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Here are some generalizations about the types of individuals that make up the Democratic and Republican political parties in the U.S.

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2 Here are some generalizations about the types of individuals that make up the Democratic and Republican political parties in the U.S.

3 DEMOCRAT REPUBLICAN African-AmericanWhite Mexican/Puerto RicanCuban Secular/JewishProtestant WomenMen West Coast./East Coast Mountain /Plain/South UrbanRural PoorRich Less educated/Highest Above average (Master/Doctorate) Union membersNon – union

4 Are you a Democrat or a Republican?

5 DEMOCRAT REPUBLICAN Education Pro spendingAnti spending Pro public schoolsPro school choice Pro teachers unions Pro teacher testing

6 DEMOCRAT REPUBLICAN Life Style Liberal freedom Traditional values Abortion Pro Choice Pro Life Gun Control ProAnti

7 DEMOCRAT REPUBLICAN Energy Alternative energy Pro big energy sourcescompanies Immigration MixedAnti Military Spending AntiPro

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