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Published byElijah Gallagher Modified over 8 years ago
1 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 EGI-InSPIRE Project Summary November 2011 – January 2012 PQ7 November 2011- January 2012
2 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Project Status PQ7 implemented DoW changes Merged NA2 & NA3 activity: –VT KO meeting –VTs up, running and some finished –User support in SA1 Issues: –Refine QR structure –PY1 money from EC distributed November 2011- January 2012
3 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Project Effort PQ7 Work Pack age Worked PM Funded Committed PM Achieved PM PQ7 % Achieved PM PQ6 % Achieved PM PQ5 % Achieved PM Year 1 % WP1 20.420.699%98% 77% WP2 82.5117.470%36%93%80% WP3 0038%105%86% WP4 292.9292.4100%103%107%98% WP5 27.831.489%92%101%81% WP6 54.76190%104%98%102% WP7 22.423.894%88%81%76% Total 502.2546.692%76%103%93% November 2011- January 2012
4 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 NA1 NA1 Global Effort: 104% Management Effort: 96% EGI Community Forum: –Finalising programme & logistics Project Restructuring –Managing the establishment of the VTs –EC payments from PY1 –Amendment pending for PM18 changes November 2011- January 2012
5 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 NA2 Global Effort: 104% NGI Effort: 65% November 2011- January 2012
6 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 NA2.2 Communications New design and structure for the EGI website in preparation for launch in March. By the end of January 2012, 84 blog posts contributed to the EGI blog. New social media strategy launched, including “Easter Egg” web page and Facebook mascot competition. EGI Inspired and two Directors letters prepared and published. 2 new case studies published on the website and one in iSGTW 8 page booklet featuring articles on EGI and Digital Commissioner, Neelie Kroes distributed in collaboration with Public Service Review to 140,000 readers Articles about EGI prepared for the high circulation policy publications Public Service Review: Science&Technology and PanEuropeanNetworks: Science&Technology DVD of the SciTech Europe event masterclass prepared for issue on the cover of PSR: Science & Technology. 7 EGI-related articles in iSGTW – 1 in nearly every issue in December and January. Building content for the EGI Community Forum in Munich, 26-30 March at November 2011- January 2012
7 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 NA2.3 Strategy and Policy Events and Meetings – 3 supported: NGI Int’l Liaison Kick-Off; User and General Sustainability; CHAIN-EGI meeting + prep for 2 sessions at EGI Community Forum –5 attended: Federated Identity system for Scientific Collaborations; SciTech Europe; 2012 Internet Society Event; ERA Conference; 24th EUGridPMA 5 new MoUs signed –EDGI, e.nventory, SHIWA (Project), BCC/Ukraine (RP); WLCG (VRC) –Drafts/Discussions: DANTE (Org.), UVACSE (TP), DC- NET/DHC, Comp Chemistry and Astronomy/Astrophysics (VRC) Strategic Plan Support –Market segment analysis, value network analysis, SWOT analysis, ecosystem and service portfolio evolution November 2011- January 2012
8 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 NA2.3 Strategy and Policy Reports and Surveys –Formal questions submitted to ERIC Team for clarifications –ERA Position Paper –3 Surveys/questionnaires: ‘Impact of e-Infrastructure’ questionnaire; ‘ICT Survey for standardization”; and “European e-Infrastructure Observatory” –Reviewed papers submitted to the Security and Networking track for the ISGC2012 conference and a peer-review of the self-audit of the DutchGrid CA at Nikhef 2 Articles –iSGTW: ‘Horizon 2020 & Structural Funds (2014–2020) – What to expect’ –e-IRG Newsletter: ‘Towards a sustainable EGI ecosystem’ Leading the EGI Compendium Virtual Team Project Website/Wiki updates: MoU collaboration pages; DAE action list status; EGI Services; re-structure policy team pages Policy Groups –Leading + Secretariat Support: TCB (F2F); UCB; SCG; SPG –Approval of two SPG policies: Service Operations Security; and Endorsement and Operation of Virtual Machine Images; Revision of the Security Policy and of the Accounting data handling policy –Draft escalation section for OLA –Updated list of policies and procedures on wiki pages and copyright statements November 2011- January 2012
