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Nous contacter : Pour télécharger les fichiers de ce stage : Pour voir des exemples de diaporamas : Pour voir un exemple de site pour élèves : Pour nous.

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2 Nous contacter : Pour télécharger les fichiers de ce stage : Pour voir des exemples de diaporamas : Pour voir un exemple de site pour élèves : Pour nous contacter personnellement :

3 Pourquoi Powerpoint et le vidéopro ?

4 Présentation dans le manuel

5 Présentation sur le transparent du manuel

6 Suggestion de présentation sur transparent May 1993 voc : whales / lab / university

7 Reporter: What / study / university ? Mike : study / biology / Oxford University Reporter : (year) / graduate ? Mike : graduate / 1992 Reporter : what / do / after that ? Mike : specialise / whales. take / PhD always / be interested in sea-life Reporter : (year) / photo / taken? What / do / on the photo ? Mike : May 1993. work on / PhD / university lab. Plusieurs transparents nécessaires Avec Powerpoint, c'est quand même mieux !

8 Mike's photo album : May 1993

9 What / study / university ? What did you study at University ? Past Simple

10 study / biology / Oxford University I studied biology at Oxford University. What did you study at University ? Past Simple

11 year / graduate ? When did you graduate ? Past Simple

12 graduate / 1992 I graduated in 1992. When did you graduate? Past Simple

13 1. This is Mike. Mike always interested in sea-. He by studying but soon specialized in. man's first name has been life began biology whales Exercice écrit à faire à la maison

14 étudier = se spécialiser dans = passer sa licence = un doctorat = des problèmes d'environnement = une centrale nucléaire = l'énergie nucléaire = un scientifique = un homme politique = (être) contre = être d'accord = assister à = une conférence = prendre part à / participer à = une manifestation = des ennuis = une amende = to study to specialise in to graduate a PhD environmental issues a nuclear power station nuclear power a scientist a politician to be against to agree to attend a conference to take part in a demonstration trouble a fine Trace écrite : vocabulaire

15 Découper le texte en différentes parties et les dévoiler lune après lautre (comme au rétroprojecteur) Découper le texte en parties

16 Unlike the United States, Canada, and New Zealand, Australia never signed a treaty with its indigenous people. The white man drove the Aborigines from their lands. They were herded into reservations and forced to live off government handouts, if they weren't killed first. Moreover, thousands of Aboriginal children were taken from their families and brought up in settlers homes. end [ ]

17 Découper le texte en parties et focaliser l'attention sur l'extrait à lire Découper le texte en parties et focaliser l'attention sur l'extrait à lire en l'affichant dans une autre couleur

18 He had never visited the place, although for more than forty years he has talked about what happened there, as if he himself had been present and experienced it. Now, aged sixty-six, an American citizen, an American Jew, he stood in the middle of the decayed and crumbling Great Hall, listening, in his mind, to the noises and the voices, long since gone –echoes from three quarters of a century ago. Leon Stein, all-American family man, trade union leader, newspaper editor, and author, a New Yorker born and bred, had come to Ellis Island on a personal pilgrimage, a return to his origins. My parents came through this place, at the turn of the century. How can I stand here and not be moved? I feel it is haunted. I think if you become really quiet you can actually hear all the crying, all the feeling, all the impatience, all the misunderstanding that went on in this hall. Being born again is not an easy thing and the people who came though here were born again. This was their gateway to hope, to a new life. Right across the bay those tall skyscrapers must have looked fantastic and, for the immigrants, those were the towers of paradise. They didnt understand it at the time, but what they were looking at was the East Side ghetto. Thats where they were headed. He had never visited the place, although for more than forty years he has talked about what happened there, as if he himself had been present and experienced it. Now, aged sixty-six, an American citizen, an American Jew, he stood in the middle of the decayed and crumbling Great Hall, listening, in his mind, to the noises and the voices, long since gone –echoes from three quarters of a century ago. Leon Stein, all-American family man, trade union leader, newspaper editor, and author, a New Yorker born and bred, had come to Ellis Island on a personal pilgrimage, a return to his origins. end

