Product Design ~ Summer Task Real World Engineering A report on the production of a cordless drill.

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1 Product Design ~ Summer Task Real World Engineering A report on the production of a cordless drill

2 What is the focus of this report? The main focus of this report is on the production of the drill You need to break down the stages of production into a chronological order Then explain how each stage contributes to the mass production of thousands of drills, To do this you will also need to explain each engineering process and quality control during the production run, You also need to explain about materials and say how they help the drill to work and why they have been chosen Next explain how the mass production system is organised and monitored to assure quality Finally talk about how modern technologies have improved the mass production systems in todays industries and specifically the production of the cordless drill.

3 Unit A623 Section A Real World Engineering The five sections of the report: Explain the main stages in engineering the drill Explain the main engineering processes and quality control used to produce the drill Details of and reasons for using the chosen materials in terms of:- Function (what it does to help make the drill work) Properties (the physical abilities of the material) Characteristics (how the material behaves in use) How are systems used to organise, monitor and control the mass production of the product? How have modern technologies affected the mass production of the drill?

4 Explain the main stages in engineering the cordless drill Design Production planning Tooling and capital investment Pre-production run, of prototypes and QC checks Production run with staged QC checks NB: Over time there will be revisions and improvements of the product that will result in changes to the production system. E.g. Iphone versions

5 Explain the main engineering processes and quality control used to produce the drill Think about the main components of the drill & how they are made in a factory Casing Injection moulding Motor CNC machining, wire winding and fabrication Chuck CNC machining and fabrication Gearbox and clutch Hobbing and assembly Switch and speed control. Injection moulding, circuit board soldering Screws / bolts / nuts CNC machining, press forming, thread rolling Bearings Cutting, rolling, heat treat and grinding Use pictures to support text Use pictures and diagrams with labels and notes  Remember that not all parts are made in the same factory with parts being supplied to a manufacturer for assembly on a production assembly line ready for dispatch to retailers How is Quality Control achieved? Checking materials before they are used, Building in inspections at key points along the production line, Using CAD / CAM to reduce human error, Using robotic systems to reduce human error and maintain consistent Quality of making, High quality training for work force with regular up-dates, Checking machinery for faults and maintaining machinery regularly.

6 Details of and reasons for using the chosen materials

7 Insert pictures for clarity Colour code to make reading easier. What is it?What does it do? What’s it made from? Describe & explain the material. Justify the choosing of the material.

8 How are systems used to organise, monitor and control the mass production of the product? Organise:- Gantt charts Planning sheets Job cards Workers have set roles and know exactly what is expected of them Regular work team meetings to discuss any problems or faults with machinery and materials. Monitor:- Standardised checks that must be carried out on a routine basis Progress of the product as it moves along the production line with feedback to line,managers Stock control and warehousing (bar coding) Control:- QC checks at key points of manufacture by highly qualified technicians and using specialist testing kit All faults are immediately reported and can be tracked back to their source for corrections to be made ASAP

9 How have modern technologies affected the mass production of the drill? CAD: Drawings can be quickly and easily up-dated to reflect product revisions and improvements that respond to customer needs or to correct manufacturing faults CAM: CNC machinery cuts down on human error, Faster production, Increased factory output and profits Materials Technology: New materials effect production techniques Materials chosen to help speed up production, e.g. the use of Plastics that are self colouring so the manufacturer does not need to paint the drill casing saving on time and labour costs. Communications technology: Email of drawings to component suppliers Emailing orders Responding to customer queries

10 Production line Robotic production Stock picker / control CNC machine Stock control communications technology Useful web sites:- Try You Tube to see some of these things in action!

11 You can find this ppt in shared area :- Shared Documents [W] Mr. Lloyd Summer Task Guidance Don’t forget to… use your guidebook and look at the marking criteria on your feedback form Ask for help if you don’t understand! I will also provide you with a paper copy of this PPT

12 Summer task ~ Real World Engineering A report on the production of a cordless drill

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