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 Fun Time Fun Time Fun Time  Check Yourself Check Yourself Check Yourself  Practical Writing Practical Writing Practical Writing  Background Knowledge.

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2  Fun Time Fun Time Fun Time  Check Yourself Check Yourself Check Yourself  Practical Writing Practical Writing Practical Writing  Background Knowledge Background Knowledge Background Knowledge

3 BOOK3 Unit6 The 1906 San Francisco Earthquake The 1906 San Francisco Earthquake I. Background knowledge

4 BOOK3 Unit6 Fire Around the Call Building

5 BOOK3 Unit6 At 5:13 on the morning of April 18th, 1906, the city of San Francisco was shaken by a terrible earthquake. A large part of the city was destroyed and a large number of buildings were burnt. The number of people who lost homes reached as many as 250, 000. About 700 people died in the earthquake and the fires.

6 BOOK3 Unit6 Another earthquake shocked San Francisco on October 17th, 1989. It was the second strongest earthquake and about one hundred people were killed. It happened in the evening as people were traveling home. A wide and busy road fell onto the below. A lot of people were killed in their cars, but a few lucky ones were not hurt.

7 BOOK3 Unit6 Luckily the 1989 earthquake did not happen in the center of town but about 50 kilometers away. In one part of the town many buildings were destroyed. These buildings were over 50 years old, so they were not strong enough. There were a lot of fires all over the city. The electricity was cut off for several days too.

8 BOOK3 Unit6 Scientists explain that the outside of the earth is made of different plates. At San Francisco the Pacific plate meets the North American plate. When suddenly these two plates jump, an earthquake is felt. When the 1906 earthquake happened, the Pacific plate jumped 5-6 meters to the north.

9 BOOK3 Unit6 We cannot stop earthquake, but we can do things to make sure they do not destroy a whole city. First, it is not a good idea to build houses along the lines where two of the earth’s plates join together. Second, if you think there may be an earthquake, it is better to build houses on rock not on sand. Third, you must make the houses as strong as possible. Weak buildings will fall down in an earthquake, but strong ones may stay up.

10 BOOK3 Unit6 Scientists are afraid that one day an even bigger earthquake will hit the area around San Francisco. They call it “The Big One”. However, people today are still building more houses. The population in and around San Francisco is now ten times more than it was in 1906. This means that if there is another big earthquake, a great many houses and buildings will be destroyed.

11 BOOK3 Unit6 II. Practical Writing Posters The Style of Posters 1. Subject Line 2. Text 2. Text 3. Signature of Sponsor 3. Signature of Sponsor

12 BOOK3 Unit6 Poster Requirements 1. Subject line should be brief and clear, such as “Poster” or “Football Match”(content). 2. Text should be vivid, concise and attractive. 3. Signature of sponsor requires the name of sponsor and the date of poster.

13 BOOK3 Unit6 Sample 1 POSTER POSTER Do you want to know how to understand and appreciate films and TVs? Please come to attend the lecture on Aesthetics of Films and Televisions. Lecturer: Professor Shang Zuoshu, a famous aesthete in our province Time: April 10, 2005 Place: No. 101 lecture classroom, Library Building The Dept. of Chinese Language & Literature April 7, 2005

14 BOOK3 Unit6 English Speech Contest English Speech Contest Hosted by the Student Union of FLD (the Department of Foreign Languages), the 2nd English Speech Contest will be held in the classroom No. 210 of Shao Yifu Building at 7:00 p.m., Thursday, May 4, 2005. All are cordially welcome! The Student Union The Dept. of FLD Guangxi University May 4, 2005 Sample 2

15 BOOK3 Unit6 Practice 1.Write a poster of a Badminton Match. 2. Write a poster of the New Year’s Eve Entertainment.

16 BOOK3 Unit6 1. Local residents will always _____ such development. A. object B. oppose C. against D. disapprove 2. _____ it is not so hard as it looks. A. In all B. Above all C. Of all D. After all III. Check Yourself

17 BOOK3 Unit6 3. They were in complete ignorance _____ his intentions. A. for B. in C. at D. of 4. The Weather Bureau has repeatedly advised people to take every _____ against the coming typhoon. A. protection B. precaution C. prevention D. prediction

18 BOOK3 Unit6 5. Experiments have proved that this fertilizer can _____ the growth of tomato plants. A. attain B. exceed C. accelerate D. breed 6. The survival of civilization as we know is _____ threat. A. within B. under C. towards D. upon

19 BOOK3 Unit6 7. The jobs of wildlife technicians and biologists seemed _____to him, but one day he discovered their difference. A. vertical B. identical C. specific D. parallel 8. The older New England villages have changed relatively little _______ a gas station or two in recent decades. A. except B. besides C. in addition to D. except for

20 BOOK3 Unit6 9. The eyes of a cat are _____ to light. A. sense B. sensation C. sensible D. sensitive 10. The speech which he made _____ the project has bothered me greatly. A. being concerned B. concerned C. be concerned D. concerning

21 BOOK3 Unit6 A Song — Heal the world By Michael Jackson By Michael Jackson

22 BOOK3 Unit6 Heal the World is an enchanting and breathtaking song. It’s sincere, caring and encouraging. You may sense more from its touching melody and lyrics. Lyrics

23 BOOK3 Unit6 Heal the World

24 BOOK3 Unit6 There’s a place in your _____ And I know that it is _____ This is place could be much brighter than tomorrow. And if you try, you’ll find __________________ In this place you’ll feel that there’s no hurt or _______ There are ways to get there If you care enough for the living Make a little space Make a better place … Heal the World heart love there’s no need to cry sorrow Fill in the blanks while listening and then sing along.

25 BOOK3 Unit6 Heal the world ________________ for you and for me and the entire human race There are people ______ If you ______________________ Make it ______________ for you and for me Make it better a place dying care enough for the living a better place

26 BOOK3 Unit6 We could fly so______ Let our spirit never_____ In my heart I feel that you are all ____________ Create a world with no fear together We ______________ See the nations turn their _______ into plowshares We could really get there If you care enough for the living Make a little space Make a better place … my brothers cry happy tears swords high die

27 BOOK3 Unit6 Heal the world Make it a better place for you and for me and the entire human race There are people dying If you care enough for the living Make it a better place for you and for me The End

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