19 Mettre en valeur la structure du texte

20 ON THE TEAM American universities have always been keen to recruit good athletes, because when their teams win big matches, it's good publicity for them. The volleyball coach at Franklin Pacific university, in San Diego, first noticed 17-year-old Mariette Bronstein while she was playing on the beach with some friends. Then he went to watch her playing in her school team. He was impressed, and offered her a free place at his university. Franklin is private, and expensive. Most students there have to pay $20,000 a year. So Mariette was very pleased! But she has to work for it. She trains every afternoon from 3.30 to 6, and she has matches every Saturday. Volleyball is Mariette's life.. havebeen win's is have has trains hasis noticed was playing went was offered was Ex collège

21 ON THE TEAM The volleyball coach at Franklin Pacific University, in San Diego, first noticed 17-year-old Mariette Bronstein while she was playing on the beach with some friends. Then he went to watch her playing in her school team. He was impressed, and offered her a free place at his university. So Mariette was very pleased!.

22 ON THE TEAM American universities have always been keen to recruit good athletes, because when their teams win big matches, it's good publicity for them. Franklin is private, and expensive. Most students there have to pay $20,000 a year. But she has to work for it. She trains every afternoon from 3.30 to 6, and she has matches every Saturday. Volleyball is Mariette's life..

23 Souligner / entourer / encadrer / mettre en couleur des mots (ou de la ponctuation) pour faire le repérage Souligner / entourer / encadrer / mettre en couleur

24 The hand The story takes place in the 1840s in Yorkshire, England. It is winter and Lockwood, the narrator, has lost his way on the moor. He has been grudgingly accommodated for the night by Heathcliff, the wild-looking owner of « Wuthering Heights ». In the middle of the night, Lockwood is woken up by a branch tapping at the window. Emily Brontë, Wurthering Heights (1847) (abridged) hand : intro questions When ? Where ? Who ? Lockwood, Heathcliff, 1840s winter In the middle of the night, Yorkshire, on the moor. Wuthering Heights Lockwood,Heathcliff, 1840swinter In the middle of the night, Yorkshire,on the moor. Wuthering Heights end

25 It annoyed me so much, that I resolved to silence it, but the window was blocked; 'I must stop it, nevertheless!' I muttered, knocking my knuckles through the glass, and stretching an arm out to seize the importunate branch; instead of which, my fingers closed on the fingers of a little, ice-cold hand! The intense horror of nightmare came over me: I tried to draw back my arm, but the hand clung to it, and a most melancholy voice sobbed, 'Let me in - let me in! 'Who are you?' I asked, struggling, to free myself. 'Catherine Linton,' it replied, shiveringly 'I'm come home: I'd lost my way on the moor!' As it spoke, I discerned, obscurely, a child's face looking through the window. Terror made me cruel; and, finding it useless to attempt shaking the creature off, I pulled its wrist on to the broken pane, and rubbed it to and fro till the blood ran down : still it wailed, 'Let me in!', almost maddening me with fear. Lockwoods emotional state : annoyed horror terror mad with fear annoyed horror Terror maddening me with fear. annoyance horrified terrified fear, fright Chronology Then After that Finally At first Hand : pt 1

26 Progression in Lockwoods emotional state (using adjectives) Lockwood was annoyed by a tapping noise on his window pane. when feeling the ice-cold fingers, he became horrified when he saw the childs face looking at him, he got terrified. the continuing wailing voice made him mad with fear. At first, Then, After that, Finally, Hand : Ls emotions end

27 Découper et insérer des sons / des vidéos pour un travail audio oral ou audio-visuel Découper et insérer des sons

28 " Julius, Julius, how nice to have you back!" He had grown a light moustache. "I passed the exams at Cambridge. Now I think I will go for a Ph.D. ` He seemed thinner, taller. His accent was more polished, the words chosen slowly and with care. He was detached even when answering. I felt his laughter as a superficial way of hiding a deeper concern. What did he have to hide? What was he afraid of? "Anthony came to fetch me at the airport." "Nice of him, at that hour. How is Anthony?" He lifted his shoulder with a distant look. " I had not seen him in months. I have a girlfriend." "A girlfriend, but that is great, Julius! Who is she?" "Her name is Olinda. We live together now. I love her very much." Début du texte

