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PRESENTED BY Jolene Miller, MLS, AHIP Chair-Designate, MLA Credentialing Committee MLA ’14, Chicago MAY 19, 2014 MLA’s Credentialing Program A Brief Overview.

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Presentation on theme: "PRESENTED BY Jolene Miller, MLS, AHIP Chair-Designate, MLA Credentialing Committee MLA ’14, Chicago MAY 19, 2014 MLA’s Credentialing Program A Brief Overview."— Presentation transcript:

1 PRESENTED BY Jolene Miller, MLS, AHIP Chair-Designate, MLA Credentialing Committee MLA ’14, Chicago MAY 19, 2014 MLA’s Credentialing Program A Brief Overview

2 The Academy of Health Information Professionals is the professional development and career recognition program of the Medical Library Association. There are several different AHIP membership levels – you are considered to be a fully qualified member of the Academy of Health Information Professionals at any level. What is AHIP?

3 What’s the Point? A structure for professional development Mentoring and support Encouragement and recognition of peer- reviewed professional activities “Visible” sign to employers

4 Who can be a member of AHIP? Members of MLA Non-members of MLA working in an information professional position There are approximately 920 information professionals in AHIP, representing the full range of work experience and accomplishments found among health information professionals.

5 Am I Eligible to Apply? Academic Preparation Do you have an ALA-accredited master’s degree in library and information science, or another master’s degree? If the latter, can you document coursework in MLA’s seven Professional Competencies?

6 Am I Eligible to Apply? Professional Experience The number of years you have worked in an information-related professional position after attaining your master’s degree helps determine which level of AHIP membership you may achieve. In May 2012, the MLA Board approved a change to the Academy which allows us to consider all professional information work, whether or not it is in the health sciences.

7 Am I Eligible to Apply? Professional Accomplishments You may earn points for AHIP membership by participating in a wide variety of professional accomplishments, both in MLA and its chapters and in other national, local, and regional library organizations. Note: Activities which are part of your job are not awarded points.

8 7 Professional Competencies 1 Health Sciences and Health Care Environment and Information Policies 2Leadership and Management Theory and Techniques 3 Health Sciences Information Services 4Health Sciences Resource Management 5Information Systems and Technology 6Curricula Design and Instruction 7Research, Analysis, and Interpretation

9 The AHIP Levels Provisional Member Senior Distinguished Emeritus Members at each level are full members of the Academy

10 Provisional Level Holds an ALA-accredited MLS or a non-ALA- accredited master’s degree with documented coursework in the 7 Professional Competencies. Currently employed in an information professional position with less than 5 years of experience, OR Currently seeking employment with less than 5 years of experience. For the Provisional level, a mentor is assigned to work with you.

11 Provisional Level Must document 8 hours of continuing education each year; these hours will count for your renewal at a higher level. Must document 5 points of professional accomplishments per year; these points will count for your renewal at a higher level. Provisional fee is paid once during the provisional period (a maximum of five years) although Provisional membership must be renewed annually.

12 Member Level Holds an ALA-accredited MLS or a non-ALA- accredited master’s degree with documented coursework in the 7 Professional Competencies. Has worked in an information professional position for five or more years after attainment of the master’s degree. Fifty (50) points of professional accomplishments completed in the past 5 years.

13 Senior Level Holds an ALA-accredited MLS or a non-ALA- accredited master’s degree with documented coursework in the 7 Professional Competencies. Has worked in an information professional position for five or more years after attainment of the master’s degree.

14 Senior Level Eighty (80) points of professional accomplishments completed in the past 5 years. No more than 50 points may come from sponsored instruction. At least 5 of the 80 points must be from professional association activities, not necessarily in MLA

15 Distinguished Level Holds an ALA-accredited MLS or a non-ALA- accredited master’s degree with documented coursework in the 7 Professional Competencies. Has worked in an information professional position for ten or more years after attainment of the master’s degree.

16 Distinguished Level One hundred and twenty (120) points of professional accomplishments completed in the past 5 years. No more than 50 points may be sponsored instruction. At least 10 of the 120 points must be professional association activities. At least 5 of 120 must be MLA leadership activities.

17 Emeritus Level Retired. Prior member of the academy at any level (except Provisional) at the time of retirement, and has been credentialed/certified by MLA for 10 consecutive years at the time of retirement. No points are required to renew at this level. Send a written request, Emeritus Form, and copies of your last certificate(s) to MLA headquarters.

18 Comparison of AHIP Levels

19 Portfolio Review Process It begins at MLA Headquarters  You upload your portfolio to MLANET Primary Review  An MLA Credentialing Committee member Secondary Review  The Credentialing Committee’s Chair Designate It ends at MLA Headquarters  You are notified of the outcome

20 Helpful Hints Review the requirements for the level at which you will be applying early and often. Review the point index regularly, paying attention to the required documentation. Keep organized – keep all documentation in a file or online until you need it. When completing your portfolio, document what you claim and claim what you document. Supply the required documentation – no more, no less. Keep documentation in the order you’re claiming the points on your ledger. It’s okay to ask for help.

21 Academy Booth in the Exhibit Hall: [Customize] Questions about Credentialing during MLA?

22 Tomi Gunn Manager, Membership Services Medical Library Association Phone: (312) 419-9094 X11 Fax: (312) 419-8950 Email: or contact your chapter credentialing liaison Post-MLA Questions about Credentialing?

23 Questions?

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