9 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 NA2.4 Community Outreach Community outreach - events and meetings: –The Astronomy and Astrophysics VRC coordinated a meeting in Paris on the 7 th Nov –Cracow Grid Workshop 2012 The first NGI International Liaisons (NILs) meeting held in Amsterdam on the 10 th Nov UCB met on the 25 th Nov A workshop on Scientific workflows on e-infrastructures was set up with the HU NGI. Community-related achievements: WLCG (Worldwide LHC Computing Grid) signed a MoU WeNMR (structural biology) produced an impactful and compelling poster and a stamp of endorsement which is freely available from: With respect to Humanities, an extended teleconference was held with Sally Chambers, Secretary General of DARIAH on the 30 th January. Virtual Competency Centres, etc. VT Projects - progress VT ESFRI Contact list: on track, participants supplied data now being reviewed in CRM EGI at the 2012 European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly –Stand booked, paper submitted and accepted, a few partners have indicated known activity in their country Digital Cultural Heritage – EGI integration: telephone discussion to determine actions November 2011- January 2012
10 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 NA2.4 Community Outreach User & General EGI Sustainability meeting, Amsterdam (24 th – 26 th Feb) The following communities were represented (and are part of the UCB): –Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) –Life Sciences Grid Community (LSGC) –Astronomy and Astrophysics (A&A) – LOFAR & SKA –Worldwide e-Infrastructure for NMR (WeNMR) –Computational Chemistry (COMCHEM) –Humanities (DARIAH, CLARIN) As a result of these discussions services were grouped under four headings: 1.Community-specific services –Eg. VisIVO, GReIC, Climate-G, GROMACS? 2.Common front-end services: portals… –TAVERNA, MOTEUR2, DIANE, Ganga, PGRADE? 3.Services to access infrastructure resource –CREAM, AMGA, GridWay? 4.Core services exposed to users –Monitoring, Accounting, Messaging, Logging November 2011- January 2012
11 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 NA2.5 Technical Outreach to New Communities Support 4 active VT, establishment of 4 other VTs A process to assess the size communities who access EGI with robot certificates Collaboration with ScalaLife, SHIWA projects Establish a portal-community within EGI; Begin the setup of a “portal technology comparison table” Establish a MATLAB-community within EGI With SA1: Suspend inactive VOs; Define an open monitoring framework for EGI user-level services Inputs for sustainability and strategy discussions Regular actions (requirements tracking, UCB, TCB support, blogging, FCTF support; Support for Global tasks) November 2011- January 2012
12 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 NA2.5 Technical Outreach to New Communities AppDB: http://appdb.egi.eu –XML feeds; –Sanitysing content: Merge duplicated/similar entries; introduce sub-disciplines; validation rules –Full compatibility with IE9 Customer Relationship Management system (CRM): http://crm.egi.eu –Setup a vTiger CRM –Configure system based on input from VTs and UCST –Webinar with demo: Training Marketplace: http://training.egi.eu –Improved support for multi-day events –View for historical events –Support for new content type: Online training –Improved search result weighting algorithm (more weight to recent entries) –Investigating models to attract commercial training providers November 2011- January 2012
13 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 SA1 Global Effort: 100% –KTH 100% - Task transferred –FOM 239% NGI Effort: 105% –ICBP 330% –ICI (Romanian JRU) – Very High November 2011- January 2012
14 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 SA1 Sustainability. Survey on sustainability of NGI operational services (Jan 2012) Infrastructure –De finition of authoritative list of top-BDII services per NGI, these are monitored to ensure high- performance –SAGrid integration currently progressing slowly (full integration expected in PQ10) –RP MoU with Ukraine, integration will start in March 2012 –Progress on support to under-performing NGIs (Armenia, Macedonia, FYROM, Bosnia and H.) Availability –EGI RC Quarterly Availability/Reliability: 94.80%/ 95.61% (QR6: 95.4% / 96.1%) –No suspended sites in Nov and Dec (Jan under processing) –New top-BDII NGI Availability/Reliability statistics: 47% of the NGIs with Availability ≥ 99% –New Resource infrastructure Provider OLA v 1.1 with new set of service level targets (ROD performance index) –New updated Resource Centre OLA v 1.1 (applicability of security policies extended to uncertified and suspended RCs, intellectual property rights, and other updates) –New profile for Availability/Reliability computation –NGI performance follow-up (currently top-BDII) started for the first time in Jan 2012 –Reports: November 2011- January 2012