29 " Julius, Julius, how nice to have you back!" He had grown a light moustache. "I passed the exams at Cambridge. Now I think I will go for a Ph.D. He seemed thinner, taller. His accent was more polished, the words chosen slowly and with care. He was detached even when answering. I felt his laughter as a superficial way of hiding a deeper concern. What did he have to hide? What was he afraid of? "Anthony came to fetch me at the airport." "Nice of him, at that hour. How is Anthony?" He lifted his shoulder with a distant look. " I had not seen him in months. I have a girlfriend." "A girlfriend, but that is great, Julius! Who is she?" "Her name is Olinda. We live together now. I love her very much." Dialog Characters (speaking) Julius (I) I passed the exams at Cambridge. Now I think I will go for a Ph.D. Anthony came to fetch me at the airport." " I had not seen him in months. I have a girlfriend. " Her name is Olinda. We live together now. I love her very much." a woman " Julius, Julius, how nice to have you back! " "Nice of him, at that hour. How is Anthony? " "A girlfriend, but that is great, Julius! Who is she? " Dialog part 1

30 Oral-audio

31 Sandy has got a problem : Mum, where's my umbrella ?

32 Mrs Morgan answers : It's behind the door. Mum, where's my umbrella ?

33 Sandy : It's behind the door. Mum, where's my umbrella ? Thank you.

34 Debra meets her friend Harry after the holidays :

35 Harry orders … One small pizza and one Coke for me.

36 Debra : pizza Coke One small pizza and one Coke for me. Same for me but no Coke.

37 Debra orders … I'll have a glass of milk, please. Same for me but no Coke.

38 Exercice de remise en ordre des mots de la phrase

39 youthereWhatforgo? Whatdidyougo therefor? I Becausetowanted. Because I wanted to. did end

40 Expression écrite

41 The consequences of apartheid on daily life no voting rights no relations with whites living in townships social discrimination economic discrimination passbooks no working in white areas no schools What did apartheid mean for Blacks (several possible answers) (examples)examples consequences (example)

42 townships end

43 Faire prononcer une phrase par groupe de mots à une certaine vitesse

44 Ready ?

45 The volleyball coach at Franklin Pacific University, in San Diego, first noticed 17-year-old Mariette Bronstein while she was playing on the beach with some friends. end

46 Faire une mise au point phonologique

47 The Aborigines came to Australia from Asia in prehistoric times. Qb« rI dZI nI ùz Qb«ÈrIdZInIù Qb« rI dZI nI ùz [ ] end

48 Diphthongs place(to) tearcareshakewaychair [ e I ][ E « ] place(to) tear care chair shake way end

49 Mémorisation

50 Negative impressions ? Positive impressions ? Activities ? Destination ? Date of return ? Date of departure ? Harry LISTEN AND LEARN, Activity Book p 3 July 15th August 31st Melbourne, Australia skiing 2 or 3 times visit / Sydney (Opera House) tennis with cousin Bill saw very exciting rugby matches people : very nice and friendly good weather, not too cold, often quite sunny excellent food, kangaroo steak trip too long, 22 hours dangerous snakes, even in Sydney people / want him / drink beer visit / uncle young people / drink a lot

51 Mrs Morgan : Sandy : Mrs Morgan : Sandy : Tim : Sandy : Mrs Morgan : Mr Morgan : Mrs Morgan : Lucy, Lucy, where are you ? Lucy, are you in the house ? Maybe she's in the bathroom. No, she isn't. Is she in the kitchen ? No, she isn't. Where is she ? Maybe she's upstairs. Yes, Look at that ! Lucy, Lucy, wake up ! Is she in the house ? Yes, she is ! She's in bed ! Looking for Lucy Ex collège

52 All right, but too much driving ! Short trips are tiring and frustrating. It's such a big country! Yes, but in three weeks we didn't see much. But I suppose it was exciting. What was your trip to the States like ? Was it your first time over there ? Let's go into this café and I'll tell you all about it. What did Debra say ? Elle dit qu'ils n'ont pas vu grand chose. Debra said : We didn't see much.

53 All right, but too much driving ! Short trips are tiring and frustrating. It's such a big country! Yes, but in three weeks we didn't see much. But I suppose it was exciting. What was your trip to the States like ? Was it your first time over there ? Let's go into this café and I'll tell you all about it. What did Debra say ? Elle dit qu'elle va tout lui raconter. Debra said : I'll tell you all about it.

