Info-Tech Research Group1 Redeploy IT Staff to Fill Changing Demands Locate new areas of demand, select the right employee, retrain, and redeploy.

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1 Info-Tech Research Group1 Redeploy IT Staff to Fill Changing Demands Locate new areas of demand, select the right employee, retrain, and redeploy.

2 Info-Tech Research Group2 Redeployment provides the easiest and most affordable way for IT departments to gain new skills and take on new responsibilities. Introduction CIOs, IT leaders, and high level executives who are in charge of the organizational redesign or IT staffing restructure. IT leaders who need to know how fundamental shifts in business technology affect human capital staffing requirements. IT leaders who need to extend their organization’s capabilities without increasing headcount. Evaluate redeployment as a means to achieve the IT department’s capability requirements. Assess which employees are best suited for redeployment and retraining. Determine if and when to use other skills acquisition methods. Consider redeployment in the context of current changes to IT requirements. This Research Is Designed For:This Research Will Help You:

3 Info-Tech Research Group3 Executive Summary Situation The IT landscape is changing due to rapid advancements in mobile, cloud, big data, social media, and security. These trends will have a significant impact on IT staffing over the next 2 to 3 years. Challenge The IT group faces a potential loss of capability if IT leadership does not address skill gaps now. Organizations expect the IT department to adapt to shifting technology without an increase in headcount. IT departments fear a loss of headcount if they terminate existing employees, leading to permanent headcount loss. Recommendation Redeployment of existing resources to new roles offers a low-cost, low-risk way to introduce new skills into the IT department. Shortlist your candidates for redeployment by looking for solid performers with existing abilities that match the new job responsibilities. Evaluate redeployment by examining: ◦ Benefits offered by the redeployed resource ◦ The costs of transition ◦ Alternatives to redeployment On the basis of the value calculation, determine which employees (if any) you should redeploy.

4 Info-Tech Research Group4 The first day in any job is probably your least productive day… it’s always disruptive to bring people in to rebuild teams. - Ken Woghiren, Head of Strategy and Architecture, BBC Budget risk: Removing headcount, even temporarily, carries the risk of a permanent reduction in IT headcount. Firm-specific knowledge: Employees accumulate knowledge of the firm, such as business processes, system design, and awareness of the firm’s culture and work habits. When you lose an employee, you lose that knowledge. Morale: Employees want to see their company investing in them through new opportunities, rather than removing them whenever it becomes convenient. Redeployment offers a low investment option with the potential for high ROI Costs of search, onboarding, and training will all factor into the cost of hiring an external resource who has the skills you need. Without additional budget, hiring a new employee requires the termination of another one, and that carries other costs: Redeployment avoids costs of hiring and termination and reduces your risk. Always evaluate redeployment first before hiring new staff. Redeployment should be the first and last option you consider. Consider it first as the easiest way to develop new skills and consider it again if you exhaust all other options.

5 Info-Tech Research Group5 Redeployment should be your first option, but it isn’t your only option. Redeployment belongs to a range of options for implementing workforce planning Strategic Workforce Planning Essentials 1. Redeploy IT Resources 2. Acquire New IT Skills 3. Develop IT Staff Capabilities Downsize IT Staff for Future Gain with Minimal Pain Deliver Maximum Value with Limited Staff When there is a need for new skills in IT, the CIO or IT manager has three options: 1.Redeploy or reallocate internal resources whose skill and ability sets are adequate to meet the new need. 2.Bring new skills and abilities into the organization from an outside source, either by hiring, contracting, or outsourcing. 3.Train internal resources to fill the skills gap. The two sets in the right-hand column deal with downsizing: Downsize IT Staff for Future Gain with Minimal PainDownsize IT Staff for Future Gain with Minimal Pain Deliver Maximum Value with Limited Staff This set focuses on the first scenario: Redeploying IT Resources

6 6Info-Tech Research Group What’s in this Section:Sections: Understand Redeployment Purposes and Benefits Understand Redeployment Define New Roles & Responsibilities Build the Shortlist New Roles for Five Trends Assess the Value Post-Redeployment Success Understand how five trends are creating new demands in the IT department. Understand the purpose of redeployment. Understand the benefits of redeployment and the costs of the alternatives.