15 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 SA1 Technology deployment and integration –Staged rollout of 30 products (UMD 1.4.0 and 1.5.0), 0 rejected, 50 tests in total, 56 EA teams –Current list of EA teams being reviewed in preparation of EMI 2.0 and to involve more NGIs –Information system workshop with the participation of EGI, EMI, IGE (Dec 2011) –Integration of Desktop Grid Nagios probes into SAM (EDGI collaboration) Tools –Messaging: two software upgrades to the message broker network to improve 1. load distribution across the broker instances, 2. reliability of message delivery (TTL = 3 days), 3. automatic clearing of inactive connections –GOCDB upgrade to v 4.2 (Nov 2011) to roll in production the scoping of sites and service end-points –Two new Operations Portal versions rolled to production (2.7 and 2.8) –SAM Update 15 rolled to production –Extension of list of metrics raising automatic notification in the operations portal (as of Jan 2012) Accounting –test accounting repository running Secure Stomp Manager (SSM) –accounting portal release “Canopus” (v. 4.0) was rolled to production November 2011- January 2012
16 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 SA1 Security : 3 security incidents handled, 2 security alerts, 11 vulnerability reports, 4 SVG advisories –Definition of security risk assessment implementation plan to address PY1 reviewers’ comments –Significant improvement of SVG co-ordination of fixing of issues and release of advisories, with EMI and EGI DMSU Support –Three issues of the ROD newsletter –New ROD performance index to measure quality of NGI support services, monitored monthly –Definition of metric specifications for the automatic notification of underperformance to site administrators –New From Jan 2012 monitoring of the quality of NGI SAM test results by COD –Kickoff of a EGI IPv6 testbed in collaboration with HEPIX and EMI GGUS and Technology Helpdesk –Two GGUS new releases (2011-12-07 and 2012-01-25) –Improved interface to SNOW service desk, 2 new VO support units providing support through GGUS, decommissioning of obsolete SUs and creation of three new ones –Enhanced GGUS web interface rolled to production November 2011- January 2012
17 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 SA2 Global Effort: 94% –FCTSG 224% GGUS reporting inhibits DMSU from –Extracting necessary figures for SLM –Figures and metrics for operational efficiency Next steps and actions –Integrate the EGI VM marketplace into the Software Provisioning –Explore suitability of SA2 processes and services for inclusion into a potential EGI Collaboration Platform November 2011- January 2012
18 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 SA2 UMD provisioning UMD 1.4.019 December 2011 –3 new products from EMI (2) and IGE (1), and 6 updates from EMI (2) and IGE (4) Security: Globus Default Security, Globus GSISSH, Globus MyProxy Operations: APEL publisher, Storage: Globus GridFTP, StoRM, Data: Globus RLS Compute: gLite MPI Client tools: GFAL – UMD 1.5.012 September 2011 –2 new product from EMI, and 9 updates from EMI Storage: DPM 1.8.2, LFC/MySQL 1.8.2, StoRM 1.8.1 Compute: CREAM 1.13.3, CEMon 1.13.3, APEL parsers 1.0.1, BLAH 1.16.4, MPI 1.2.0, GE utils 1.0.0, WMS 3.3.4, L&B 3.1.0 – November 2011- January 2012
19 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 SA2 Technology Provider Service Level Management An initial set of metrics was delivered to Technology Providers at TCB-9 A more automated metric delivery infrastructure is investigated. Preliminary, metrics will be delivered on a quarterly basis synchronised with TCB F2F meetings November 2011- January 2012
20 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 SA3 Effort: 97% –INFN: 0% –ICBP: 375% - Profiling of effort? November 2011- January 2012
