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Chapter 1 AMERICA IN THE 21 ST CENTURY. Learning Objectives 1) Explain what is meant by the terms politics & government. 2) Identify the various types.

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2 Learning Objectives 1) Explain what is meant by the terms politics & government. 2) Identify the various types of government systems 3) Summarize some of the basic principles of American democracy & the basic American political values. 4) Define common American ideological positions, such as “conservatism” & “liberalism”

3 What are Politics & Government? Politics arises out of Social Conflict: –Disagreements among people in a society –Derived from what society’s priorities should be –W/ respect to the use of scarce resources. How best to spend taxpayer money? –War in Iraq v. Domestic Policy (Education)

4 Politics Resolving Social Conflict is the job of Politics: –Process of resolving conflicts over how society should use its scarce resources –As well as who should receive various benefits. ie. Public health care & public education –“Who gets what, when, & how” –Harold Lasswell (Political Scientist 1902-1978)

5 Government From the perspective of political science Government entails: –The individuals & institutions that make society’s rules –And that also possess the power & authority to enforce those rules.

6 Resolving Conflicts: Power Governments have power: –The ability to influence the behavior of others Usually through the use of force (often called coercion), persuasion, or rewards.

7 Resolving Conflicts: Authority Governments have authority: –The ability to exercise power, such as the power to make & enforce laws legitimately. Authority can only be exercised if government’s power is in fact legitimate.

8 Providing Public Services Another important purpose of government is to provide public services: –Essential services that individuals can’t provide for themselves ie. Building & maintaining roads, providing welfare programs, operating public schools, preserving national parks & national defense.

9 Different Systems of Government Autocracy: –Form of government in which power & authority belong to one single person. Autocrats usually obtain power by inheritance or force

10 Different Systems of Government Form of Autocracy –Monarchy: King, queen, emperor, empress, tsar, or tsarina is the highest authority in the government Monarchs usually obtain their power through inheritance –Historically many monarchs were absolute

11 Different Systems of Government Prior to 18 th Century absolute monarchs –Derived their power from “divine right” –Divine right theory: Theory that the right to rule was derived directly from God –NOT from the consent of the people

12 Different Systems of Government Dictatorship: –Absolute power is exercised by a single individual Usually obtained their power by force

13 Different Systems of Government Rule by Many-Democracy: –Government in which the people have ultimate political authority Direct Democracy: –Government in which political decisions are made by the people themselves NOT by elected representatives Government practiced in some areas of ancient Greece

14 Different Systems of Government Representative Democracy: –Form of Democracy –Will of majority is expressed through –smaller groups of individuals elected by the people These individuals act as representatives

15 Different Systems of Government Republic: –Term referring to representative democracy –There is NO king or Queen –The people are sovereign Founders preferred the term Republic

16 Representative Democracy Two Forms of Representative Democracy –Presidential Democracy: lawmaking & law-enforcing branches of government are separate but equal. ie. In U.S. Congress is charged w/ lawmaking powers & president is charged w/ executing them –Parliamentary Democracy: lawmaking & law- enforcing branches of government overlap. ie. In Great Britain the prime minister & cabinet are members of the legislature, called Parliament, which enacts the laws & carries them out.

17 Other Forms of Government Plutocracy: –Wealth exercise ruling power Ploutos in Greek means “wealth” Meritocracy: –Rulers have earned, or merited, the right to govern because of their special skills or talents.

18 Other Forms of Government Theocracy: Term derived from the Greek words meaning “rule by God”. –No separation of church & state –Rather the government rules according to religious precepts. ie. Iran

19 American Democracy The British Legacy: –Limited Government –Representative Government –Political Philosophy- Social Contracts & Natural Rights

20 American Democracy Limited Government: –Government in which strict limits are placed, –Usually by a constitution. Magna Carta (Great Charter) pg. 10 –1215 England –Forced upon King John by his nobles »Established principle of limited government

21 American Democracy Representative Government –Parliament: (Bicameral-2 house) legislature; Name of the national legislative body in countries governed by a parliamentary system ie. Great Britain & Canada –The English Parliament consists of the House of Lords (upper house) & the House of Commons (lower chamber).