54 What did Harry say ? He asks her to confirm that she her holidays. Harry said : So, you enjoyed your American holiday, didn't you?

55 What did Debra say ? She says she knew Harry went to Sydney because... Debra said : Yes, you sent me a postcard from there.

56 Mrs Hines : Sandy : Mr Morgan : Mrs Hines : Sandy : Mr Morgan : Mrs Hines : Mr Morgan : Mrs Hines : Mr Morgan : Mrs Hines : Mr Morgan : Sandy : buying / I'm / book / Albert / this / for /. Look, Sandy. I'm buying this book for Albert. Oh ! Oh ! A book on astronomy !It's a very difficult subject, Mrs Hines. It's for my son Albert. He's a very bright boy, you know. Oh, yes, we know ! Does he like astronomy ? Yes, he does. He loves it. I suppose he's good at maths. Oh, yes, he is.He likes all scientific subjects. His teachers are very pleased with himand I'm very proud of him. Of course. Here you are.. Thank you. Goodbye, Mr Morgan. 'Bye, Sandy. Goodbye Mrs Hines. I hate that woman. I hate her son. And everybody hates him at school. Oh ! / book / A / on / astronomy / ! Hines / It's / Mrs / very / subject / difficult / a /, /.Albert / my / for / son / It's /. bright / very / know / a / boy / you / He's /, /. like / he / astronomy / Does / ?suppose / good / he's / I / maths / at /.subjects / likes / all / scientific / He /.are / teachers / very / His / him / with / pleasedproud / I'm / him / very / of / and /.woman / hate / that / I /. her / I / son / hate /. everybody / at / And / hates / school / him /. Ex collège

57 Fixation – Grammaire - Structures

58 pollutants smog CO and CO2 emissions solid waste chemicals radioactive waste acid rain plants and wild life animal species endangered species natural habitats rain forests renewable energy nuclear energy natural resources climate change the greenhouse effect global warming the ozone layer PLACES the atmosphere the air water cities the sea the oceans the Earth the planet food ACTIONS to destroy to waste to pollute to use to prevent to protect to recycle to save to tackle The environment / pollution

59 There is / are (+ and +) more and more … (- and -) less and less … left… (Sg) (- and -) fewer and fewer … left… (Pl) pollution plants pollutants smog animal species solid waste chemicals endangered species wild life rain forests radioactive waste whales the atmosphere the air water cities the sea the oceans the Earth our planet our food

60 It's time to stop + V-ing It's time to start + V-ing CO and CO2 emissions pollution renewable energy climate change natural habitats the greenhouse effect acid rain global warming solid waste endangered species wild life rain forests the environment the Earth the ozone layer natural resources destroy waste prevent protect recycle save use tackle pollute

61 Tableau de feutre virtuel

62 I haven't got a scooter. I need one ! I've already got a scooter. I don't need one ! Ex collège

63 The house The garden

64 The house upstairs downstairs

65 a bedroom the bathroom the living-roomthe dining-roomthe kitchen

66 And then the word goes out on the street. For a $200,000 fee, you can have your very own Michael Jordan child. Would anyone buy one? If not a Michael Jordan child, would they be interested in a Tom Cruise, a Bill Clinton, or a Madonna (the singer not the saint)? be capable of Ving be able to V manage to V succeed in Ving If you have enough money, you will… choose your child have perfect children decide what your children will be like clone your favorite rock star or sports personality have an intelligent child have a brilliant basketball player for a son Ex Lee

67 And then the word goes out on the street. For a $200,000 fee, you can have your very own Michael Jordan child. Would anyone buy one? If not a Michael Jordan child, would they be interested in a Tom Cruise, a Bill Clinton, or a Madonna (the singer not the saint)? If you have enough money, you will… choose your child have perfect children decide what your children will be like clone your favorite rock star or sports personality have an intelligent child have a brilliant basketball player for a son

68 And then the word goes out on the street. For a $200,000 fee, you can have your very own Michael Jordan child. Would anyone buy one? If not a Michael Jordan child, would they be interested in a Tom Cruise, a Bill Clinton, or a Madonna (the singer not the saint)? be capable of Ving be able to V manage to V succeed in Ving If you have enough money, you will… choose your child have perfect children decide what your children will be like clone your favorite rock star or sports personality have an intelligent child have a brilliant basketball player for a son

