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The role of the media Causes of Criticism of the media Inaccuracies “bigness” Bias – conservative/middle of the road/liberal Uncaring “how do you feel?”

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Presentation on theme: "The role of the media Causes of Criticism of the media Inaccuracies “bigness” Bias – conservative/middle of the road/liberal Uncaring “how do you feel?”"— Presentation transcript:


2 The role of the media

3 Causes of Criticism of the media Inaccuracies “bigness” Bias – conservative/middle of the road/liberal Uncaring “how do you feel?”

4 The Journalist’s Job - Political Function Most important! News organizations cover government; obligated to provide readers with the info for basing political decisions “government watchdog”

5 The Economic Function! Media give information on goods and services Advertising Product information Stock market (business sections)

6 The Sentry Function The press watches society’s horizons – what will challenge us socially, financially, politically tomorrow? Examples:technological changes, medical breakthroughs, lifestyles, criminal justice, predictions, threats to environment

7 Record-Keeping Function Accurate records are essential for consumers and history of the people Examples:Who was elected to the school board? What happened to the price of oil? This is a basic function of journalism

8 The Entertainment Function Of course, consumers need diversion as well as news Comics, lifestyle sections, travel sections, entertaining feature stories, reviews, etc.

9 The Social Function People get together to discuss what’s in the media (may even plan social events around) “Dude, did you see Conan O’Brien last night?” “Did you hear the story about the robber who tripped over his own pants while trying to escape?” “Are we still on for that Packer game and post game show party?”

10 The Market Place Function A place for any/all ideas to be presented – a “marketplace” of ideas Personal expressions can be seen/heard The media provide a forum for all these ideas  Letters to the editor and opinion pieces Letters to the editor and opinion pieces  Online Comments Online Comments

11 The Agenda Setting Function “Journalists don’t tell us what to think. They tell us what to think about.” – not dictating our thoughts! Media place issues on the public agenda... What will be discussed, worked on, noticed The media help us see what’s important

12 Evaluating the Media - Newspapers Local news – local issues ignored to make room for AP or UPI stories from other areas? Editorials – lively, readable forum? Local, state, national issues exclusively? Are there In-Depth stories – investigative reports?

13 Evaluating Radio Important news presented? Local stories covered? In-depth interviews? Is there a forum for opposing viewpoints?

14 Evaluating Magazines Most magazines are for special interest Are the articles varied – some light, some serious? Are viewpoints fair to opponents? Graphics – do they capture your attention?

15 The Ethics of Journalism People expect honesty from the press More people wonder just how fair and honest journalists are... 80s brought many cases of journalistic violations – one journalist had to give back a Pulitzer prize when a main character in her story turned out to be fake. Also plagiarism – eroded public trust in press

16 Codes of Ethics They are written for journalists (however, are not enforceable by law) The formers of the constitution felt it was better to occasionally have problems than to stop freedom of speech.

17 Credibility Credibility = believability, impartiality, accuracy Journalist’s ethics decide what gets put into the paper or on airwaves The responsible journalist tries to serve the public’s best interest Responsible journalists have no tolerance for journalists who damage the credibility of the press.

18 Credibility Consequences – libel charges – can happen, but consequences come after publication Prior restraint (stopping something from being published) is illegal in U.S. Journalists’ cherished idea of fair play keeps them honest

19 Accuracy Ethical journalists follow ethics codes Accuracy is the highest principle of journalism Things must be EXACTLY CORRECT! 125 S. Highland Ave. – NOT 125 Highland Rd. No such thing as a “small error”!

20 Accuracy Smallest mistakes will reduce credibility Journalist must check. Check again. Never, never assume or guess about anything!

21 Objectivity Objectivity = neutrality, fairness, balance, impartiality This is the state of mind that journalists need to have to make themselves fair, neutral observers (unbiased) NO PERSONAL OPINIONS!!!! Actions must be reported, even if reporter thinks actions are wrong; report what they do and let the audience decide  Neo-nazi rally story from JSonline Neo-nazi rally story from JSonline


23 Good Taste! Journalists should avoid sensationalism, profanity, glamorization of bad, racy or sexist material

24 Simultaneous Rebuttal, or Right of Reply If criticizing someone or a group, give them the chance to respond to the criticism in the same story!

25 Fairness to All!! Everyone has a right to be treated fairly Different standards should not be applied to different people or groups

26 Plagiarism No matter how much you like someone else’s phrasing, leave it alone! Quotes are cool, but give credit! Copying/using someone else’s work is a NO-NO! Students fail! Colleges kick students out! Reporters fired!!! Reporters fired

27 Attribution Identify where information comes from – journalists absolutely MUST give credit where credit is due “Dude, like, Go Panthers!” Mr. Mella said today. “Man, you better not buy that salmonella infested cereal,” advised the renowned food specialist Mr. Cleary.

28 THE TRUTH NEVER fake anything! NEVER guess, speculate, or assume

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