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Knowing Yourself: Interests & Aptitudes Preparing for Career Success Chapter 2 WEST- Ryan & Ryan.

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Presentation on theme: "Knowing Yourself: Interests & Aptitudes Preparing for Career Success Chapter 2 WEST- Ryan & Ryan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Knowing Yourself: Interests & Aptitudes Preparing for Career Success Chapter 2 WEST- Ryan & Ryan

2 Who am I? Self-understanding will help you to gain more control over your life as you prepare for career success.

3 Who am I? Environment – Surroundings that influence you. – Effect your values, interests & attitude towards people, school & work. – Positive & Negative impressions on you.

4 Who am I? Heredity – Transmission (passing on) of physical or mental characteristics from parent to child. – Traits & characteristics that make up your physical features, intelligence, reflexes, temperament, talents.

5 Who am I? Culture – “Way of life” in the society in which you live- “Behaviors” – Influences: Your attitude towards education the way you spend your time Hopes/dreams for the future Your sense of right & wrong Your career interests

6 Who am I? Life Experiences – Significant/important events in your development Positive & negative influence Moments of confidence & fear Memory making moments

7 Who am I? There was a child went forth every day, And the first object he look’d upon, That object he became, And that object became part of him for the day or a certain part of the day, Or for many years or stretching cycles of years Walt Whitman (1819-1892)

8 Personality Relationship between all of a person’s psychological parts. The unique way that each person influences and responds to their surroundings, new situations & other people. 4 personality descriptors- character, temperament, ability & interests

9 Personality Character – Morality & ethical code by which you live – Morality & ethical code/knowing right from wrong – Behaviors that demonstrate honesty, fairness & trustworthiness in situations.

10 Personality Temperament – The way you usually; act, feel & think in certain situations

11 Personality Ability How well you perform specific tasks Potential you have to master a skill

12 Personality Interests – Preferences you have for specific topics or activities. – Inner feelings that cause you to want to know something or want to perform a certain activity. Examples of career interests: social, musical, outdoor, mechanical, scientific, mathematical, literary, clerical, persuasive, artistic, technical. Possible to have high interest but low ability in certain areas or vice versa.

13 This above all – to thine own self be true; And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man. William Shakespare

14 Aptitude – A person’s potential for success in performing a certain activity. Potential for acquiring certain knowledge or skills Natural/inborn learning ability, the specific ability needed to facilitate learning a job, knack, suitability, readiness, tendency, or natural.

15 U.S. Department of Labor 11 aptitudes General learning Ability – Intelligence – Ability to understand instructions & underlying principles. Ability to reason and make judgments Verbal – Ability to understand the meaning of words & the ideas associated with them. – Ability to comprehend language, to understand relationships between words & understand meaning of whole sentences & paragraphs. Ability to present information or ideas clearly. Numerical – Ability to perform arithmetic operations quickly and accurately Spatial – Ability to comprehend forms in space & understand relationships of plane & solid objects. Ability to visualize objects of 2 or 3 dimensions and to think visually or geometric forms. Form Perception – Ability to perceive important details in objects or in pictorial or graphic materials. Ability to make visual comparisons & discriminations and see slight differences in shapes and shading of figures and widths & lengths of lines.

16 U.S. Department of Labor 11 aptitudes Clerical Perception – Ability to perceive details in verbal or tabular (tables) material. Observe differences in copy, proofread written works & numbers, avoid perceptual errors in arithmetic computation. Motor Coordination – Ability to coordinate eyes & hands or fingers rapidly and accurately in making precise movements with speed. Motor Coordination – Ability to coordinate eyes & hands or fingers rapidly and accurately in making precise movements with speed Finger Dexterity – Ability to move the fingers & manipulate small objects with the fingers rapidly and accurately. Manual Dexterity – Ability to move the hands easily & skillfully and to work with the hands in a placing and turning motion. Eye-Hand Coordination – Ability to move the hand & foot coordinately with each other in accordance with visual stimuli. Color Discrimination – Ability to perceive or recognize similarities or differences in colors or in shades or other values of the same color. – Ability to identify a particular color, to recognize harmonious or contrasting color combinations & to match colors accurately

17 Leisure time – Free from your everyday job responsibilities. Rest or recreation (fun & games). Avocation – Constructive activity that provides you with personal satisfaction

18 Check your Knowledge What are the 4 major influences that shape the physical, psychological, & social characteristics of a person?

19 Check your Knowledge What are the 4 major influences that shape the physical, psychological, & social characteristics of a person? 1.Heredity- inherited physical & mental characteristics 2.Environment – surroundings 3.Culture – way of life 4.Life Experiences –significant events

20 Check your Knowledge Name 4 terms used to describe the parts of personality.

21 Check your Knowledge Name 4 terms used to describe the parts of personality. 1.Character – behavior; honesty, fairness, trustworthiness. 2.Temperament way you act, feel, think in situations. 3.Ability – how you perform tasks or potential to master a task. 4.Interests - Inner feelings that cause you to want to know something or want to perform a certain activity.

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