7 7Info-Tech Research Group The emergence of five trends will change the demands of customers, resulting in new demands on IT New opportunities create demand for new knowledge, skills, abilities, and attitudes. Mobile Cloud Big Data Social Security Demand for New Technical Skills and Abilities New Emphasis on Soft Skills and Abilities Demand for New Attitudes and Work Habits New Use Cases New Security Concerns IMPACT ON IT New Governance Structures NEW ATTRIBUTES Demand for New Domain Knowledge The emergence of five trends creates new responsibilities for IT and demands new IT employee attributes: New IT domain knowledge, for example: Security: Knowledge of new security protocols and requirements. New technical skills and abilities, for example: Mobile: Skill in mobile device management and virtualization. New soft skills and abilities, for example: Cloud: New emphasis on vendor management skills. New attitudes and work habits, for example: Big data: Passion for data mining and analytics are becoming more and more important. New IT Processes and Capabilities

8 Info-Tech Research Group8 Understand the present and future demands of the business. Determine the extent to which your IT strategy aligns with the five trends. See Info-Tech’s Develop a Strategic Workforce Plan for IT.Develop a Strategic Workforce Plan for IT Evaluate the attributes gap. Identify the attributes that your IT department will need to support its strategy related to the five trends. Find the areas where your IT department lacks in those particular attributes. See Info-Tech’s Develop a Strategic Workforce Plan for IT.Develop a Strategic Workforce Plan for IT Find candidates for redeployment. Determine which responsibilities your organization will no longer need as it shifts to its new emphasis on the five trends. Build the redeployment shortlist. Find those employees whose abilities and performance qualify them for redeployment. Evaluate the costs and benefits of redeployment. Determine whether the benefits of redeploying staff outweigh the costs. Maximize your return by redeploying the right staff. Position your IT department to capitalize on new technology opportunities Use IT staff redeployment as a potential low-cost, low-risk method to gain the skills your transformed IT department will need. New Technology Opportunities Mobile Cloud Big Data Social Security

9 9Info-Tech Research Group Redeployment saves IT effort, time, and money Redeployment saves resources and allows the IT department to spend money in areas of the business that add greater value. Effort TimeMoney Redeployment saves time that you would otherwise spend onboarding new hires, teaching the company mission and procedures, and integrating new staff into the culture. Redeployment avoids the dollar costs of taking on new employees. Redeployment avoids the stress of finding suitable candidates, which requires ongoing collaboration between HR and IT. Coordination with other departments Interview preparation Uncertain quality of outside candidates Training time External searching Company onboarding Search costs Training costs Paying premium for specialized external skills Time with vacant position You save the whole recruitment cost. I prefer to keep good staff and train them, as long as I know they can learn it. - Brian Huels, IT Manager, Leeds Grenville

10 Info-Tech Research Group10 Avoid using redeployment for addressing urgent staffing needs Successful redeployment requires advance preparation including attributes assessment and retraining. Successful redeployment requires preparation: Attributes assessment and job assignment. Retraining, informal mentoring, and gradual adjustment of responsibilities. Source: Info-Tech Research Group; N=74 Avoid using redeployments for: Pilot programs. A hastily arranged pilot program may require specialized skills that would require extensive retraining. Avoid using existing resources for these roles. Frequently changing or experimental roles. If your organization has undergone frequent changes in strategy, use contractors to fill temporary or experimental roles. A hastily arranged redeployment risks: Poor performance of the redeployed resource. Reduced employee job satisfaction. *See appendix for definition of redeployment success In an urgent situation, contractors are probably your best bet.

11 11Info-Tech Research Group What’s in this Section:Sections: Define New Roles and Responsibilities Understand Redeployment Define New Roles & Responsibilities Build the Shortlist New Roles for Five Trends Assess the Value Post-Redeployment Success Define responsibilities that will increase in importance as IT changes. Find responsibilities that will be de-emphasized. Build the list of redeployable employees and the list of target roles.

12 12Info-Tech Research Group Info-Tech Research Group Helps IT Professionals To: Sign up for free trial membership to get practical solutions for your IT challenges Quickly get up to speed with new technologies Make the right technology purchasing decisions – fast Deliver critical IT projects, on time and within budget Manage business expectations Justify IT spending and prove the value of IT Train IT staff and effectively manage an IT department “Info-Tech helps me to be proactive instead of reactive – a cardinal rule in a stable and leading edge IT environment. - ARCS Commercial Mortgage Co., LP Toll Free: 1-888-670-8889

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