69 Cloning is for rich people who …. want their children to be want their children to become the best the winner the strongest the cleverest the most intelligent the most talented the best player the richest the wealthiest the most famous the most well-known end

70 's Whose camera is it ? It's Tim's camera. Mr Morgan : Lucy : Tim's camera Ex collège

71 's Whose jacket is it ? It's Tim's jacket. Mr Morgan : Lucy : Tim's jacket


73 Les images

74 Ex lycée








82 end

83 Rapprocher des images pour faciliter lanalyse

84 Ex collège end

85 Le vocabulaire

86 Exercices de matching (mots et leur définition ou leur traduction ou leur représentation)

87 grey bluishgreenolive greenbrown helmet overtunic cloth pants soft leather shoes leather belt woolen shirt woolen socks helmet overtunic cloth pants soft leather shoes leather belt woolen shirt woolen socks woolen underwear end

88 Relier des personnages et des mots ou des idées

89 nice and friendly boring easy-going good fun horrible and unfriendly good-tempered a nuisance indifferent badly-behaved rude full of good ideas well-behaved polite bad-tempered Laurent Christelle end

90 Jeu de vitesse ordinateur contre élèves

91 WhatareTim and Lucydoing ? 1Stop !Ready ?2 SORRY ! OVER. Ex collège end

92 See Africa by Bike YOU ARE INVITED to set out on an amazing journey across East Africa, beginning October 5. You will trek through thick jungles, scorching deserts and the Serengeti Plain, where lions, elephants and zebras roam. You will scale snowy Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest peak in Africa. Along the way you will meet scientists, animal experts and the people of Kenya and Tanzania. You may even get a chance to solve mysteries about the origins of man or come up with answers to problems hurting Africa's environment. You have seconds left to read the following article inviting kids to follow the expedition… 6045 3015 Game OVER end

93 Yes, this beach is a surfer's paradise. The sun is bad for your skin. Let's go to the Beach Café and sit in the shade. Why not ? Yeah, a nice cool Coke is just what I need. Big waves today ! Hey, don't take off your shirt ! It's so hot ! Ciao, Luigi.

94 this beach / surfer's /paradise. sun / bad / skin. Let's go / Beach Café / sit / shade. Why not ? Yeah, / nice cool Coke / just / need. waves Hey, don't / shirt ! so hot ! Ciao, Luigi.

95 ce dont j'ai besoin on va au Beach Café 34°C


97 Jeu de Kim

98 a pair of yellow socks a purple dress a green jumper a pair of grey trousers a blue blazer a pair of blue jeans a pair of brown shoes a pair of red shorts a white shirt a red and white baseball cap a pink dress a pair of white trainers a purple skirt a brown shoe a pair of brown trousers 1 234 5 6 7 8 9 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 a yellow T-shirt a pair of grey glasses 10 13 12 5 14 17 15 6 16 7 1 8 2 11 9 3 4 Ex collège

99 What's missing ?the yellow socks the purple dress the green jumper the grey trousers the blue blazer the blue jeans the brown shoes the red shorts the white shirt the red and white baseball cap the pink dress the white trainers the purple skirt the brown shoe the brown trousers the yellow T-shirt the grey glasses

100 a pair of socks a dress a jumper a pair of trousers a blazer a pair of jeans a pair of shoes a pair of shorts a shirt a baseball cap a pair of trainers a skirt a T-shirt a pair of glasses une paire de / des chaussettes = une robe = une paire de / des lunettes = un pull = un pantalon = un blazer = un jean = une paire de / des chaussures = un short = une chemise = une casquette = une paire de / des baskets = une jupe = un T-shirt =

101 a pair of yellow socks a purple dress a green jumper a pair of grey trousers a blue blazer a pair of blue jeans a pair of brown shoes a pair of red shorts a white shirt a red and white baseball cap a pink dress a pair of white trainers a purple skirt a brown shoe a pair of brown trousers 1 234 5 6 7 8 9 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 a yellow T-shirt a pair of grey glasses 10 13 12 5 14 17 15 6 16 7 1 8 2 11 9 3 4 THE FINAL END !

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