22 American Democracy American Democracy resulted from a Social Contract: –Voluntary agreement among individuals to create a government –Individuals give government adequate power to secure mutual protection & welfare for all individuals. Derived from England’s John Locke & Thomas Hobbes as well as France’s Jean-Jacques Rousseau

23 American Democracy Natural Rights: –Rights that are NOT bestowed by government –Rights that are inherent within every man, woman, & child –By virtue of the fact that he or she is a human being Man made law derived by higher law –John Locke

24 Principles of American Democracy Based on five fundamental principles: pg. 11 –EQUALITY IN VOTING Equal opportunity through voting –INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM Greatest amount of freedom possible w/o interfering w/ the rights of others –EQUAL PROTECTION OF THE LAW Law must entitle all persons to its equal protection –MAJORITY RULE & MINORITY RIGHTS Majority rules while guaranteeing rights of minorities –VOLUNTARY CONSENT TO BE GOVERNED People must voluntarily agree to be governed by rules established by representatives

25 American Political Culture Political Culture: –Set of ideas, values, & attitudes about government –The political process held by a community or a nation. America defined by its political culture –Liberty, equality, & capitalism

26 American Political Culture Liberty: –Freedom of individuals to believe, act, & express themselves freely –As long as they do not infringe upon the freedom of others.

27 American Political Culture Equality: –A concept that holds, at minimum, –That all people are entitled to equal protection under the law.

28 American Political Culture Capitalism: –Economic system based on Private ownership of wealth-producing property Free markets & freedom of contract. –Privately owned corporation (business) is preeminent capitalist institution.

29 American Political Ideology Ideology: –Generally, refers to a system of political ideas –Ideas typically rooted in religious or philosophical beliefs –Concerning human nature, society, & government.

30 Distribution of the U.S. Population by Race & Hispanic Origin, 2000 to 2050 Figure 1-1 pg. 14

31 American Political Ideology With respect to political ideology, Americans tend to fall into two broad political camps: –Liberals –Conservatives

32 American Political Ideology Liberalism: –Set of political beliefs that includes the advocacy of active government –Including government intervention to improve the welfare of individuals –And to protect civil rights. Modern liberalism in U.S. rooted in FDR administration- New Deal

33 American Political Ideology Conservatism: –Set of beliefs that includes a limited role for the national government in helping individuals –As well as in the economic affairs of the nation, –Support for traditional values & lifestyles –And a cautious response to change. Modern conservatism in U.S. rooted in the opposition of FDR’s administration- Disliked New Deal

34 American Political Ideology Conservative Movement: –A strongly ideological movement that arose in the 1950s & 1960s & continues to shape conservative beliefs.

35 The Traditional Political Spectrum Progressivism: –An alternate, more popular term for the set of political beliefs also known as liberalism. Dates back to 1 st yrs. of the 20 th century (early 1900s) Movement within both parties to counterbalance growing power of large corporations.

36 The Traditional Political Spectrum Moderates: –A person whose views fall in the middle of the political spectrum.

37 The Traditional Political Spectrum Figure 1-2 pg. 17

38 Beyond Conservatism & Liberalism The Extreme Left & Right –Radical Left: Persons on the extreme left side of the political spectrum Who would like to significantly change the political order, usually to promote egalitarianism.

39 Beyond Conservatism & Liberalism Socialism: (left of liberalism) –Political ideology that lies to the left of liberalism on the traditional political spectrum. Socialists are scarce in the United States but common in many other countries.

40 Beyond Conservatism & Liberalism The Extreme Left & Right –Radical Right Persons on the extreme right side of the political spectrum; radical right includes- Reactionaries: –Would like to return to values & social systems of some previous era. Libertarians: (btw. Conservative & Reactionary) –Believe in no regulation of economy or individual behavior, except for defense & law enforcement.

41 Beyond Conservatism & Liberalism Tea Party Movement: –A grassroots conservative movement that arose in 2009 after Barack Obama became president. The movement opposes big government & current levels of taxation as well as rejecting political compromise

42 Ideology & Today’s Electorate Ideologue: –An individual who holds very strong political opinions. Minority of individuals in America Today’s Electorate: –Most Americans generally not interested in all political issues –Have mixed set of opinions –Do not fit neatly under a liberal or conservative label

43 A Two-Dimensional Political Classification Figure 1-3 pg. 18

44 American Democracy At Work U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land. Sets forth basic governing rules by which Americans, when they ratified the Constitution, agreed to abide.

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