DEGISCO Desktop Grids For International Scientific Collaboration Details on Roadmap (technical, legal, human aspects) Budapest, 14.07.2011 Robert Lovas,

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1 DEGISCO Desktop Grids For International Scientific Collaboration Details on Roadmap (technical, legal, human aspects) Budapest, 14.07.2011 Robert Lovas, MTA SZTAKI DEGISCO is supported by the FP7 Capacities Programme under contract nr RI-261561.

2 DEGISCO WP4 14/07/2011 2 Presentation outline 1.Effectiveness (costs) 2.Human factors 3.Technology (trust and security) 4.Legal

3 DEGISCO WP4 14/07/2011 3 Cost effectiveness  For scientists, volunteer computing is cheaper than other paradigms.  A medium-scale project (10,000 computers, 100 TeraFLOPS) can be run using a single server computer and one or two staff ($20.000 - $200.000 USD).  An equivalent CPU cluster costs at least an order of magnitude more.  Cloud computing is even more expensive. – However, studies suggest that cloud computing is cost-effective for hosting volunteer computing project servers.

4 DEGISCO WP4 14/07/2011 4 Human factors  In volunteer computing these factors are particularly crucial and complex. Several surveys have been done: Why do people volunteer?  Support scientific goals: such as curing diseases, finding extraterrestrial life, or predicting climate change.  Community: some volunteers enjoy participating in the online communities and social networks.  Competition: some volunteers are interested in the performance of computer systems, and they use volunteer computing to quantify and publicize the performance of their computers.  There are attempts to commercialize volunteer computing by paying participants, directly or via a lottery, and reselling the computing power.  Local (enterprise) Desktop Grids have commercial success (Platform, Parabon) at several companies (e.g. Novartis).

5 DEGISCO WP4 14/07/2011 5 Human factors (cont)  To attract and retain volunteers, a project must perform a variety of human functions.  Web content describing its research goals, methods, and credentials.  Periodic updates on its scientific progress.  It must manage the moderation of its web site’s message boards to ensure that they remain positive and useful.  Publicize itself by media. Volunteers must trust projects, but projects cannot trust volunteers.

6 DEGISCO WP4 14/07/2011 6 Technical challenges  Heterogeneity. The volunteer computer population is extremely diverse in terms of hardware (processor type and speed, RAM, disk space), software (operating system and version) and networking (bandwidth, proxies, firewalls). – BOINC provides scheduling mechanisms that assign jobs to the hosts that can best handle them. However, projects still generally need to compile applications for several platforms (Windows 32 and 64 bit, Mac OS X, Linux 32 and 64 bit, various GPU platforms). This difficulty may soon be reduced by running applications in virtual machines.  Sporadic availability and churn. Volunteer computers are not dedicated. – The time intervals when a computer is on, and when BOINC is allowed to compute, are sporadic and generally unpredictable. BOINC tracks these factors and uses them in estimating job completion times. In addition, computers are constantly joining and leaving the pool of a given project. BOINC must address the fact that computers with many jobs in progress may disappear forever.

7 DEGISCO WP4 14/07/2011 7 Technical challenges (cont)  Result validation. Because volunteer computers are anonymous and untrusted, BOINC cannot assume that job results are correct, or that the claimed credit is accurate. – One general way of dealing with this is replication: that is, send a copy of each job to multiple computers; compare the results; accept the result if the replicas agree; otherwise issue additional replicas.  Scalability. Large volunteer projects can involve a million hosts and millions of jobs processed per day. This is beyond the capabilities of grid and cluster systems. – BOINC addresses this using an efficient server architecture that can be distributed across multiple machines. The server is based on a relational database, so BOINC leverages advances in scalability and availability of database systems. The communication architecture uses exponential backoff after failures, so that the rate of client requests remains bounded even when a server comes up after a long outage.

8 DEGISCO WP4 14/07/2011 8 Technical challenges (cont)  Security 1: What if hackers break into a project server and use it to distribute malware to the attached computers? – BOINC prevents this by requiring that executables be digitally signed using a secure, offline signing computer.  Security 2: What if hackers create a fraudulent project that poses as academic research while in fact stealing volunteers’ private data? – This is partly addressed by account-based sandboxing: applications are run under an unprivileged user account and typically have no access to files other than their own input and outputs. In the future, stronger sandboxing may be possible using virtual machine technology.

9 DEGISCO WP4 14/07/2011 9 Technology comparison matrix

10 DEGISCO WP4 14/07/2011 10 Local Desktop Grid: University of Westminster (London, UK) as a best practice 1 2 3 4 5 6 1.New Cavendish Street576 nodes 2.Marylebone Campus559 nodes 3.Regent Street395 nodes 4.Wells Street31 nodes 5.Little Tichfield Street66 nodes 6.Harrow Campus254 nodes Total:1881 nodes Lifecycle of a node: 1.PCs basically used by students/staff 2.If unused, switch to Desktop Grid mode 3.No more work from DG server -> shutdown (green solution)

11 DEGISCO WP4 14/07/2011 11 Legal issues resource ownersdata owners DG service providers application provider data provider (storage)end-user resource owners (through granting access to service provider) grant access to his/her own resources by join a project (through granting access to service provider) data owners (through validation process of EADM) grant access in production grant access during developmentstore data in storage allow the exploitation of data DG service providers take no liability but validate applications with EADM take no liability but apply best practices/technologie s host the application grant access during development and in production provide access with SLA application providers (through validation process of EADM) accept the data owner policy collaborate in testing and validation grant access to stored data use Grid-friendly SW license (or self-made software) data provider (storage) (through validation process of EADM) ensure privacy and confidentiality ensure secure access from Grid ensure secure access from apps grant access to stored data end-users (through accepted AUP) accept the data owner policy accept AUP from the grid service provider accept SW licensing policies (or self-made software) accept policy of data provider Liabilities (security, policies) Rights (services, access)

12 DEGISCO WP4 14/07/2011 12 Acknowledgement The presentation is partly based on David P. Anderson (University of Berkeley): Volunteer Computing – The ultimate cloud (Crossroads, Spring 2010)

13 http://degisco.eu Globe adapted from wikipedia/commons/f/fa/ Globe.svg

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