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Teacher Training Week, August 2016 Differentiation: Grade 11 Trainer’s Name, Trainer’s position 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Teacher Training Week, August 2016 Differentiation: Grade 11 Trainer’s Name, Trainer’s position 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teacher Training Week, August 2016 Differentiation: Grade 11 Trainer’s Name, Trainer’s position 1

2 TEXT PAGE STANDARD This page will manage your text using the standard PPT text functions on your tool bar. The minimum size for presentations that will be projected to an audience should be 18. The minimum size for slide decks that will be read should be 10 Produce a definition of differentiation Identify learner characteristics Explore methods for differentiating lessons Share practical activities, techniques and strategies to achieve better differentiation in the classroom Aims of the session 2

3 TEXT PAGE STANDARD This page will manage your text using the standard PPT text functions on your tool bar. The minimum size for presentations that will be projected to an audience should be 18. The minimum size for slide decks that will be read should be 10 In your groups, produce a definition Differentiation means… 3

4 TEXT PAGE STANDARD This page will manage your text using the standard PPT text functions on your tool bar. The minimum size for presentations that will be projected to an audience should be 18. The minimum size for slide decks that will be read should be 10 It simply means teaching people differently according to their needs, their capabilities or even their preferred ‘learning styles’ 1 Differentiation … should be an on-going and flexible process which not only profiles students initially but also recognises progress and areas for improvement and adjusts accordingly to ensure learning needs continue to be met. In short, it shifts the focus from teaching a subject to teaching the students 2 In its simplest form, it's where teachers adapt their approach for different students so that the entire class have the chance to perform to the best of their ability. It's about knowing your students and using that knowledge to teach them in the best way you can. 3 Differentiation means… 4

5 TEXT PAGE STANDARD This page will manage your text using the standard PPT text functions on your tool bar. The minimum size for presentations that will be projected to an audience should be 18. The minimum size for slide decks that will be read should be 10 Reflection: Pros/cons Time issues Linguistic challenge Grouping Support / “stretching” “ Differentiation means..” activity 5

6 TEXT PAGE STANDARD This page will manage your text using the standard PPT text functions on your tool bar. The minimum size for presentations that will be projected to an audience should be 18. The minimum size for slide decks that will be read should be 10 Individuals learn in different ways and at different rates: get to know your students and their differences, strengths and weaknesses acknowledge these in planning and delivery of lessons Implications 6

7 TEXT PAGE STANDARD This page will manage your text using the standard PPT text functions on your tool bar. The minimum size for presentations that will be projected to an audience should be 18. The minimum size for slide decks that will be read should be 10 Think of a class you have taught recently. How do your learners differ from each other?  Differences among your students 7

8 TEXT PAGE STANDARD This page will manage your text using the standard PPT text functions on your tool bar. The minimum size for presentations that will be projected to an audience should be 18. The minimum size for slide decks that will be read should be 10 Student differences age and maturity gender physical ability / disability SEN / emotional issues L1 and social/cultural background personality and confidence prior learning experience linguistic ability cognitive level learning speed and attention span interests motivation learning styles eg VAK 8

9 TEXT PAGE STANDARD This page will manage your text using the standard PPT text functions on your tool bar. The minimum size for presentations that will be projected to an audience should be 18. The minimum size for slide decks that will be read should be 10 Be cautious about using “labels”: Dangers of stereotyping students Biological constraints? Pseudo-scientific distraction? Differences within groups often greater than across groups Differences within individuals; variable preferences at certain stages of learning? Danger of self-fulfilling prophecy differentiate for ability not by ability Benefits of differentiation  quality learning: better student motivation better student behaviour greater progress Caution! 9

10 TEXT PAGE STANDARD This page will manage your text using the standard PPT text functions on your tool bar. The minimum size for presentations that will be projected to an audience should be 18. The minimum size for slide decks that will be read should be 10 By: CONTENT different levels of materials and resources different input  same outcome open-ended tasks Tomlinson 2001  At the end of the lesson, what should students know, be able to understand and do?[KUDos] 1. How to differentiate? 10

11 TEXT PAGE STANDARD This page will manage your text using the standard PPT text functions on your tool bar. The minimum size for presentations that will be projected to an audience should be 18. The minimum size for slide decks that will be read should be 10 By PROCESS same task/resource but students carry out in different ways [eg presentation of new material; activities; element of choice given to students; teaching methods] Tomlinson 2001  What will I do as the teacher to get my students to learn this? 2. How to differentiate? 11

12 TEXT PAGE STANDARD This page will manage your text using the standard PPT text functions on your tool bar. The minimum size for presentations that will be projected to an audience should be 18. The minimum size for slide decks that will be read should be 10 scaffolding from teacher / peers amount of independent learning required help to certain pupils; 1:1 Teacher response [feedback / marking] pace of class, incl wait time / thinking time use of ICT [a very flexible tool] Process: d ifferent support 12

13 TEXT PAGE STANDARD This page will manage your text using the standard PPT text functions on your tool bar. The minimum size for presentations that will be projected to an audience should be 18. The minimum size for slide decks that will be read should be 10 break task down into a series of tasks analysis of model answers whole class writing  scaffolded practice  independent writing explicit and clear assessment criteria writing checklists writing frames - clearly defined paragraph topics/headings - sentences starters/stems Eg s upport in writing