21 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 SA3 DASHBOARD & TOOLS Life Science Dashboard Design Identification of the best practices in VO-related information collection and presentation. Re-organisation of the LS dashboard work after the loss of the main partner - The HealthGrid association. HEP Dashboard Application A new version of the Interactive View has been developed in the hBrowser framework. More than 20 feature requests and bug fixes have been done for the ATLAS job monitoring accounting portal. Following feedback, multiple improvements were performed in the beta version of the production display. The 2.0M3.1 release of the ATLAS DDM dashboard was deployed in production. The first prototype of the WLCG Transfer Dashboard deployed. Successful validation of the new Site Usability Monitor (SUM) compatible with the new SAM/Nagios architecture. Multiple changes to the SiteView application in the collectors in order to improve data completeness and reliability. GANGA Transition of the Prepare() method from beta-testing into the production release of Ganga. Additional functionality implemented after feedback from users and developers. Development within the Ganga Tasks framework, a suite of tools that provide more powerful job handling techniques. Work has continued on implementing feature requests and bug-fixing. HammerCloud Completion of the migration from v2->v4 for the ATLAS HammerCloud service. A new hosted MySQL service became available in CERN IT so the database was moved to this service. November 2011- January 2012
22 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 QR7 - SA3 November 2011- January 2012 SERVICES GReIC First production release of the DashboardDB registry has been deployed and integrated into the GRelC website. The back-end of the DashboardDB has been also deployed and it is now running in the production release. The porting of the GRelC software on the SL5.x x86_64 platform has been completed. The documentation and the general information available on the GRelC website have been updated. A new repository for the integration of the GRelC service into the Italian Grid Initiative (IGI) is being set up. A new use case for the GRelC middleware in the Life Sciences domain and concerning biodiversity aspects has been defined jointly with the Biology group at the University of Salento. A new x86_64 machine to support the IAS use case has been provided by SPACI. Hydra An experimental Hydra service is provisioned for testing. The work on Hydra client provision for sites providing resources to Life Sciences has started. the up-to-date Hydra CLI package appears to be developed as part of the EMI middleware and its dependencies are not compatible with the current release of gLite installed on production resources. WORKFLOW & SCHEDULERS Focused on finishing the development of the FAFNER+ISDEP use case and on performing the tests of the proposed solution. Pages related with the different use case descriptions have been updated. We have also analysed requirements coming from Computational Chemistry applications. Different variations of the workflow for the combination of the GFIT3C, ABC (that is parameter study app), has been developed. New version release of SOMA2 released and made available on the SOMA2 web site.
23 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 QR7 - SA3 November 2011- January 2012 HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS LHCb Consistency checks between Grid storage elements and files catalogues has been continued and presented. New accounting tools for space usage have been further improved and are currently in production. Improvements applied to the LHCbDIRAC module to manage read/write operations have been released. The development of a service aiming to keep account of the data sets popularity and provide a ranking of the most popular data- sets has been started. ATLAS Minor patches to version released during PQ6. Setting up new pilot series to evaluate the DDM Site Services adaptation for Tier3s. Operational support, to optimize transfers during periods of peak loads generated by strong production activity. Migration of the Site Services instance serving US sites from BNL to CERN. Evaluation of running the service on virtual machines with lower CPU and memory profiles. CMS Introduced the automatic, popularity-based Site Cleaning Agent. Addition of an Oracle backend that stores space info of the sites and the suggested dataset replicas over time. Implemented a monitoring frontend to visualize the information using modern technologies(Django, jQuery). CRAB Client New release of CRAB2 Client and CRAB2 server have been produced. Both intended to be bug fix releases. User data publication added on the development side. An internal review of the status of the CRAB3 development was made. Started a complete rewrite of the monitoring system which design is now based on the couch continuous replication.
