Quarterly 2 Review Jeopardy Intro. Rules A group will pick a question and have 30 seconds to answer. If they do not get the answer correct, the next group.

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Presentation on theme: "Quarterly 2 Review Jeopardy Intro. Rules A group will pick a question and have 30 seconds to answer. If they do not get the answer correct, the next group."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quarterly 2 Review Jeopardy Intro

2 Rules A group will pick a question and have 30 seconds to answer. If they do not get the answer correct, the next group may steal the question. If a group steals a question, it is still their turn to choose the next question. When it is a group’s turn, they are allowed to discuss the correct answer with each other. Groups talking when it is not their turn will lose 100 points.

3 Prizes The first place group will get 5 bonus points in tomorrow’s basketball review game Second place will get 3 bonus points in tomorrow’s basketball review game Third place group will get 1 bonus points in tomorrow’s basketball review game

4 1 Volunteer Needed Raise your hand if you would like to help keep score

5 CHEGG Early Humans Characteristics of Civilizations MesopotamiaEgypt 100 200 300 400 500

6 CHEGG- 100 The music someone listens to, the food someone eats, and the clothes someone wears are all examples of a person’s… Culture

7 CHEGG- 200 What kind of economic system did the ancient civilizations have? Traditional

8 CHEGG- 300 The Indus Valley Civilization began around 3300 BCE. How many years ago from today did the civilization begin? 5316 Years

9 CHEGG- 400 Fill in the Blank 1) Democracy- People elect leaders 2) _________- A system in which the government controls all social and economic systems 3) Monarchy- Ruled by a king or queen 4) Dictatorship- Ruled by one individual or a small group by force Communism

10 CHEGG- 500 What are the five themes of geography? 1) Location 2) Place 3) Region 4) Human- Environment Interaction 5) Movement

11 Early Humans- 100 What did humans discover during the Neolithic Revolution? Agriculture /Farming

12 Early Humans- 200 What is a nomad? A person that travels from place to place without a permanent home

13 Early Humans- 300 Which important tool was created during the Mesolithic era that led to the development of more beneficial tools (like boats from hollowed out logs and fishing nets from vines)? Microlith

14 Early Humans- 400 What is a hominin? Why did hominins have an advantage over other animals and were able to develop tools and other technologies? A hominin is a two-legged primate. Because they walked on two legs, they could use their hands to build tools.

15 Early Humans- 500 Humans originated in Eastern Africa around 200,000 years ago and slowly migrated to different parts of the world. How were humans able to get from Asia to North America? Bering Land Bridge

16 Characteristics of Civilizations- 100 Large populations of people living together. Cities

17 Characteristics of Civilizations- 200 An organized system of beliefs that tries to answer questions like: -What is the meaning of life? -How were we created? - What happens after we die? Religion

18 Characteristics of Civilizations- 300 People learn specific job skills and become an expert at one job. Job Specialization

19 Characteristics of Civilizations- 400 A system of rules that determines a person’s place in society. This is usually based on a person’s occupation and wealth. Social Class System

20 Characteristics of Civilizations- 500 Examples of this characteristic: -The wheel to make carrying goods more efficient -Irrigation systems to grow more crops -A calendar used to predict flooding Advanced Technology

21 Mesopotamia- 100 What does the word “Mesopotamia” mean? The land between two rivers

22 Mesopotamia- 200 On this map, show the location of Mesopotamia

23 Mesopotamia- 300 The Sumerians created the world’s first written language. What was it called? Cuneiform

24 Mesopotamia- 400 Why was Mesopotamia referred to as the “Cradle of Civilization”? It was the world’s first civilization (where civilization was born)

25 Mesopotamia- 500 What is the world’s first set of written laws known as? Hammurabi’s Code

26 Egypt- 100 Why was the Rosetta Stone significant? It allowed archaeologists to translate the meaning of hieroglyphics

27 Egypt- 200 The geography of Egypt helped protect it from being attacked by other groups. Which 3 geographic features acted as a barrier for potential invaders? 1)Sahara Desert 2) Mediterranean Sea 3) Red Sea

28 Egypt- 300 Why did the Egyptians mummify the bodies of the dead? To preserve the bodies for life in the underworld

29 Egypt- 400 What is King Menes known for? Becoming the first pharaoh by uniting Upper and Lower Egypt

30 Egypt- 500 List 2 unique facts about the Nile River. (These are 2 things that are different about the Nile than all other major rivers) 1)Longest river in the world 2) Flows north

31 Topic: Geography http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3Kq1vURcL8&feature=related

32 Final Jeopardy As a group, decide how many points you want to risk Remember, if you miss the question, you will lose however many points you risk Each group writes their answer on a sheet of paper

33 Final Jeopardy When describing an item’s location, giving general descriptions such as “1 mile from downtown” or “the house with the red door” is an example of what kind of location? (Write it down) Relative Location

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