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Preparation for Higher Education Training the Trainers WELCOME!

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Presentation on theme: "Preparation for Higher Education Training the Trainers WELCOME!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparation for Higher Education Training the Trainers WELCOME!

2 Programme Introductions Background to the course Motivations for taking the course Apprentices and higher education Overview of course Studying in HE, FE and workplace Course work and accreditation Course Wiki site Home study

3 Context University of Hull & partners Lancashire Lifelong Learning Network and Aimhigher Lancashire Course aims Facilitator role Participants’ role Two-fold outcomes Group of peers

4 Course aims (Hull) “ 1.To prepare participants for further study at HE level 4 and above 2. To develop a range of study skills appropriate for further study at HE level 4 and above 3. To provide an initial higher education programme for advanced apprentices in our region 4. To provide an opportunity for participants to critically reflect upon their own learning and development, their educational aspirations and plan for their future study. ”

5 Course aims PLUS: To develop the knowledge, skills and confidence of Lancashire-based trainers to deliver the course AND: To develop an action plan for delivery

6 Motivation Why do you want to take this course? What do you hope it will lead to?

7 Why are courses like this needed? (Hull) No Aimhigher Co-ordinators in WBL Providers (unlike schools and colleges) Providers differ in their outlook on promoting progression beyond Level 3 No specific HE IAG Advisors for WBL Providers (unlike colleges and schools) Apprentices would need to instigate support No funding through local authorities for WBL providers for progression beyond Apprenticeships

8 National statistics indicate that only 2.4% of advanced apprentices progress to higher education. Seddon, V. (2005) An analysis of the progression of advanced apprentices to higher education in England: an investigation into the purposes, intentions and opportunities facing advanced apprentices as perceived learners, employers and providers of higher education, UVAC. Completion rates have improved and are now comparable to some other countries. Progression to higher qualification levels is poor. Steedman, H. (2010) The State of Apprenticeship in 2010, LSE.

9 Overview of course: Format of taught sessions Wiki site (live times) Content of sessions Home study and assessment portfolio Training the trainers Any questions?

10 Home study and assessment portfolio Various tasks including reading and research at home Assessment portfolio Time and schedule Accreditation, level, moderation Where to find further details

11 Assessment portfolio: Required elements Summary of Learning Log: 400 - 600 words Presentation in class (day 2 or 3) Copy of presentation slides & notes Formal report: 400 - 600 words Essay: max. 1000 words

12 How is studying in HE different to FE or the workplace?

13 Hallmarks of level 4 study Critical analysis Independent research Lots of reading! Drawing own conclusions Questioning sources of information Reflection

14 Learning outcomes (1) 1. Knowledge and Understanding of HE study techniques, referencing conventions and the importance of evidence based research 2. Intellectual / Thinking Skills: 2i. Build on their own research and communicate their results effectively in writing using academic conventions through the Research and production of written academic work appropriate for HE level 4.

15 Learning outcomes (2) 2ii Reflect upon own learning and academic strengths and weaknesses, educational aspirations and action plan for future development. 3. Practical / Professional Skills: 3i. Operate successfully at level 4 and above by using a range of appropriate study skills (including referencing conventions, proof reading, research skills) 4. Transferable Skills 4i. Communicate information effectively via a presentation to a specified audience

16 Looking ahead Which parts of course are you looking forward to? Which part/s do you think you will find the most challenging? How could you make this less challenging?

17 Things to do before Day One (7 January) Play with the Wiki site – add a comment on discussion board Allocate some time for your course work between 7 Jan and end Feb Choose day for presentation

18 Look forward to seeing you on 7 January. Happy holidays!

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