Your Finished Model! (well... kind of finished) Built Models often require love and care after printing to really make shine. 1. Removing supports and.

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Presentation on theme: "Your Finished Model! (well... kind of finished) Built Models often require love and care after printing to really make shine. 1. Removing supports and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your Finished Model! (well... kind of finished) Built Models often require love and care after printing to really make shine. 1. Removing supports and struts 2. Smoothing and polishing 3. Gluing and assembling 4. Painting and sealing

2 Removing Supports and Struts – Dissolvable Filaments

3 HIPS (High Impact Polystyrene) and Dissolving in Limolene Probably the most common dissolvable support material Limolene is a fruit-based oil Use a glass jar or chemical container Follow use and disposal instructions Can make your plastic more brittle

4 Removing Supports and Struts – Dissolvable Filaments PVA (Poly Vinyl Alcohol) and Dissolving in Water Water based support filament type Relatively new material for 3d printing Needs to be stored in a very dry location! Warm water that is replaced regularly Use a glass or plastic container

5 Removing Supports and Struts – Dissolvable Filaments Proprietary Solutions What is it? What’s in it? How does it work? Usually tailored specifically for each 3d printer type Can be more expensive, but generally work with little or no trouble

6 Removing Supports and Struts – Dissolvable Filaments What is This?? WaveWash 55 Stratysus’ most compact support removal system. It lets you quickly remove support material without tedious cleaning, by simply dissolving it away in a water-based solution.

7 Removing Supports and Struts Supports made using the same material as the actual model

8 Removing Supports and Struts Just a reminder, your support settings can dramatically change how easy or difficult this step is!

9 Removing Supports and Struts Start with the low hanging fruit! Peel away the bottom and the easily accessible areas. Be careful to support the model when cracking away supports so as not to delaminate layers

10 Removing Supports and Struts Pull away remaining chunks With needle nose pliers clear away nooks and crannies with x-acto blade (CAREFUL)

11 Removing Supports and Struts Sand at your own risk... Mixed results Reduced color clarity (white)

12 Smoothing and Polishing What if you want your model to look, like, really cool?

13 Smoothing and Polishing ABS Plastics will smooth/dissolve with acetone

14 Smoothing and Polishing Now... you can sand. Sanding Bead Blasting / Sand blasting Dremel

15 Smoothing and Polishing To Start with... Keep it Simple! – Simple Acetone Jar Clean off and sand part Fill up a glass or chemical container with a half inch of acetone Uncap the jar to expose the acetone to air (do in a well ventilated area!) If possible, slightly heat the jar – suggested to about 100°C Lower or hang the model in the jar for 5-15 minutes (rotate if necessary)

16 Smoothing and Polishing Getting Fancier and Bolder – Heated Dip Deep fryer / slow cooker Dipping works MUCH faster but can give a more even finish Caution with all these home-made approaches!

17 Smoothing and Polishing Insanely Fancy – Evaporation System More work! Might become commercial product article/smooth-like-butter-mass-finishing -for-abs-and-pla-prints-magicbox

18 Gluing and Assembling Complex shapes and parts can be built separately and assembled

19 Gluing and Assembling Basic Cyanoacrylate Glues Work... usually

20 Gluing and Assembling Don’t like holding things for 20 minutes while they dry?

21 Gluing and Assembling Using Acetone to Fuse ABS Plastic Parts

22 Gluing and Assembling For those fancy rubber or Ninja Flex Parts

23 Gluing and Assembling The Sky is the Limit Adhesive (cyanoacrylate) Adhesive (silicone) Solvent (acetone) Adhesive (epoxy) Hot air plastic welding Ultrasonic spot welding Fasteners (mechanical)

24 Painting and Finishing Models

25 To Start with... Keep it Simple! – Basic Paints Simple Acrylic Paints (water based) Simple Enamel Paints (oil based) (Golden Brand Fluid Acrylics) (Testors Brand Model Paints)

26 Painting and Finishing Models To Start with... Keep it Simple! – Basic Paints Testors Enamel Spray Paint Montana Black Spray Paints Dupli-Color® Automotive Paint

27 Painting and Finishing Models Getting Fancier and Bolder – Filler and Smoothing Sanding Bead Blasting / Sand blasting Dremel

28 Painting and Finishing Models Getting Fancier and Bolder – Filler and Smoothing XTC-3D® High Filler Primers Glazing Putty by Bondo Performance 3D Print Coating (two part!)

29 Painting and Finishing Models Sealing and Finishing Testors Spray Paints Liquidex Acrylic Seale Rustoleum Clear

30 Painting and Finishing Models A word from Mark about brushes... Care for your Brushes! Invest in a couple good brushes! Let me know if your students ignore your brush cleaning rules

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