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5 Ways to Build Increased Sales by Specializing in Vertical Markets Joe Nagy, Vice President, Sales, Zetta.

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Presentation on theme: "5 Ways to Build Increased Sales by Specializing in Vertical Markets Joe Nagy, Vice President, Sales, Zetta."— Presentation transcript:

1 5 Ways to Build Increased Sales by Specializing in Vertical Markets Joe Nagy, Vice President, Sales, Zetta

2 THE GLOBAL EVENT FOR THE CLOUD AND SERVICE PROVIDER ECOSYSTEM No Pitch Presentation Policy Please help us produce more relevant content in the future by rating this session using our event app! Each presenter signs a speaker agreement certifying that their presentation will be educational and not a sales pitch. Attendees have a right to report speakers not adhering to the policy.

3 THE GLOBAL EVENT FOR THE CLOUD AND SERVICE PROVIDER ECOSYSTEM The Power of the Vertical “Expanding into a new vertical - taking your existing product or service into a new market with an untapped customer base - can be a viable path to increasing revenues and meeting top-line growth objectives.” - Entrepreneur Magazine

4 THE GLOBAL EVENT FOR THE CLOUD AND SERVICE PROVIDER ECOSYSTEM Vertical Value #1: Agility With a vertical specialization comes the focus that brings nimbleness that can’t be achieved through broad, horizontal selling It optimizes your marketing and resource investments It enables targeted innovation that produces more rapid returns

5 THE GLOBAL EVENT FOR THE CLOUD AND SERVICE PROVIDER ECOSYSTEM Vertical Value #2: Credibility As vertical expert you gain authority from customers and prospects You become the go-to expert based on your understanding of the vertical’s unique challenges Thought leadership can also lead to greater customer loyalty and higher margins

6 THE GLOBAL EVENT FOR THE CLOUD AND SERVICE PROVIDER ECOSYSTEM Vertical Value #3: Customer Advocacy As an industry expert, your customers are more apt to refer you to their peers Customer endorsements will empower you to grow your industry footprint – use known industry brands to demonstrate your expertise Leverage the power of competition – your prospects want to do what your customers do well

7 THE GLOBAL EVENT FOR THE CLOUD AND SERVICE PROVIDER ECOSYSTEM Vertical Value #4: Leadership As you gain success in your vertical, you become the expert Leadership snowballs your success It shortens sales cycles, lowers prospecting costs and drives customer “stickiness” It protects your industry ownership, keeping out new players

8 THE GLOBAL EVENT FOR THE CLOUD AND SERVICE PROVIDER ECOSYSTEM Vertical Value #5: Sales Growth Ultimately vertical specialty will drive new sales at exponential rates Grow repeat business Bring visibility into new innovations for incremental sales Help you achieve better work-life balance So where do you Start?

9 THE GLOBAL EVENT FOR THE CLOUD AND SERVICE PROVIDER ECOSYSTEM Do Your Homework Sell into a vertical you already know well or have a deep passion for Still, do your homework – know the industry’s unique challenges and pain points Research where competitors have succeeded or failed and implement what you learn

10 THE GLOBAL EVENT FOR THE CLOUD AND SERVICE PROVIDER ECOSYSTEM Vertical Targeting Example: MSP Focused on Non-Profits Transformed passion for charities into a vital business Capitalized on non-profits’ needs to keep costs down and peace-of-mind high Leveraged demand to protect vital data from disaster while assuring compliance and minimizing downtime with cloud-based backup and recovery

11 THE GLOBAL EVENT FOR THE CLOUD AND SERVICE PROVIDER ECOSYSTEM Ask Questions Ask a lot of questions Learn from existing customers in your target vertical Understand what they find unique and valuable about your offering Ask what they still need to solve – selling is about empathy, show you understand and care

12 THE GLOBAL EVENT FOR THE CLOUD AND SERVICE PROVIDER ECOSYSTEM Vertical Targeting Example: MSP Focused on Country Clubs Learned of opportunity at play Began by questioning and making things better for their own club and then clubs known by staff Created a business line by becoming an expert

13 THE GLOBAL EVENT FOR THE CLOUD AND SERVICE PROVIDER ECOSYSTEM Align Your Focus Develop a focused, unified effort across the organization for your core vertical markets From product marketing to sales, engineering to business development – everyone needs to be on the same page Become a collective voice and advocate for your vertical industries

14 THE GLOBAL EVENT FOR THE CLOUD AND SERVICE PROVIDER ECOSYSTEM Vertical Targeting Example: MSP Focused on Law Offices MSP identified law offices as a vertical with characteristics that made them good candidates for services Size: 3-5 staff – manageable contact/training Capabilities – No IT person on staff Value – Time spent by staff on IT issues not generating revenue

15 THE GLOBAL EVENT FOR THE CLOUD AND SERVICE PROVIDER ECOSYSTEM Stay Innovative Consistently re-invent and innovate to solve your vertical markets’ challenges Become the thought leader that sets you apart in your industries’ category Socialize your expertise and seek customer input on new developments

16 THE GLOBAL EVENT FOR THE CLOUD AND SERVICE PROVIDER ECOSYSTEM Vertical Targeting Example: MSP Focused on Dental Practices Identified unique need for dental practice specialty Started with seminars and then support for dental technology and software to minimize management Expanded to offer cloud-based backup and recovery by listening to the unique needs of its industry-specific clients

17 THE GLOBAL EVENT FOR THE CLOUD AND SERVICE PROVIDER ECOSYSTEM Connect & Evangelize See and be seen in your vertical industry’s circles Leverage your connections and encourage them to advocate for you Evangelize your success and showcase solutions to facilitate industry innovation and progress

18 THE GLOBAL EVENT FOR THE CLOUD AND SERVICE PROVIDER ECOSYSTEM Key Reasons to Specialize in Vertical Markets - Now 1.Deep marketing and sales focus 2.Builds the credibility that wins deals 3.Fuels customer word of mouth 4.Establishes your expertise so you can grow your footprint 5.Shows your passion – and passion sells

19 THE GLOBAL EVENT FOR THE CLOUD AND SERVICE PROVIDER ECOSYSTEM About the Speaker Joe Nagy, VP of Sales, Zetta Nagy has more than 25 years of enterprise sales experience across a diverse range of industries. Prior to Zetta, Nagy was VP of Sales at Aurionpro Solutions, a public company focused on helping financial institutions and other enterprises accelerate digital innovation. Previously, Nagy has held positions as VP of Sales at SugarSync and Director of Sales at BancBox. Zetta is an award-winning provider of high-performance cloud data protection and disaster recovery solutions that are a worry-free choice for businesses and managed service providers. The Company’s direct-to-cloud approach provides businesses a fast and reliable way to protect, access and quickly recover their business-critical data and systems – both physical and virtual – without the need for costly extra hardware.

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