Students:Ori Horin Michael Reznik Supervisor:Prof. Michael Segal Advisor:Mr. Erez Meital.

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Presentation on theme: "Students:Ori Horin Michael Reznik Supervisor:Prof. Michael Segal Advisor:Mr. Erez Meital."— Presentation transcript:

1 Students:Ori Horin Michael Reznik Supervisor:Prof. Michael Segal Advisor:Mr. Erez Meital

2 2 Roadmap Ad-hoc Mobile Network Our project Motivation Main issues Maxtech networks protocol Routing in Ad-hoc Networks

3 3 Ad-hoc Mobile Network  No need for network infrastructure – base stations are not needed  Network nodes forward packets to and from each other  Built spontaneously as devices connect  Nodes can also function as a relay station to the other mobile stations

4 4 Motivation  Connection to Base station is impossible  No cellular infrastructure in a particular area  Cellular network is overload  Interference preventing the communication between a mobile station and a base station  inside a concrete structure for example  Very useful for  Search and rescue forces  Military forces  Law enforcements

5 5  Network structure  Choosing which nodes will function as relays Should I function as Relay ? Ad-hoc Networks – Main issues

6 6  Routing - which route to choose? Ad-hoc Networks – Main issues

7 7  Scheduling  Network resources allocation  QOS for Voice Ad-hoc Networks – Main issues 1. ____2. ____3. ____. 1. ____2. ____3. ____. 1. ____2. ____3. ____. 1. ____2. ____3. ____. 1. ____2. ____3. ____.

8 8  Provides mobile network devices  Implements mobile mesh network technology  Provides group of users with unprecedented mobile connectivity without the need for infrastructure support Maxtech Networks` product

9 9 Protocol Stack ApplicationApplication Data Management Transport Layer Data Management Transport Layer NetworkRoutingNetworkRoutingNetworkManagementNetworkManagement Link Management Link Control MMIMMI AudioManagementAudioManagementGatewayManagementGatewayManagement Serial Accessories Serial Driver RF Baseband AudioDriversAudioDriversLCDDriversLCDDrivers KeysKeys Link Control NetworkRoutingNetworkRoutingNetworkManagementNetworkManagement Link Management Fundamentals  MAC - TDMA  Connectivity – Proactive  Adjacency Matrix  Reach connectivity consensus  Relays selection  Building network backbone  Choosing Master  Allocate Resources

10 10 Management and Traffic  Frame types 1) Information about network structure 2) Requests for network resources and responses of resources allocation 3) Payload (Voice/Data)  TDMA cycle divided for each frame type

11 11 Connectivity Matrix  Rows and columns represent units  “0” – no link, “1” – bidirectional link  How to build and update matrices ?  Sender’s row is always first  Units sends rows with version number  Send changed rows first 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3

12 12 Relays Selection – Building Backbone  Best connected units are chosen for RELAYS  Relays are the backbone of the network  How to select Relays ?  Each unit runs M.T.S. (Minimal Tree Search) algorithm on its matrix  Running up to predefined maximum number of relays  Choosing minimum number of relays  Try to reach same matrix in all units

13 13 M.T.S. – Minimal Tree Search At the end of the process all the units “see” the same network structure 2 2 1 1 4 4 5 5 3 3 Separated Components Some Connected Components Single Connected Component All the units “see” the same network structure No Yes

14 14 Master  Master functions as the session control unit  Units request for network resources (through network backbone) from the master to send data or voice  Master makes the resource allocation decisions and sends them back to the units  How to select master ?  Master is the most central unit of the backbone

15 15 Allocate Resources  Master allocate criterions  Voice is at higher priority than data  One channel for voice Maximum channels for data  Allocate data for each source using greedy technique Master Request of voice Request of data Master Resources: Number of channels = 50 Allocate 1 channel voice – unit 1 Allocate 1 channel data - unit 2 Allocate 1 channel data - unit 9 Allocate 1 channel data - unit 2 Allocate 1 channel data - unit 9 Allocated: 1 channel – unit 1 25 channels – unit 2 24 channels – unit 9 Send allocation to all units Allocated: 1 channel – unit 1 25 channels – unit 2 24 channels – unit 9 Send allocation to all units Request of data Repeat until no allocations left

16 16 Management and Traffic  Frame types 1) Information about network structure 2) Requests for network resources and responses of resources allocation 3) Payload (Voice/Data)  TDMA cycle divided for each frame type

17 17 Project Goal  Simulate an ad-hoc network which utilizes the unique ad-hoc routing protocol that has been developed by Maxtech Networks  NS2 network simulator is used  Examine the performance of the protocol  Compare it to other known protocols in different network topologies – i.e. AODV, DSR, OLSR  Analyze the results

18 18  Ns-2 is an open source network simulator that runs under linux  It has a layers structure  Modules are written in C++  Network structure and parameters written in TCL  We are implementing the MAC and Network layer of Maxtech Networks protocol Simulation Routing LL IFq MAC NetIF Radio Propagation Model entry_ target_ Src/Sink Channel Port Demux ll_ ll_(0) uptarget_ downtarget_ uptarget_ propagation_ uptarget_ channel_

19 19 Questions

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