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As you come in Take a whiteboard, markers, folder, name tags to your section area. Leave the folders closed.

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Presentation on theme: "As you come in Take a whiteboard, markers, folder, name tags to your section area. Leave the folders closed."— Presentation transcript:

1 As you come in Take a whiteboard, markers, folder, name tags to your section area. Leave the folders closed.

2 What makes an algorithm “good”? PROGRAMMING FUNDAMENTALS

3 Calculate an average 1. Input the list of numbers: a. For each number in the list: 2. Write the number on paper, lining up the numbers vertically, right justified. Call this group of numbers the numberList. 3. Sum the numbers in numberList and write the total on the paper. Label this numberTotal. 4. Count the numbers in numberList and write the total on the paper. Label this numberCount. 5. If numberCount is zero, write 0 on the paper and call this average. 6. else if numberCount is greater than zero, divide numberTotal by numberCount and write this number on the paper labeling this value average.

4 Lab from yesterday  We’ve seen variables and operations  We’ve seen how you can combine operations and that there is no “magic” to adding a space into a string.   Variables are containers that can hold values. We’ll explore this more tomorrow.  Operations let us manipulate data to create new values from old values.

5 PA 0 – Questions?

6 Quiz Assign roles for today. MANAGER – Distribute one quiz document and one individual response sheet to each person. You will take the quiz individually (10 minutes) Put each individual response sheet in the folder as people finish. Then take out the group IF-AT form and work together to come up with the correct answers. (10 minutes)

7 Today’s activity Will have you exploring what makes an algorithm written on paper “good”. What does a bad algorithm look like? What are the properties of a good algorithm? How will this translate into code?

8 For tomorrow Read in Gaddis. This is more for an overview of software. Tomorrow you will “be the computer”. If we have network issues, this is all done on paper, so we can recover pretty easily.

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