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Dark Matter Detectors and the Neutrino Wall Malcolm Fairbairn IDM 2016 Sheffield.

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Presentation on theme: "Dark Matter Detectors and the Neutrino Wall Malcolm Fairbairn IDM 2016 Sheffield."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dark Matter Detectors and the Neutrino Wall Malcolm Fairbairn IDM 2016 Sheffield

2 what I found on my memory stick on arrival… 1,000 green Eminems.

3 Directional dark matter to bypass the neutrino bound Polarised detectors and directional neutrino sensitivity BSM physics from neutrino interactions at DM detectors Content Directional Dark Matter Detection Beyond the Neutrino Bound Grothaus, Fairbairn & Monroe - arXiv:1406.5047 Reducing the Solar Neutrino Background Using Polarised Helium-3 Franarin, Fairbairn - arXiv:1605.08727 Physics from solar neutrinos in dark matter direct detection experiments Cerdeño, Fairbairn, Jubb, Machado, Vincent & Bœhm - arXiv:1604.01025

4 Astrophysical Neutrino Sources


6 Coherent Neutrino-Nucleon Interactions STILL NOT OBSERVED IN STANDARD MODEL

7 SNOWMASS Cosmic Frontiers 2013 PROBLEM This now famous plot…. Key reference :- Billard, Strigari & Figueroa-Feliciano arXiv:1307.5458

8 Philosophy Understand and quantify problem of neutrino background Estimate the size of detectors required to fight the problem Try to come up with new ideas/technologies to bypass background Can we come up with ideas for viable detectors? Can we do any neutrino/solar physics along the way -DEFINITELY!!! YESNO OK, should we build them? end of direct detection - BORING NO YES

9 Integrated Event Rate in Xe detector above different Thresholds

10 Integrated Event Rate in Ge detector above different Thresholds (B8, hep, N13, O15, F17 and Be7 lines)

11 How many neutrinos will be detected with future experiments? G2-Ge and G2-Si are theorist’s analogues of SuperCDMS G2-Xe is a theorist’s analogue of Lux-Zeplin arXiv:1604.01025

12 towards constellation of Cygnus, ~220 km/s Roughly in the direction of active galaxy Cygnus A Motion of Sun Through Galaxy

13 angle between recoil from Solar neutrino and sun arXiv:1406.5047

14 angle between recoil from Dark Matter and sun Preferred arrival direction roughly from Cygnus A This changes during the year Lighter (heavier) dark matter more (less) directional above a given threshold arXiv:1406.5047

15 Earth-Sun distance changes through Year

16 two event distributions in multi-parameter space (energy, time, scattering angle) Distributions:- A) neutrino B) neutrino + dark matter can we separate background from signal plus background?

17 Statistics 1.Calculate expected number of events then generate n 1 events using Poisson 2.Choose dark matter mass and cross section and generate n 2 dark matter events 3.Generate Q B for n1 events and Q SB for n 1 +n 2 +DM events, then 4.Choose integral limit q such that where  is your desired exclusion probability. arXiv:1406.5047

18 The normalised background only distribution p B (Q B ) (blue) and signal plus background distribution p SB (Q SB ) (red) including angular information (top) and excluding angular information (bottom) for s=10 and b=500 for a 6 GeV dark matter particle in a CF 4 detector. arXiv:1406.5047

19 Various Effects, some of which compete with each other:- For Low mass DM, only fastest moving particles will give a signal, so that points right back to Cygnus, easy to discriminate from the Sun High mass DM can give a signal for DM coming from all directions so directionality less important, but it has an energy spectrum quite different from solar neutrinos Higher energy recoil tracks have a much better directional angle reconstruction

20 How far can we push things? Ultimately, this depends on how well we know the neutrino background 6 GeV 30 GeV 1000 GeV Horizontal Dashed lines are naïve neutrino barrier. Dot dash is without directional, solid with directional. arXiv:1406.5047

21 Similarity of 6 GeV WIMP and Boron 8 background Ruppin et al 1408.3581

22 results from O’Hare et al arXiv:1505.08061

23 Effect of Energy and Time resolution on low mass case Davis arXiv:1412.1475 In principle, direction, energy and time information can discriminate neutrinos from dark matter.

24 Interesting Diversion – Polarised targets see also “Dark Matter Detection with Polarized Detectors” Chiang, Kamionkowski & Krnjaic, arXiv:1202.1807 Michel Borghini with a polarized target at CERN in 1976.

25 Polarised targets not very directional for dark matter (effect is supressed when no preferred helicity) Polarised targets with unpaired neutrons ARE directional to axial coupling of neutrinos Effect usually dwarfed by vector coupling due to coherent enhancement Notable exception is Helium-3 Interesting Diversion – Polarised targets

26 SI SD if N=1 and c A due to unpaired neutron cancellation between V and A for particular orientations of the spin and the arrival direction of the neutrino

27 3 He 129 Xe For Xenon there is a small effect while for Helium-3 there is almost a complete cancellation. 6.4 MeV Neutrino-nucleon cross section as function of angle

28 100 kg-year exposure For a threshold energy of 0.2 keV: P=0: 43 events P=1: 1 event P=-1: 85 events P=0.7: 13 events Event rates for solar neutrino scattering off Helium-3

29 Tritium contamination would be a major background Simplest Polarisation scheme for He-3 for NMR uses potassium and/or rubidium, both of which are potential contaminants Helium-3 makes Xenon look as cheap as water Some obvious problems

30 We expect to detect Neutrinos. What could we do with this information? arXiv:1604.01025

31 We expect to detect Neutrinos. What could we do with this information? arXiv:1604.01025 Measure Boron-8 flux using nuclear recoils and pp flux using electron recoils Can measure the Weinberg angle at very low energies

32 We expect to detect Neutrinos. What could we do with this information? arXiv:1604.01025 Limits average opacity vs. metallicity Narrows line but still huge degeneracy Needs to be broken by observation of CNO neutrinos – SNO+ ??? Future direct detection experiments ???

33 Tests of BSM Physics Momentum exchanged for pp-neutrino electron events is around 10 keV Momentum exchanged for neutrino-nucleon events is about MeV scale Both Q 2 unstudied in those settings, can probe new interactions.

34 electron recoils nuclear recoils Tests of BSM Physics

35 U(1) B-L gauge boson couples to B-L charge of SM particles Tests of BSM Physics Dashed electron, solid nucleon. Green future xenon Blue G2 xenon Red G2 germanium

36 Conclusions Neutrino events will increasingly shape the future of direct detection. Right now the focus is on getting round the neutrino floor, but focus should shift to ALSO studying those neutrinos. There are still new ideas to be found.

37 Integrated Event Rate in CF 4 detector above different Thresholds

38 Spin ½ Low cross section to gamma- rays No intrinsic X-rays Maximum recoil energy depends very weakly on DM mass Spin Exchange Optical Pumping: Alkali metal vapour is polarised Spin is transferred via spin- exchange collisions Room temperature 1-10 bar Rb-K mixtures: 70%

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