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Mr. A’s World History Chapter 7: Ancient Greece $100 $400 $300$200$400 $200$100$100$400 $200$200$500 $500$300 $200$500 $100$300$100$300 $500$300$400$400$500.

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. A’s World History Chapter 7: Ancient Greece $100 $400 $300$200$400 $200$100$100$400 $200$200$500 $500$300 $200$500 $100$300$100$300 $500$300$400$400$500."— Presentation transcript:


2 Mr. A’s World History Chapter 7: Ancient Greece

3 $100 $400 $300$200$400 $200$100$100$400 $200$200$500 $500$300 $200$500 $100$300$100$300 $500$300$400$400$500







10 CATEGORY 1 - $100 Who was a person that takes complete control of a government?

11 CATEGORY 1 - $200 Who was a member of a wealthy, upper-class family that were the descendants of Rome’s ancestors?

12 CATEGORY 1 - $300 This person chooses to die for a cause he or she believes in.

13 CATEGORY 1 - $400 This person was one of two officials who led the government in Ancient Rome.

14 CATEGORY 1 - $500 This person was known as the ‘Apostle to the Gentiles’.

15 CATEGORY 2 - $100 This is a political assembly that makes laws.

16 CATEGORY 2 - $200 To reuse to agree to--- “I forbid”

17 CATEGORY 2 - $300 Where did the early Christians meet to have secret meetings and to bury their friends?

18 CATEGORY 2 - $400 They were elected by the plebeians to represent them in the assembly.

19 CATEGORY 2 - $500 The Latin form of the word “Phoenicia”.

20 CATEGORY 3 - $100 The first Roman emperor that means ‘respected’.

21 CATEGORY 3 - $200 Which emperor supposedly fiddled while Rome burned which he may have done to build a bigger palace? (He blamed the Christians.)

22 CATEGORY 3 - $300 Which Roman emperor reorganized Roman government by dividing the empire into two parts?

23 CATEGORY 3 - $400 Which Roman emperor was insane and made his horse the ‘consul’ of Rome, as well as cruelly persecuting the Christians for not worshipping him as a god?

24 CATEGORY 3 - $500 Which Roman emperor moved the capital to what is now Turkey and named it after himself as well as becoming the first ‘Christian’ emperor?

25 CATEGORY 4 - $100 A general of Carthage; used elephants as a weapon of war.

26 CATEGORY 4 - $200 The last king of Rome, driven out in 509 BC by the rebellion

27 CATEGORY 4 - $300 Roman ruler who refused to be king or act as a dictator for anytime longer than necessary.

28 CATEGORY 4 - $400 He was a leader of a great slave rebellion against the Roman army but first was a gladiator.

29 CATEGORY 4 - $500 A former persecutor of Christians who becomes a Christian himself.

30 CATEGORY 5 - $100 Who was the most powerful of all Roman gods?

31 CATEGORY 5 - $200 Who was the Roman goddess of women and marriage?

32 CATEGORY 5 - $300 Who was the Roman god of war?

33 CATEGORY 5 - $400 Who was the Roman goddess of harvest and grain?

34 CATEGORY 5 - $500 Who was the Roman god of gates and doors with two faces— watching over ‘beginnings and endings’?

35 CATEGORY 1 - $100 A dictator

36 CATEGORY 1 - $200 patricians

37 CATEGORY 1 - $300 marytr

38 CATEGORY 1 - $400 consul

39 CATEGORY 1 - $500 Paul

40 CATEGORY 2 - $100 senate

41 CATEGORY 2 - $200 veto

42 CATEGORY 2 - $300 catacombs

43 CATEGORY 2 - $400 tribunes

44 CATEGORY 2 - $500 punicus

45 CATEGORY 3 - $100 Augustus Caesar

46 CATEGORY 3 - $200 Nero

47 CATEGORY 3 - $300 Diocletian

48 CATEGORY 3 - $400 Domitian

49 CATEGORY 3 - $500 Constantine

50 CATEGORY 4 - $100 Hannibal

51 CATEGORY 4 - $200 King Tarquin

52 CATEGORY 4 - $300 Cincinnatus

53 CATEGORY 4 - $400 Spartacus

54 CATEGORY 4 - $500 Saul of Tarsus

55 CATEGORY 5 - $100 Jupiter

56 CATEGORY 5 - $200 Juno

57 CATEGORY 5 - $300 Mars

58 CATEGORY 5 - $400 Ceres

59 CATEGORY 5 - $500 Janus





64 END OF GAME Daily Doubles and usage notes follow...





69 JEOPARDY! Slide Show Notes The font for the question & answer slides is “Enchanted;” a copy of this font in located in the “REAL Jeopardy Template” folder. (This font will need to be installed in the C:/WINDOWS/FONTS folder of the computer running the show.) In order to keep all of the sounds and fonts together, copy the entire “REAL Jeopardy Template” folder. To change the categories: –1. Go to “Edit” and “Replace…” –2. In the Find box, type CATEGORY 1 (all caps) –3. In the Replace box, type the category in all caps (for example, PRESIDENTS) –4. Click Replace All... To use the Daily Double: –1. Choose which dollar values to set as Daily Double –2. Link that dollar value to one of the DD slides –3. Link the arrow on the DD slide to the correct question slide (so dollar/category match)

70 Running the JEOPARDY! Slide Show On the game board with the categories on top, click on the desired dollar value. (The first game board is used only to blink in the dollar values like the show.) ICONS: –? Go to the answer screen. –House Go back to the game board. –Right Arrow (on Daily Doubles) Go to the question screen. –Turned-up Arrow Reload question screen after incorrect guess

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