Oklahoma Zone Meeting Phillip D. Braden. Mission Statement The mission of the National Society of Black Engineers is “to increase the number of culturally.

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Presentation on theme: "Oklahoma Zone Meeting Phillip D. Braden. Mission Statement The mission of the National Society of Black Engineers is “to increase the number of culturally."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oklahoma Zone Meeting Phillip D. Braden

2 Mission Statement The mission of the National Society of Black Engineers is “to increase the number of culturally responsible Black Engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally and positively impact the community”

3 About Me Senior at University of Arkansas- Fayetteville Chemical Engineering Co-op for Dow Chemical Likes: Traveling, Meeting New People, Watching TV and Playing PS4

4 What is a Zone Chairs Job? Liasion between Chapters and REB Point of contact and resource for chapters All communication should flow through the Zone Leads

5 NSBE Organizational Structure National Executive Board Region 1Region 2Region 3Region 4Region 5 Big Tex Zone OK ZoneMO Zone C.A.J.U.N. Zone Region 6

6 NSBE Organizational Structure Center of NSBE Activities NSBE’s driving force Chapters Link between Chapters & NSBE Dialogue Facilitators between Chapters within Region 5 Generate Funding for Region 5 REB Oversee NSBE Programs & Initiatives Create National Directives Each Year NEB

7 Org. Structure – OK Zone Kansas State University Oklahoma State University Pittsburg State University University of Arkansas - Fayetteville University of Arkansas - Little Rock University of Arkansas - Pine Bluff University of Central Oklahoma University of Kansas University of Oklahoma University of Tulsa Wichita State University

8 ICEBREAKER Great Wind Blows Get into a circle with one person in the middle That person will say, “the great wind blows for…(state something you’ve done such as travel or a fact about yourself Everybody who that statement is true for must move at least two spaces within the circle The person left in the middle will restart the cycle

9 Introduce Yourself Name School Major Position What Are Your Goals for NSBE this year?

10 Building an EMPIRE National Membership Initiative Increase Membership –5% domestic membership growth –Professional membership totaling 6K –Increase international membership 900 Increase Engagement –Mentorship Initiative –Training –Technical Success Tools Connect the Pipeline –Mentorship Initiative –Inter-demographic participation Graduate 10,000 black engineers by 2025!

11 OK Zone Goals Encourage Chapters to Participate in Programs –Help provide all the information and materials needed Increase Chapter Participation in Programs and Events –More Members to FRC, Spring Zone and Nationals!

12 OK Zone Goals Increase Chapter to Chapter Interaction –Utilizing Groupme, Emails, and Conference Calls to actively communicate –Share ideas and solutions between chapters to make this a successful year –Hold cross chapter events for networking Graduate 10K by 2025!

13 Schedule of Events Fall Regional Conference- Houston, TX 11/10-11/14 Spring Zone Meeting- Fayetteville, AR or Virtual Meeting- February 2017 (TBA) National Conference- Kansas City, MO 3/29-4/2

14 Discussion Period Let me know what I can do to make this a successful year for OK Zone and Region V How often should we have calls? Biweekly? Monthly? What are your plans for this year? How do you plan to execute that plan? Zone Chants?

15 Contact Me Phone: 901-628-4346 Email: r5okzone@nsbe.orgr5okzone@nsbe.org pdbraden@uark.edu Office Hours: 7pm-9pm Sunday- Wednesday or by appointment


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