14 TEXT PAGE STANDARD This page will manage your text using the standard PPT text functions on your tool bar. The minimum size for presentations that will be projected to an audience should be 18. The minimum size for slide decks that will be read should be 10 Writing frames AdvantagesDisadvantagesSolutions?  reduces fear of blank paper and can be motivating  gives structure and overview to students  may give supportive language / linkers eg sentence starters; connectors; lexical chunks  discourages plagiarism as students need to show they have used frame / language  can be differentiated in amount of support given in frame  may limit creativity  may lead to over- dependence on frame  monitor use of frame and tell students not to stick rigidly to it  allow space for adaptation and development of ideas  help students design own writing frame

15 TEXT PAGE STANDARD This page will manage your text using the standard PPT text functions on your tool bar. The minimum size for presentations that will be projected to an audience should be 18. The minimum size for slide decks that will be read should be 10 questioning: closed v open questions - targeted questioning to produce a range of responses and challenge the more able - incorporation of HOTS v LOTS [Bloom’s Taxonomy] giving instructions use of L1 identifying which students need detailed explanations in simple language and which students can engage in dialogue at a more sophisticated level Verbal support and encouragement are crucial Process: v arying teacher language in… 15

16 TEXT PAGE STANDARD This page will manage your text using the standard PPT text functions on your tool bar. The minimum size for presentations that will be projected to an audience should be 18. The minimum size for slide decks that will be read should be 10 By OUTCOME product same [open-ended] task  different outcome / pupil response [in different ways / at different levels] differing amount of personalisation required Tomlinson 2001  How will my students show what they know/understand/can do? 3. How to differentiate? 16

17 TEXT PAGE STANDARD This page will manage your text using the standard PPT text functions on your tool bar. The minimum size for presentations that will be projected to an audience should be 18. The minimum size for slide decks that will be read should be 10 By ENVIRONMENT classroom layout / space teacher-fronted guided discovery pair / groupwork establish ground rules: noise levels; expected behaviour; movement; use of materials 4. How to differentiate? 17

18 TEXT PAGE STANDARD This page will manage your text using the standard PPT text functions on your tool bar. The minimum size for presentations that will be projected to an audience should be 18. The minimum size for slide decks that will be read should be 10 Gifted and Talented: Student Choice? 18 Write a letter to a character in this story. Write a conversation between 2 characters in this story and act it out. Research 10 facts about the author. Write a journalist – author interview. Using at least 10 new vocabulary words, write a summary of this story. Write a new beginning or ending for the story. Select 10 words from the story and make a vocabulary page. Design a book cover for the story. Write a book review of the story for a student magazine. You are a character in the story. Orally describe a typical day in your life and record this. Main dishes [pick two] 1.Write a letter to a character in this story. 2.Write a book review of the story for a student magazine. 3.Write a conversation between 2 characters in this story and act it out. Side dishes [pick one] 1.Using at least 10 new vocabulary words, write a summary of this story. 2.Select 10 words from the story and make a vocabulary page. 3.Design a book cover for the story. Desserts [pick one] 1.Research 10 facts about the author. Write a journalist – author interview. 2.You are a character in the story. Orally describe a typical day in your life and record this. 3.Write a new beginning or ending for the story. Tic-Tac-Toe / 3-in-a-line ELT Menu

19 TEXT PAGE STANDARD This page will manage your text using the standard PPT text functions on your tool bar. The minimum size for presentations that will be projected to an audience should be 18. The minimum size for slide decks that will be read should be 10 Teaching methods and activities: Good Reasonable Poor Catering for diversity 19

20 TEXT PAGE STANDARD This page will manage your text using the standard PPT text functions on your tool bar. The minimum size for presentations that will be projected to an audience should be 18. The minimum size for slide decks that will be read should be 10 cf. match, group, rank/grade and label engaging, tactile student collaboration [checking and self-correcting] visual representation of levels of learning Constructivist: develop/test/correct constructs and concepts  HOTS  deep learning Reflection: Card sort activity 20

21 TEXT PAGE STANDARD This page will manage your text using the standard PPT text functions on your tool bar. The minimum size for presentations that will be projected to an audience should be 18. The minimum size for slide decks that will be read should be 10 Look at SB and TB – core material and Learning Objectives How would you differentiate: - with support activities for weaker students? [YELLOW] - with stretching activities for stronger students? [PINK] Round robin activity Compare with suggestions in TB Differentiating the coursebook 21

22 TEXT PAGE STANDARD This page will manage your text using the standard PPT text functions on your tool bar. The minimum size for presentations that will be projected to an audience should be 18. The minimum size for slide decks that will be read should be 10 Experts: “Tell us about…” Plenary 22

23 Thank you for your participation and attention ☺ 23

24 TEXT PAGE STANDARD This page will manage your text using the standard PPT text functions on your tool bar. The minimum size for presentations that will be projected to an audience should be 18. The minimum size for slide decks that will be read should be 10 Tomlinson, C. (2001) How to differentiate instruction in mixed-ability classrooms, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Reference 24

25 TEXT PAGE STANDARD This page will manage your text using the standard PPT text functions on your tool bar. The minimum size for presentations that will be projected to an audience should be 18. The minimum size for slide decks that will be read should be 10 Pairwork Look at Unit 1 of your Grade Design a Tic-Tac-Toe grid or an ELT menu for the unit. Hints: vary complexity and challenge focus each choice on a learning goal cater for varying abilities and learning styles encourage self-assessment /peer-assessment ensure the process/product is familiar to students Extension / Practice 25

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