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Nature Conservation Priorities Michael Löfroth Ministry of the Environment and Energy.

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Presentation on theme: "Nature Conservation Priorities Michael Löfroth Ministry of the Environment and Energy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nature Conservation Priorities Michael Löfroth Ministry of the Environment and Energy

2 Overall environmental goal “Pass on to the next generation a society in which the major environmental problems have been solved.” Ecosystems have recovered, or are on the way to recovery, and their long-term capacity to generate ecosystem services are assured,

3 Biodiversity and the natural and cultural environment are conserved, promoted and used sustainably Human health is subject to a minimum of negative impacts, at the same time as the positive impact of the environment is promoted

4 Materials cycles are resource-efficient and as far as possible free from dangerous substances Natural resources are managed sustainably

5 Renewable energy increases and use of energy is efficient, with minimal impact on the environment Patterns of consumption of goods and services cause the least possible problems for the environment and human health.

6 16 Environmental objectives Freshwater, marine areas, wetlands, forests, mountains, agriculture land, and “biodiversity in general” Climate change Eutrophication, acidification, ozone-layer, toxens, radiation, groundwater, buildings, clean air

7 Strategy for integrated targets International targets –Aichi targets and SDG European targets –EU Biodiversity- strategy National targets

8 Milestone target on the importance of biodiversity and the value of ecosystem services By 2018, the importance of biodiversity and the value of ecosystem services are to be generally known and integrated into economic positions, political considerations and other decisions.

9 Milestone target on the protection of land areas, freshwater areas and marine areas At least 20 % of Sweden’s land and freshwater areas, and 10 % of Sweden’s marine areas, by 2020 Protecting 150 000 ha forests, 210 000 ha wetlands, 12 000 ha watercourses and 570 000 ha marine areas. Voluntary protection about 200 000 hectares forests Ecologically connecting the landscape with green infrastructure

10 Nature protection The Swedish government resently doubled the recourses for creating nature reserves, national parks and similar. Budget about 200 million dollars yearly. Forest and marine areas will be prioritized, but also wetlands and others. A program for local nature conservation supports initiatives from municipalities and others.

11 Protected area; marin, freshwater, wetlands, forests and mountains (ha)

12 Forests >50% of the country covered with forests ~75% is a ”forest-landscape” including mosaics mostly with wetlands and lakes 50% of the red-listed species belongs to the forest Forestry is one of the most important export industries in Sweden and supplies jobs in rural areas

13 Forest fellings (final/thinning) and protection (cum ha)

14 A national forest program Starting Point: a national dialogue process, Sept 2015 – sept 2016 Dialogue in working groups with representatives from: -Forest Companies (7) -NGO;s (conservation, hunting, outdoor-recreation, youth) -The National Union of the Swedish Sami People -Forest certification bodies

15 A national forest program -working groups 1.Forest as a resource 2.Ecosystem services and the boundary of nature 3.Develop bio-products, energy, transport and export 4.Forests in the international perspective

16 A national forest program -timetable Working groups Sept 2015 – Sept 2016 Consultation period – Nov 2016 Government bill –March 2017 Parliament treatment spring 2017

17 Ecosystem services -communication project Articles Blogs Pod-radio Web-film Tweets Infografics

18 Ecosystem services in the forest

19 Ecosystem services in the oceans

20 Strategi Selected “ambassadors” passes the message on to targeted groups in the society ProjectIntermediary Final target group

21 Communication target Educate selected ”ambassadors” Ambassadors attitude developed Ambassadors inspires targeted groups to take action Publish good examples KnowledgeAttitudeAction

22 Result after one year Today 50 ambassadors Forming a base for a ecosystem services network 10 national authorities involved A guide for valuing ecosystem services produced

23 Green infrastructure ecological connections in the landscape promote ecosystem services conserve biodiversity adapt to climate change engage and involve stakeholders

24 Green infrastructure

25 Regional action plans for green infrastructure SEPA assigned by the government for national coordination and funding SEPA to supervise regions and cooperate with other national authorities Regional boards assigned for regional coordination and to produce action plans Plans ready in the end of 2017

26 Adapt national priorities Regional cooperation regional priories transform and translate to local actors Support local cooperation Mapping basic data National perspective Regional perspective Local perspective International comparison National priorities Coooperation national and regional authorities Adapt regional priorities cooperate with local stakeholders integrate in municipality planning

27 1 1 0 =2=2 9 8 6 2 2 7 3 3 Connecting habitats in a green infrastructure Culsters of cores Cores of nature values 3 2 2 0 0 1 1 1 Different migrationabilities for different species Management needs a balance between different interests Väg

28 10 Challenges for biodiversity Protected areas Environmental friendly forestry Ecological and traditional farming Sustainable fishery Green infrastructure Chemicals/eutrophication Restoration of waters and wetlands Species action prgr / IAS Integrate value of ecosystem services and natural capital Climate change

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