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How to Leverage the Toastmasters Lead Management (TLM) System.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Leverage the Toastmasters Lead Management (TLM) System."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Leverage the Toastmasters Lead Management (TLM) System

2 1.High-level overview of the TLM 2.The different TLM roles and responsibilities 3.The TLM reporting feature 4.Resources for you and your team Webinar Agenda

3 1.An understanding of… The benefits of the TLM How the TLM is involved with marketing The difference between a lead, an opportunity and a club The tasks for leads, opportunities and clubs 2.The importance of recruiting… To help manage tasks To help supervise tasks To help execute tasks 3.The importance of training… To provide an understanding of TLM roles and responsibilities To ensure information flows upward and accurately into the TLM 4.The TLM Reports feature… To discover support opportunities To discover potential leaders for next year To discover ways to improve your marketing strategy Learning Objectives

4 The Benefits of the TLM Retain Lead Records Club Sponsor Records Performance Data Historical Information Discover Areas of Improvement High-Performing Members Training Opportunities Most Important New Club Opportunities Manage Marketing Strategies Club Building Teams Club Building Execution New Club Leads and Opportunities

5 How the TLM is Involved with Club Building Sponsor’s Journey Lead Generation Advertisements Fliers and brochures Social Media Word of mouth Lead and Opportunity Conversion Emails and phone calls Meetings Club sponsors Charter paperwork Club Retention Member engagement Club officer training Club mentors and coaches Internal public relations Awareness of Needs Toastmasters Club Awareness Toastmasters Club Consideration Toastmasters Club Preference Club Charter Intention New Club Sponsor Loyalty Sponsor Advocac y TLM

6 Lead and Opportunity Conversion Emails and phone calls Meetings Club sponsors Charter paperwork Lead A person or organization has provided the district with their contact details for more information A Lead, an Opportunity and a New Club Opportunity The lead was followed up on and interest to conduct a demonstration meeting or start a new club confirmed Sponsor’s Journey Awareness of Needs Toastmasters Club Awareness Toastmasters Club Consideration Toastmasters Club Preference Club Charter Intention New Club Sponsor Loyalty Sponsor Advocac y New Club All charter paperwork was processed successfully TLM Lead Generation Advertisements Fliers and brochures Social Media Word of mouth Club Retention Member engagement Club officer training Club mentors and coaches Internal public relations

7 Toastmasters International’s Leads and the TLM Lead Generate d Lead Assigned

8 Opportunity The lead was followed up on and interest to start or sponsor a club is confirmed Sponsor’s Journey Toastmasters Club Preference Club Charter Intention New Club Lead A person or organization has provided the district with their contact details for more information New Club All charter paperwork was processed successfully Club Building Data and Task Manager – Who is it? 1.Email 2.Phone 3.Introduction 6.Presentation of Charter a.Transfer from Club Sponsor(s) to Club Mentor(s) Lead Converted Opportunity Converted 4.Demonstration a.Assign Club Sponsor(s), Mentor(s) and Roles 5.Prospective Club a.Fill out chartering forms (1-6b) Lead Generated Club Extension Chair

9 6.Presentation of Charter a.Transfer from Club Sponsor(s) to Club Mentor(s) 4.Demonstration a.Assign Club Sponsor(s), Mentor(s) and Roles 5.Prospective Club a.Fill out chartering forms (1-6b) Opportunity Lead New Club 1.Email 2.Phone 3.Introduction Lead Converted Opportunity Converted Club Extension Chair Club Building Data and Task Supervisors – Chair Helpers Lead Generated Lead Management Opportunity Management Club Extension Committee Club Sponsor Committee

10 A TLM Lead and the Club Extension Chair

11 A TLM Opportunity and the Club Extension Chair

12 The TLM and the Club Growth Director Sponsor’s Journey Generatio n Conversio n Retention Awareness of Needs Toastmasters Club Awareness Toastmasters Club Consideration Toastmasters Club Preference Club Charter Intention New Club Sponsor Loyalty Sponsor Advocac y Measurement How many leads did your advertising and marketing programs generate? What percentage of leads did your team convert into opportunities? What percentage of opportunities did your team convert into chartered clubs?

13 Provides status updates regarding leads or opportunities Information Flow is Vital for Success Asks for status updates on progress Provides status updates to Committee members Asks for updates from committee members Runs reports for marketing strategy effectiveness and provides update to District Executive Council Updates the TLM for CGD to run accurate reports Reporting Club Growth Director Data and Task Manager Club Extension Chair Data and Task Supervisors Club Extension Committee Club Sponsor Committee Task Execution Club Extension Committee Club Sponsors

14 A TLM Report

15 Resources and Q&A

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