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水果和蔬菜 Fruits and Vegetables

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1 水果和蔬菜 Fruits and Vegetables
Trillium Learning Global Language and Culture Project 水果和蔬菜 Fruits and Vegetables Mandarin Teacher: Jackie Sung, Grades 6-8 Holdrum Middle School, River Vale, New Jersey

2 The number represents the tone to help you with pronounciation:
1 = even tone, higher voice 2 = raise up from medium to high 3 = down, then up 4 = down No number = neutral tone 蘋果 ping2 guo3 Apple

3 香蕉 xiang1 jiao1 Banana

4 葡萄 pu tao2 Grape

5 草莓 cao3 mei2 Strawberry

6 西瓜 xi gua1 Watermelon

7 櫻桃 ying1 tao2 Cherry

8 鳳梨 feng li2 Pineapple

9 橘子 ju zi Orange

10 梨子 li zi Pear

11 桃子 tao zi Peach

12 芒果 mang2 guo3 Mango

13 奇異果 qi yi4 guo3 Kiwi

14 白兰瓜 bai2 lan2 gua1 Cantaloupe

15 檸檬 ning2 meng2 Lemon

16 藍莓 lan2 mei2 Blueberry

17 黑莓 hei mei2 Blackberry

18 紅莓 hong2 mei2 Cranberry

19 木瓜 mu4 gua1 Papaya

20 胡蘿蔔 hu luo2 bu Carrot

21 黃瓜 huang2 gua1 Cucumber

22 西紅柿 xi1 hong2 shi4 Tomato

23 馬鈴薯 ma3 ling2 shu3 Potato

24 青椒 qing1 jiao1 Green Pepper

25 綠椰菜 lu4 ye1 cai4 Broccoli

26 芹菜 qin cai4 Celery

27 洋蔥 yang2 cong1 Onion

28 花椰菜 hua1 ye1 cai4 Cauliflower

29 香菇 xiang1 gu1 Mushroom

30 青豆仁 qing1 dou4 ren2 Green Beans

31 玉米 yu4 mi3 Corn

32 菠菜 bo1 cai4 Spinach

33 蘆筍 lu2 sun3 Asparagus

34 南瓜 nan2 gua1 Pumpkin

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