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Reasons You Should Major in Sports Medicine It also plays an integral role in preventing mutation which in the long run, helps your body fight diseases.

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Presentation on theme: "Reasons You Should Major in Sports Medicine It also plays an integral role in preventing mutation which in the long run, helps your body fight diseases."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reasons You Should Major in Sports Medicine It also plays an integral role in preventing mutation which in the long run, helps your body fight diseases and bacteria. Feeling a little low after a long day at work? Then this is probably because you are not making it a habit to make Vitamin C part of your diet. Studies have revealed that taking Vitamin C can make you feel calmer and less anxious. It actually acts like a natural tranquilizer which can help you fight mild depression. However, for severe cases of depression, it would always be best to seek professional help. You probably don't notice this but most skin care products have Vitamin C added on them because it has properties preventing skin-ageing. Vitamin C can help the skin produce collagen faster making the skin retain is youthful glow and beauty. It is also perfect to be used in treating sun-damaged skin.

2 And that's it! Three unique benefits of Vitamin C that you shouldn't miss. Always make sure that you've eaten foods with plenty Vitamin C or take Vitamin C tablets. Try also making it part of your beauty regime to achieve younger-looking skin. When it comes to wellness, make sure that you also balance healthy eating habits including drinking plenty of fluids especially detox juices or infused water. Have a great day and stay healthy! Chills are usually associated with fever. The word itself refers to a feeling of being cold and shivering. This is caused due to a rapid process of contracting and relaxing of the muscles in the body. When the body detects that a fever may be setting in, it contracts and relaxes the muscles rapidly in order to bring up the body heat and fight the fever. Chills are usually caused due to exposure to a very cold environment or an infection, either bacterial or viral.

3 It is very important to get medical attention as soon as you or a family member starts feeling ill. Children are often more prone to chills because they usually develop higher fevers than adults. If your child is below a year old, call a doctor immediately because it could lead to a very bad illness if not treated as soon as possible. A lot of people confuse chills with Goose bumps. While goose bumps are similar, they only occur due to cold air. They are usually brought on by strong emotions that are related to fear or shock. In most cases, the hair on the skin will stand up when you get goose bumps in order to form a layer of insulation to the body. While chills may be accompanied by goose bumps, it does not always happen the other way around.

4 Most of us know that Vitamin or Ascorbic Acid plays a vital role in strengthening our immune system. It is very important that we do not neglect eating foods rich in Vitamin C or even Vitamin Fat Burning Bible Review food supplements because they help us fight diseases and keep our body strong and healthy. However, aside from protecting our body and boosting our immunity, what else can we get from Vitamin C? To help you discover how amazing Vitamin is, here's a list of unique benefits you get when making it part of your diet. One of the incredible powers of the human body is the ability to repair itself. You've probably experienced scraping your knee and watching it gradually heal itself after a few weeks. While our body indeed can repair skin damages on its own, we can actually help it by taking Vitamin. According to studies conducted by clinical researchers, Vitamin helps skin repair faster.Fat Burning Bible Review

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