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Theories of Personalities Psychiatric Department Medical Faculty USU.

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1 Theories of Personalities Psychiatric Department Medical Faculty USU

2 ANTECEDENT A group of student came late at the morning lecturer & the lecturer prohibited them to follow the lecture The students reaction are vary : grumbling, angry, go home, etc Tendency  explain about personality theory  by learning new cases & new studies report

3 Freudian  Sigmund Freud  Psychoanalysis Individual Psychology  Alfred Adler Analitical Psychology  Carl Gustav Jung British psychoanalytic schools : The Klenian School : Melanie Klein, Wilfred Bion, Donald W Winnicott

4 Psychoanalytic object relation theory : Fairbairn, Michael Balint The trait approach : genetics of personality : Gordon Allport, Raymond Cattell Interpersonal  Harry Stack Sullivan, Karen Horney, Erich Fromm, et al

5 Ego Psychoanalysis  Anna Freud, Heinz Hartmann, David Rappaport, Erik Erikson et al Psychobiologic  Adolf Meyer Learning Theory  Watson, Wolpe, Pavlov, et al  Behavior Therapy

6 Life span approach : Erik Erikson Humanistic approach : Abraham Maslow,Carl Rogers Attachment Theory : John Bowlby, Mary Ainsworth Hollistic Eclectical  Kusumanto Setyonegoro

7 Classic Psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud : founder of classic psychoanalysis In his view, symptoms,thoughts,feelings &behavior could all be viewed as the final common pathways of meaningful psychological process, many of which were unconscious

8 Psychoanalysis Topographical Model of the Mind 1.Unconscious 2.Pre conscious 3.Conscious

9 Unconscious  All of the drive that tries to discharge & all the things that not remembered by the individu  Those element can’t reach the conscious level again  Primary process thinking  fulfill the need of instinctual drive without delaying it & without thinking about the reality

10 Unconscious memory  no connection with the reality (except if there are words or events that interdependent with the memory which fall into oblivion) Limited for the pleasurable needs

11 Pre conscious  Door to the conscious & unconscious  Secondary thinking process  avoiding the unsatisfy, delaying the instinctual drive, considering the external reality, rational & according to condition  Pre conscious = unconscious that easy to recall to become conscious

12 Conscious  Perceptual apparatus that receive stimuli from outside  Part of mental life that been aware by the individu  Attention cathexis  Tracking pre conscious & instructing attention for pre conscious  Preconscious process to become conscious  hypercathexis

13 Structural Theory of the Mind 1.Id 2.Ego 3.Super Ego

14 Id  Basic instinctual drive since birth  Pleasurable principal  Unconscious  Id  ego & superego (energy & development)

15 Ego  Personality executive part  Relationship between id & ego  Reality principle  Conscious, pre conscious & unconscious  Secondary process  Ego defense  unconscious

16 Superego. Superego ego conscience ego ideal  Ego that experienced particular specialization  Conscious & unconscious  Moral  Oedipal conflict  Ego conscience  right or wrong  Ego ideal  things that been dream by the individu  inner feeling

17 Stages of personality development: a.Oral b.Anal c.Phallic d.Latent


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