24 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 QR7 - SA3 Persistency Framework Key questions addressed on a research level; Which monitoring model is best suited to support both application-level and cache- level of large-scale databases? Which metrics are of interest for monitoring and profiling? Which aggregation, fusion and interpretation mechanisms are fast and robust enough for utilisation in the monitoring of large-scale databases? Which KPI’s are appropriate for being controlled? LIFE SCIENCES Many standard monitoring procedures are still being strengthened. Regular phone meetings to coordinate activity. New resources are now monitored, in particular all WMS’s are CE’s accessible to the biomed VO users. A paper describing the role, organization and the impact of the LS technical team in experiments was submitted. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS Focused on; visualization tools & services, Grid & HPC, access to Databases & interface with Virtual Observatory. The first Grid-enabled version of VisIVO service has been deployed and further developments made. Integration of BaSTI Astronomical Database and its feeding FRANEC code was temporarily frozen. Significant time spent on the coordination of the European A&A community in EGI to stimulate and to foster the requirements gathering process to be fed to EGI and to involve a larger part of the community into the use of e-Infrastructures. EARTH SCIENCES GENESI-DR repository work was influenced by changes to the underlying infrastructure and protocol. Improvement on the “gsearch” utility for easy search and discovery in OpenSearch supported search of data. New version of the Gi-cat distributed catalog service has been deployed and experimented of a server at SCAI. Considerable progress from the team working on the Earth System Grid (ESG) interoperability. EGI ES community is in contact with the FP7 project “VERCE”. November 2011- January 2012
25 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 JRA1 Global Effort: 118% –CERN: 186% General Effort: 66% –SRCE: 0% –CERN: 0% November 2011- January 2012
26 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 JRA1 Operations Portal –Security Dashboard: many improvements according to the security group feedback notifications to sites and GGUS integration added –VO module: improved integration and status checking for VOMS servers –VO-Oriented dashboard implementation ongoing GOCDB –GOCDB-4.2 released on 25th November - includes data scoping. –A finer grained role/permissions proposal was refined and documented. Implemented in the next release if OMB approves it (v4.3 is expected ~Mid Feb). –Further abstraction and refinements of the database API (out in v4.3). –A secure download of the GOCDB data in the form a.dmp file was provided for the failover solution (refreshed every 2 hours). EGI Helpdesk (GGUS) –Implementation of the new report generator has started –NGI Integration: Assuming that the nordic and baltic countries are covered by NGI_NDGF all NGIs besides Russia are integrated now –New Support Units: EMI UI, EMI WN,MPI User Support Gridmap decommissioned –Improvements to web interface November 2011- January 2012
27 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 JRA1 SAM –Fixed stability problems of the central service for EGI at CERN –Many improvements in Update15 and 15.1 released to production –ARC metrics in default NGI/ROC profile –Introduction of the eu.egi.sec probes (support for both gLite and ARC probes in security monitoring) –Internal only Update 16 –The first integrated version of the Profile Management System (POEM) –Improvements in UNICORE and ARC support –NCG gathers all needed information from ATP (users, contacts, service URLs) –Integration of the version of Nagios Core (3.3.1) –Scope support in NCG –Layout and functionality improvements in MyEGI –Instant availability computations (minimum latency down to 15 minutes) –Decommissioning of the entire old-SAM infrastructure including Gridview, Gridmap and the old SAM database and Web interface is on going and will be finalized in Q8 –Messaging: Upgrade of the ActiveMQ to version 5.5_20 –Enforced idle connection eviction (after 1 hour with no message sent or received) November 2011- January 2012
28 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 JRA1 Accounting Portal –View reorganization –Query optimization –Corrected Tier2 reporting –Extension and maintenance of the VO Manager views Accounting Repository –SSM-based central infrastructure developed. Test system running –Other infrastructures have tested sending messages over SSM –Some elements of workflow still being worked on –Production SSM in March –Old clients will continue to work Metrics Portal -Per country metrics (only on requested NGIs) -Heavy query optimization -XLS output support -Aggregated metrics (sum of all NGI predicted metrics + entered metrics) All the JRA1 PTs actively attended the “Towards an Integrated Information System” workshop in Amsterdam JRA1 involvement in the EGI Fedcloud TF for Scenario5 continued –Server installed (at CESGA) –First probes created and integrated:HTTP, VM instantiation –First RPs monitored through NAGIOS November 2011- January 2012
29 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Milestones and deliverables Id.TitleDocDB URL MS113 Quarterly Report D4.4Security Risk Assessment of the EGI infrastructure MS613Training and dissemination event for all shared services and the other tasks within the activity November 2011- January 2012
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