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Observation Inference Variables Problem Statement or Purpose IV DV Levels of IV Units of Measurement Constants Hypothesis Materials Procedure Data Data.

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Presentation on theme: "Observation Inference Variables Problem Statement or Purpose IV DV Levels of IV Units of Measurement Constants Hypothesis Materials Procedure Data Data."— Presentation transcript:

1 Observation Inference Variables Problem Statement or Purpose IV DV Levels of IV Units of Measurement Constants Hypothesis Materials Procedure Data Data Table Graph Conclusion Experimental Design Diagram Background Information

2 How to Be STUPYX (how to make a good graph of your data) Scale -increments(what you count by) on y-axis are the same all the way across -increments on the x-axis are the same all the way across -increments are appropriate -Origin is at 0,0 -break graph if data is close together but far from 0

3 Title The Effect of (IV) on (DV) Units Units of Measurement labeled on any axis that has numbers Plot is the right type of graph (bar, line, etc.) has all of the data on it is easy to read y-axis - is labeled with the DV x-axis - is labeled with the IV Summary Statement: A good data graph…

4 Height of Person (feet) Number of Free Throws Made in 2 minutes ( # of baskets made) RangeAverage Trial 1Trial 2Trial 3 6.0 5 7 116 7.6 5.5 6 4 84 6 5.0 2 4 64 4 The Effect of Height of Person on Number of Free Throws Made


6 The Effect of Amount of Chemical on Time to Lose Extra Antennae (IV) (DV) IV: Amount of Chemical DV: Time to Lose Extra Antennae (days) RangeAverage Trial 1Trial 2Trial 3 1 dose3. 2 doses2.0 3 doses1.0 0.01.0 Data Table:

7 Data Graph:

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