 – 21 April 2012 These dates may be modified according to the national schedules (holidays, exams...) of each partnering country

5 During the meetings 3 sessions of experiments (filmed) 3 international classes (5 French pupils, 5 Germans, 5 Italians, 5 Poles) Pedagogical visits or conferences Cultural tour of the city If possible, hosting in families, or else in Youth Hostels

6 Before each meeting Working on a specific topic → e-twinning platform European « traveling » exhibition about : → My country, my region, myself through our food → Food, cooking and habits → Survey on food and nutrition → Comenius results: what more do I know Linguistic preparation to the experiment sessions

7 After each meeting Evaluation of the meeting → by those who organised it → by the hosting families → by the teachers → by the pupils News Letter on the schools' websites (by the pupils) News Letter on the Education and Training website (by the teachers) Installation of the traveling exhibition in each country

8 The story of a commitment The partnering schools → financial and organisational back-up The hosting school → finding hosting families, organisational back-up → press and communication Pedagogical staff → communicating between meetings → experiment sessions → selection and organisation of visits and conferences → follow-up of pupils

9 The story of a commitment The hosting families → eager to make the foreign pupils discover The families of all four countries → support to the project over 2 years → instilling a will to meet and learn The pupils, ambassadors of their school, their city, their country → work and willingness → eagerness to communicate and meet

10 Toward a Europe of Education meeting something else Discovering experimental sciences Discovering 4 countries, 4 cities Meeting other pupils and making friends Dicovering something unknown Discovering something different Discovering Europe

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