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Called to be a Person of Service

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1 Called to be a Person of Service
A Life that Inspires Called to be a Person of Service


3 Oh, how she loved Brazil! Oh, how she loved the good God!

4 Our home belongs to everyone.
This is holy ground.

5 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness…



8 …beyond my wants, beyond my fears, from death into life
…beyond my wants, beyond my fears, from death into life. Marty Haugen Shepherd Me, O God


10 We can’t talk about the poor. We must be with the poor…

11 …and then there is no doubt how to act. Dorothy Stang, SND

12 Blessed are the poor in spirit…


14 May God give you the wisdom and disposition to help build a world where all have a place with dignity Dorothy Stang, SND

15 We believe that each individual is a reflection of the good God…

16 …and deserves to be respected, loved, supported and encouraged
…and deserves to be respected, loved, supported and encouraged. Belief Statement Academy of Notre Dame de Namur

17 Dorothy’s favorite t-shirt …
Dorothy’s favorite t-shirt …. "A Morte da floresta é o fim da nossa vida.” which is Portuguese for "The death of the forest is the end of our life."

18 Called “to live the prophetic nature of the gospel, with a passion for justice and love for the poor” Mission Statement Academy of Notre Dame de Namur The rain forests are being ravaged by the greed of the powerful.


20 We are only here on the land for a few decades…

21 Use every day to bring joy and not greed to our tired land so full of anguish. Dorothy Stang, SND

22 Did we make our lives so comfortable and withdrawn from reality that we cannot see the social sins that our silence is supporting? Dorothy Stang, SND


24 The state of Para named Sister Dorothy “Woman of the Year” in for her work to secure land rights for the peasants.

25 The blood of a martyr waters the earth…

26 “All the trees, great and small, the bushes and vines, all were present on that fateful Saturday when they witnessed, astonished, the cruel death of their sister.” Dom Erwin Krautler Bishop of Xingu, Brazil

27 Blessed are they who mourn…



30 Each cross represents someone who died in the brutal struggle
between the loggers, cattlemen and the peasants.


32 Sister Dorothy, martyr of Christ in the land of the Amazon, pray for us!
Fr. Demetrio Valentini

33 The seed that falls on good soil shall yield a fruitful harvest.



36 At her funeral someone from the crowd cried out, “We are not burying Sister Dorothy. We are planting her and she will bring forth the fruit of justice and hope.”

37 Dorothy’s brother, Tom


39 + Father, forgive them…

40 Pray for our struggling diocese
Pray for our struggling diocese. Our situation here in Brazil is worse each day as the wealthy make their plans to exterminate, by hunger, the needy. But God is good with His people. Dorothy Stang, SND

41 She lives… in the hearts of those who remember.

42 I imagine Dorothy died the same way she lived, with her ever-hopeful smile and radiant eyes… Marlene de Nardo Friend and co-worker of Dorothy

43 I think continuously of those who were truly great… who wore at their hearts the fire’s center…

44 Born of the sun they traveled a short while towards the sun, And left the vivid air signed with their honor Stephen Spender

45 Blessed are the peacemakers…

46 Thank you, my good God, for life filled with friends and wonderful adventure~ sharing, caring, laughing and crying Dorothy Stang, SND

47 Whose life inspires YOU?

48 What do you plan to do with your “one and only life?”
*Mission Statement~ Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur

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